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    Is the Christian walk always happy?

    In Luke 11:37-52, Jesus pronounced multiple woes on the scribes, pharisees, & lawyers, How happy was Jesus when He said this? How happy was Jesus the day he cleansed the Temple? Such judgment isn't a happy time. When the Holy Spirit convicts you of sin, does that make you happy or joyous? Yet...
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    I think if we continue to "tolerate" a certain individual after they were approached several times & didn't repent we would become guilty as well. Do what you have to do.
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    ?Answer to "apostles doctrine" 'tract' In...

    You do understand that all OT & NT dreams are NOT interpreted by scripture, don't you? Daniel never used the OT to interpret his dreams. Neither did Peter. The Holy Spirit did both. But... scripture is used to apply moral guidelines that the interpretations must fall under. :)
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    τίς in Titus 1:6

    I will take a shot at it. The verse says the man of one wife. We do know that all historical context, whether Jew, Roman, or Greek gave no equal rights whatsoever to women. Therefore it wouldn't say the woman of one husband, because in all cultures at that time having more than one husband is...
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    τίς in Titus 1:6

    I see what Dino is saying... She's either qualified or not, if this scripture is used as a qualifer.
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    Joel & Victoria Osteen: This Blew My Mind

    BTW, arguing with a brother, wrong or right, justifies no one. We only expose ourselves.
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    Joel & Victoria Osteen: This Blew My Mind

    Sometimes I wonder if throwing an Op into left field isn't the same thing as gaslighting. Here's the Op: Eph 5:11 Do not participate in the useless deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them; 12for it is disgraceful even to speak of the things which are done by them in secret. While I...
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    Gaslighting among Christians

    If anyone wants to look at gaslighting, they only need to go down memory lane to their history teachers. :rolleyes:
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    The tongues that are...

    Alma Bridwell White (June 16, 1862 – June 26, 1946) was the founder and a bishop of the Pillar of Fire Church.[1][2][3] In 1918, she became the first woman bishop of Pillar of Fire in the United States.[2][4] She was a proponent of feminism. She also associated herself with the Ku Klux Klan and...
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    The tongues that are...

    Brethren, Some disagree because they don't know any better. Some disagree because they want to stoke your blood pressure. Some disagree because they are sent by the enemy. As the old saying in preacher circles, "some are called, some are sent & some just got up and went." Well, that happens...
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    Have you ever thought about what you believe as this?

    When we pray for someone & they get miraculously healed, that's not human works but supernatural works led by the Spirit of God. True religion is visiting the widows & fatherless in their afflictions. (James 1:27) That requires human works to accomplish it. How can we be Jesus' hands extended if...
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    Modest dress

    A one-sided view doesn't fix the problem. He who lusts after women has committed sin. But if a woman promotes lust, she is also guilty. Immodest dress can be for many reasons. Dressing to kill or impress the flesh has its roots in pride & arrogance. Those who provoke lust, as well as those who...
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    The tongues that are...

    I'll never understand why some people say these things aren't for them, when ALL the teachings of the NT aren't simply for the early church, but for the entire Church Age. If this weren't so God would be a respecter of persons within His own church. Let God be true, & every man a liar.
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    Let's not forget that Paul quoted other people, including Greeks, but that didn't guarantee their writings to be Spirit-breathed. Neither should we forget there's no proof that the book that Jude quoted & the one we're discussing are one & the same.
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    What was motivating Paul to be so diligent?

    Amen, There's the answer. John 15:2 New American Standard Bible Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it so that it may bear more fruit. If only the church would get a hold of that! #2 is my answer, for without Him I could do...
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    The killer flaw in pre-tribulation rapture doctrine

    I hope for a pre-tribulation rapture, but I can't confirm it yet. One of the things we're taught is "hope for the best, prepare for the worst. That's what I'm doing. What none of us know are the details of events before & during the tribulation. For instance will the time of sorrows include a...
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    Was the Pharaoh of Exodus predestined for damnation?

    Jeremiah 1:5 says "Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee" Isaiah 46:8“Remember this, and be assured; Recall it to [j]mind, you wrongdoers. 9“Remember the former things long past, For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is no one like Me, 10Declaring the end from the...
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    Once saved always saved (OSAS) debunked

    They bury their beliefs in many sentences either to keep their false doctrine from being discovered, or to hide their ignorancr of the truth. English Standard Version
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    Is The New Apostolic Reformation Heretical?

    And then you would be wrong. Remember, most all denominations are getting more liberal as we near the end, but it doesn't prove they were wrong in the beginning.
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    Hunting and fishing

    You know it's bad when you have to dig these old Ops up just to have something to talk about.