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    BackToNature is New here

    Welcome BackToNature I'm sure you will make friends at this great place.
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    Post encouraging/ edifying scripture that has blessed you today😊

    Jude 1:2 Mercy, peace, and love be multiplied to you.
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    What's your favorite coffee drink?

    Strong Americano, no sugar, very little milk.
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    Covered in warm and fuzzy...

    That is so beautiful and inspiring. I felt really close to Jesus as I read it. Thank you !
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    Starting From Right Now

    The Lord will help you Karen. He is with you always. Praying for you.
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    Hello, God BlessYou All

    Thank you @tourist Nice to meet you and looking forward to getting to know everyone.
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    Hello, God BlessYou All

    Thank you @BlessedByGod for such a friendly welcome. :) God Bless You.
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    Hello, God BlessYou All

    Thank you @Bingo and @NotmebutHim :)
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    Hello, God BlessYou All

    Hello @danja Nice to meet you. Have a happy week.
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    Hello, God BlessYou All

    Thank you @TabinRivCA Love your avatar.
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    Hello, God BlessYou All

    Thank you @Kim82 God Bless
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    Hello, God BlessYou All

    Thank you @Deuteronomy That is a very beautiful post. One which will stay on my heart. I know I am going to like it here. May The Lord shine down on your countenance.
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    Hello, God BlessYou All

    Ah that's where Hercules got to. :ROFL:
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    Hello, God BlessYou All

    Thank you @Deade Nice to meet you. Lovely pics!,
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    Hello, God BlessYou All

    I had a cat aged from 6 weeks and had to say goodbye when he was 17 years too. So I know somewhat of your heartache. When you find the way to stop them ageng please let me know :)
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    Hello, God BlessYou All

    Thank you @Deuteronomy I love those beautiful verses. God Bless You
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    Hello, God BlessYou All

    Thank you @Encouragement Nice to meet another Brit! Does that beautiful kitty belong to you?
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    Hello, God BlessYou All

    New here and looking forward to getting to know everyone.. I live in UK and have been a Christian since childhood.