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    You are a beautiful person. God bless and keep you.
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    Hello @shittim You have no idea what joy you have given people with that gorgeous kuckaburra I have shown it to sufferers of dementia, depression,, bed ridden and scitzophrenia. It has never failed once to bring laughter into their dark day. God Bless you greatly.
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    Getting Acquainted

    Welcome Pbarry Have a good time and many blessings.
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    From Cape Town, South Africa

    Welcome Lauren hope you have fun. Cape Town is beautiful and friendly too.
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    Welcome Marla and God Bless.
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    Aloha, New & Traveling Europe

    Welcome to CC Glad you found us.
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    G'day From Newcastle, Australia

    Warm welcome to you Cos you seem true blue
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    That is so funny. I remember walking through a park in Adelaide and someone said something that was really funny. A kookaburra mimicked my laughter. I thought oh no do I really sound like that.
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    God Bless you Oyster
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    What a terrible typo. Will it let me edit?
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    New person

    Welcome aboard. Glad you are here
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    New Member

    Hi Amber and wcome aboard. Sorry you are going through a bad time. God will see you through it. May He bless you and keep you.
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    Welcome Elle. Praying that God will provide your nerds and that you will know He is with you. I am going through the Psalns at the moment and find they make my spirit soar and greatly strengthen my faith. God Bless you.
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    If a Sabbath is forced, Will you keep Sunday holy?

    Yes there must have been a special reason. God put a special blessing in the 7th day. He made it a Holy day. God said the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. That was the day God rested from His awesome work of creation. It is interesting that the commandment was given to Isreal...
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    Who Are you In Christ ?

    All's well Papou :)
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    Who Are you In Christ ?

    I not a catho. I asked the question because I didn't understand what it meant. Not every Christian knows everything. I had no ulterior motive. Judge not.
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    Who Are you In Christ ?

    :) Thank you Blik, and also bud62. It is clear to me now
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    Who Are you In Christ ?

    Agreed, apart from wilful sin. I find this confusing. One verse tells us we are lost if we sin wilfully, because there is no further sacrifice. Another tells us if we repent of wilful sin and carry on fighting sin we are forgiven.
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    Who Are you In Christ ?

    Thank you so much Dino246. That takes a lot of worry from me.
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    Who Are you In Christ ?

    I've heard this question many times. What does it mean? How do I know who I am in Christ? Do yo lniw who you are in Christ? How do you know? I'm thinking it may be that you know what God wants you personally yo do?