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    Welcome to CC. Hope you enjoy the forum..
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    Evrelasting Father

    Thank you. I believe this.
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    Greetings from South Africa

    Hi again and welcome Brother Very much agree with what you day about family. :)
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    Another African Brother

    Hi Hugh Great to meet you, welcome to the family. I visited Cape Town mamy years ago, and fell in love with it. Looking forward to seeing you around the board. God Bless
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    Hi everyone

    Welcome aboard. Enjoy.
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    Welcome to CC forums Sophia. Hope you enjoy being here.
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    my story and intro

    Hi Ash and welcome. I like you too. You have a rough time and met some bad prople too. You are so young to have been through all that. Virtual hug ! You know we are all sinners, we all have our weaknesses. You need to get off the drugs, they mess your head up and ruin your life. This may...
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    Post encouraging/ edifying scripture that has blessed you today😊

    Matthew 5:9 Blessed are the peace makers, for they shall be called the sons of God.
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    Christian counseling?

    Counselling is a much needed profession. Would you let a non-Christian set your broken leg? Should a Christian set broken bones? Should a Christian mend broken hearts and point the way forward? Of course they should. The greatest counsellor was Jesus. Go for it! You are needed our there. Many...
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    Pets - How should we treat them?

    It is a very tough question. It seems like cruelty to let a beloved pet go through suffering when it is an incurable illness. It's heartbreaking to say goodbye but I think it is kinder. Whether it is right or wrong I do not know.
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    Did you get the memO?

    Hello and welcome. Wishing you many happy times here.
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    New from Grand Rapids, Michigan

    You sound like a very interesting person, can't wait to read more of your posts. Welcome and God Bless.
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    Helloooo 😄

    Welcome to CC Chris. So glad God led you here. Thank you for sharing your amazing story Your joy shines out. God Bless.
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    Name something sad

    Two things come mind, butmany things make me sad. I hate to see any person or animal suffer One thing is any caged animal. Caged hens eat and lay eggs. They have no room to even turn found. I would never buy those eggs,it is a wicked way to treat one of God's creatures. Another that comes to...
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    Not new in the app, but new to the forum

    Welcome to the forum. You may never want to go back to chat :LOL:
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    The Creative Thread

    @Magenta Your card is so beautiful. I love it. Blessings to you.
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    Hi im new here. Catholic asian girl here

    Welcome aboard Vyvy. Glad you found us and God Bless.
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    Maybe new ...Maybe not

    Welcome TC. See you around the forum
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    God's blessings to you all!

    Welcome to CC Rose Sorry you've been have a bad time The members here will soon cheer you up. God Blrss you Sister.
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    New Here

    Welcome to Cc Misty. Hope you enjoy being part of the forum. Blessings to you.