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    Yay...I Can Post

    Welcome JohnDB Hope you enjoy the forum.
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    Welcome Joanitah. Very pretty name! Hope you enjoy being part of us. God Bless
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    Hi! New here, like everyone else

    Hi Reba and welcome to CC Glad you have joined the family. You are not alone, you have God and us. I'll go and put the kettle on. God bless you and Krep You.
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    Welcome Jo. I'm in UK too. Looking forward to seeing you around the board. God Bless '
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    When other Christians don't say hello or acknowledge you

    I think there could be hundreds of reasons why people ignore us. It's happened to me several times. I've been told I'm too friendly. But I carry on regardless. A smile can brighten someone's day, even if you don't say hello. There was a lady probed near me and we went to the same church She...
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    Welcome to CC Fabef I am from Uk too. Hope you enjoy being part of us.
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    Prayer request

    Welcome to CC Is there anywhere you can get help? I don't know where you live and don't know how to advise. Praying for you.
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    Greetings from Westland, MI

    Welcome to CC Soxx Grab a chair and enjoy God Bless
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    Hi! I am new here!

    Welcome to CC Looking forward to seeing you around the board God Bless
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    Prodigal son

    Welcome Ale to CC Luke 15:10 "Likewise, I say to you, there is joy in the presence of the angel's of God over one who repents" Hey Ale that"s you, that's me. We got lost and The ,Good Shepherd saw we were missing. He came to look for us and found us. He lifted us up on His merciful...
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    Faith alone in Christ alone

    Welcome to Cc @FaithAlone Your introduction was brry interesting. I loved maths but opted out of science. I chose biology but when they started soaking dead rats in metholated spirit and cut them up I lost all interest. So I look forward to reading your posts. I am on another forum too and...
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    Hey! Introduce yourself!

    Welcome to CC Enjoy the fellowship. I will pray The Lord will send you the right lifetime partner. It is a good thing to be desiring. Make sure he loves The Lord and His animals.
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    Hiiii! I need some friends

    Welcome aboard. I think you will have friends very quickly.
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    Post encouraging/ edifying scripture that has blessed you today😊

    Philipians 4:7 "And the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. "
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    Something You are Thankful For

    After a frustrating day I came straight to this thread. After two minutes reading I felt all the tension leave my body Beautiful thoughts and praise to God refresh the soul. I am thankful for this thread and all of you lovely Christians God Blrss each one of you.
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    Prayer Requested

    Welcome to the forum @Dallas1991 So glad you came in and shared wjat you are going through. Empty your heart out to the Lord, He is quick to listen and to forgive. He can free you from where you are. Take heart Will be praying for you.
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    Something You are Thankful For

    I could hardly wait to reach my garden. It was really hard to breathe. I walked through the gate and took that horrid mask off. Straight away the beautiful fresh air reached my nose and mouth. I could breathe easy. I could smell that gorgeous fresh air, I could taste it too. Thank you dear...
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    Greetings from Texas

    Welcome to the forum. Hope you find the ones with the interests you want to share. Many members here so there must be some.
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    Greetings from AFRICA

    Welcome @TimothyGirl I think you are going to like it here. Something tells me you will make friends very quickly. God Bless
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    Hi Tansy Welcome to CC. Hope you enjoy the fellowship.