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  1. E

    The age of miracles is not over

    I have. Scriptures have been abused to make them say what they really don't. God is no respecter of persons.
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    Everything about the Jan 6 "insurrection" was a lie

    How long will everyone become polarized to this good cop/ bad cop game the world system is playing with the world to destabilize the govts & get the world ready for a one world ruler?
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    ChatGPT is an Open Source AI

    All I'm sayin' is stay away from AI. As close as we are to the tribulation, HOW could anyone expect it to be accurate & not tainted by the 1%?
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    Need family advice

    Is your family saved? Do they go to church?
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    The age of miracles is not over

    a woman preacher you are saying? i believe God is against that. i haven't looked that info up in many years bit i remember Corinthians & Timothy speaking of it. i, personally, am against women preaching or teaching. That's not the problem because God can use anyone He pleases. Both...
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    The age of miracles is not over

    So many pastors are finding their sermons on the internet & don't take a second thought that God isn't speaking to them anymore. I would be scared to death to try such a thing without the Lord.
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    The age of miracles is not over

    continued... She supposed to be Spirit-filled but can't discern where her church is & that we're in judgment even now.
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    The age of miracles is not over

    In Bible study last night the co-pastor taught out of the OT about being slaves. She had the scripture, yet confessed she didn't know where to go with it. The context was about idolatry, & she couldn't see it, even though it was the only subject of the chapter. The pure irony is she had the...
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    kenosis . . ?

    Sounds like a good study/Op. :)
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    The age of miracles is not over

    I believe in miracles & gifts of the Spirit, but am very wary of the "easy" manifestations that are are popping up everywhere, such as tongues, word of knowledge, wisdom, etc. I notice that Prophecy seems to be the least practiced gift nowadays, even though Acts 2 says all christians should...
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    kenosis . . ?

    Here it is... From In the life of the average Hebrew boy in Jesus’ time there were three major events that marked their lives. The first of these events was his circumcision, which occurred when he was an infant, at eight days old. This was...
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    kenosis . . ?

    I'm not trying to be hard. It sounds acceptable to me, but I can't receive it until I find something on it. In the mean time, I'm looking for it.:)
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    Peace And Mercy To All Who Follow This Rule To The Israel Of God.

    This is the NIV, which is inaccurate. Galatians 6:4 N-ANS GRK: μόνον τὸ καύχημα ἕξει καὶ NAS: he will have [reason for] boasting in regard KJV: shall he have rejoicing in INT: alone the boasting he will have and Boasting to oneself is more of being satisfied in their christian accomplishments...
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    kenosis . . ?

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    New to bible where do I start?

    Hi Anthony, & welcome. As far as bibles the New American Standard Bible(NASB) & the English Standard Version (ESV) are about the best concerning accuracy is concerned. You can also use the New Living Translation(NLV) for its simple English, but always compare it with one of the other two...
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    kenosis . . ?

    I checked it in multiple commentaries & couldn't find it. Normally I wouldn't give it another thought, but the way you mentioned it made it look like historical context. Nothing personal, but we have to draw the line somewhere, & better a little tight than a little loose, right?
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    kenosis . . ?

    This is OT law Acts 2:36 states Jesus is both Lord & Christ(Mesiah). "an old Jew" is not considered a valid witness to me if he has written 100 books. Folks depend on those as yourself as being accurate in the Word. Notice that nobody else gave it a second glance. The Bereans didn't accept...
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    kenosis . . ?

    I need more than that....much more.
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    kenosis . . ?

    Where did you find this?
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    No major doctrines changed?

    Errors and Mistranslations in the KJV Why I Do Not Think the King James Bible Is the Best Translation Available Today | Are there...