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    Welcome aboard Poppy. I think you are going to love it here.
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    Prayers Needed!

    Hello Parson and welcome to Cc I have just prayed for you and your wife, asking God to restore your marriage. The Lord is able to put the love back into her heart. May God be with you every minute of every day. Stay strong dear brother.
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    Gold loan's to be cleared

    Prayimg as you ask
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    Hi I’m Abigail

    Welcome to CC Abigail. Hope you have many happy times here. God Bless
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    Hello everyone! ❤️

    Hello Matlene and welcome. May God keep you and Bless you.
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    My short story

    Take heart dear friend, you are on your way home. You have a beautiful heart and God loves you. So do I. Thank you for your prayers and kind words. I will be praying for you.
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    Hi! My Brother's and Sister in Christ! I hope you well and safe now! God Bless!

    Hi May and welcome aboard. Don't give up, we are all fighting the good fight. The Lord is with you and will give you strength. God Bless
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    My short story

    Welcome to CC. Thank you for sharing your very traumatic story. My heart goes out to you. I thank and praise The Lord that He found you and you accepted Him as your Saviour. You have had a lot of challenges but you can't fail if you keep on clinging on to Him. There are times when most of us...
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    Welcome to cC Good luck with your new writing. God Bless
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    Issues with Friends

    I know how draining it can be listening to gloom and doom, I get it every day from a member of the family. The problem is it can ruin your health. That is the reason why a lot of psychiatrists end up with depression themselves. I said to my family member one day "you are never happy unless you...
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    Hello everyone

    Welcome to CC Hope it's not too long before you have your hearts desire .
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    Welcome to CC James. Great introduction. Grab a cuppa and get to know everyone. God Bless
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    Hello there (:

    Hi and welcome to Cc. Congrats on your deletions, it's not always easy to do. Hope you find much happiness here and many friends. God Bless you and keep you.
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    Christian chat room on iPhone

    Welcome to CC Hope you stick around. God Bless
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    can people in hell repent and turn to God

    But God looked at His creation and said it was good.
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    Whats your favourite Hymn and why?

    Such wonderful hymns you have all posted. Thank you for lifting my heart. So many favourites. My all time favourite I come to the Garden alone. Other favourites How Great Thou Art Here am I Lotd I also lobe the song One Day at a Time Dear Jesus
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    It’s a beautiful day.

    Hello and welcome aboard Scarlett. God Bless you.
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    Welcome to CC. Enjoy and God Bless.
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    Welcome to CC. Hope you have many happy times here and make some lovely friends God Bless