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  1. E

    Noah’s ark and faith

    Noah was righteous the same way Abraham was... he believed God.
  2. E

    New Age practices in the body of Christ

    Cheaper, but not better.
  3. E

    New Age practices in the body of Christ

    Well, it's not all propaganda. The animals ARE fed antibiotics & are genetically made bigger. Worst of all, now they're wanting to put mrna vaccines into the food supply. The net already has "conspiracy" sites stating this is all disinformation.
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    New Age practices in the body of Christ

    I am flabbergasted that heart doctors make their claims that cholesterol is totally bad for you & never tell you the reason it sticks to arteries is because we're vitamin C deficient, & NEVER mentions going on vitamin C. My heart doctor is pretty good, & he never mentions it. Neither do most...
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    New Age practices in the body of Christ

    True. Many today have a "form" of godliness. 2Tim 3:1But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. 2For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3heartless, unappeasable...
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    New Age practices in the body of Christ

    I've heard that one for years, but it doesn't make it true. If it wasn't for the wicked power in the world today, we wouldn't have the problems we have in our nation(US).
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    Don't Put God In A Box

    No, not true at all. Putting God in a box is the multitude of limitations we put on God for our lack of faith, severely limited knowledge & understandinding of His Word, & even our purposeful disobedience limits Him from blessing us. WE PUT GOD IN A BOX of limitations. Especially today, many...
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    Its time to shine saints.....lets bring in the harvest.

    Christians ought to be like the Bereans, not only to check the preachers theology, but especially the praise & worship to make sure it's not full of "Me Songs" or like this one that states that speaking the name of Jesus is all you need to do everywhere. Raising your hands & saying 'Jesus'...
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    Its time to shine saints.....lets bring in the harvest.

    What I NEVER find on these "religious newscasts" are stats on how many churches are closing & how many run to the megachurches to be entertained. WHO in christian news mentions that we are smack dab in the Falling Away? NONE! You would think christian news anchors would be warning the people of...
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    Do you think transgenders go to heaven?

    Jesus says we shall know then by their fruits. Not just the fruit they produce in themselves, but also the fruit they leave behind for others to produce. Smart one, he/she was.
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    Churches founding fathers

    The only 'church fathers' I've ever heard of are the early church fathers of the 3rd & 4th centuries, with most of them being RCC.
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    Angels can procreate

    Well, since John rarely talks about anything else but sex on earth & in Heaven, I'm beginning to wonder if he is Mormon.:unsure:
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    problem related to praying in tongues
  14. E

    problem related to praying in tongues

    I think when it comes to some believing in "Spirit forced", & "If they don't want it it wont happen", we should never forget some very important facts: 1. In order to be used in the gifts, one must be baptized in the Holy Spirit. Yes, everyone recieves the "gift" of the Holy Spirit at salvation...
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    problem related to praying in tongues

    I hope you didn't step away entirely. No faker is an excuse to give up on the real thing.
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    problem related to praying in tongues

    You're going to sit there & tell me how the early RCC is telling me the truth?!? 1Cor 13:8 Love never ends. As for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away. 9For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10but when the perfect comes...
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    problem related to praying in tongues

    The early church fathers were mostly RCC. Besides, NONE of these 'early fathers' take precedent over the canon. Even you should know that. Cherrypicking a scripture that PLAINLY says that these things will pass away when we see Jesus face to face. Shameful & embarrassing , that is.:rolleyes:
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    problem related to praying in tongues

    Acts 2:17 “‘And in the last days it shall be, God declares, wthat I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams; 18 even on my male servants and female servants in those days I...
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    problem related to praying in tongues

    I would wish that every christian would have the baptism in the Holy Spirit like Peter said in Acts 2. My heart is sorrowful that God's people can do so much more by the Spirit's giftings than they are. Plus, who knows how God will judge that?
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    Does 1 John 3:15 say that someone who commits suicide doesn't have eternal life?

    There was a time I would have legalistally said suicide is murder & the person would have went to Hell. Since then, I come to understand that the inner man is saved by grace & that grace covers a multitude of sins(if he/she isn't abusing that grace). I have also known a christian who had been...