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  1. G

    Not By Works

    now that your new obsession is Titus 2, maybe one day you keep reading and get to chapter 3, which speaks loudly about salvation being a gift, and saved people should do good works, because they are saved.
  2. G

    Not By Works

    let's just say this- believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved . that is the Gospel. that is salvation. works, good behavior, keeping commands comes under and after that.
  3. G

    Your Bible translation

    so, it is not your hand typing that the 1611 version is the only one that is correct?? and. that is your truth, not the truth.
  4. G

    Your Bible translation

    seems like I remember someone saying to you that " the KJV only " was a direction this thread was going in . you said no. guess that was a big, fat lie, huh??
  5. G

    Grieving Students Walk Out of Vigil

    it' s so sad that here in America, everything has become politicized. we have gone from a " government for the people , of the people , by the people " to now having a government that operates under " never let a good crisis go to waste" . ( rahm Emanuel , former Obama chief of staff said that ).
  6. G

    Your Bible translation

    oh, I have been reading the NKJV for many years, and I also look at a lot of direct translations , so I do not depend on the NKJV alone . and, I know the KJV only folks are going to punch me for this, I have nothing against the KJV, I just prefer to read modern English.
  7. G

    Your Bible translation

    last year, I did a side by side reading of the NIV and the new KJV, and there are some differences , so, you might think of doing a side by side. I found it very interesting .
  8. G

    Lock him up

    common knowledge for all us who went through the Clinton circus from '92 -2000
  9. G

    Not By Works

    i was very specific in what I referred to, you just dodge and defect like you always do. that is why I limit my interaction with you, you do want to have a actual conversation, just muse about your worthless feelings and emotions. oh, and if you are being led by a sprit that tells you that you...
  10. G

    Not By Works

    first paragraph is a total lie. greek word for believe- pisteuo= basic meaning - to be persuaded of, to place confidence in, to intrust . that is what it means to believe . the following commands, doing good works, repenting of sin are things that happen AFTER belief. to any new and/or young...
  11. G

    Not By Works

    I heard a pastor say this many years ago- " birds fly overhead, we can't do anything about that. sinful and temptation thoughts come, we can't do anything about that. but, in the same way you do not have to build a nest and put out food for the birds to stay at our house, we do not have to...
  12. G

    Not By Works

    the wheels did not have far to go. if you keep reading , ( something you legalists have a hard time doing. ) Paul went on to say that " those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh , and it's passions and desires". crucifiction does NOT result in a instant death, it happens over time, and...
  13. G

    Not By Works

    as staggering as one who thinks he can one, while still in the flesh walked just as He walked, while at the SAME TIME denies the Biblical definition of sin? yep, that is pretty staggering....
  14. G

    Green Bay, WI....

    trump just came out off a 2 and 1/2 year witch hunt for non- existent " Russian collusion ", do you really want a year and a 1/2 of " tax fraud, tax evasion". if the dems intended to just see the tax returns for the sake of transparency , then fine but they want them to make up more phony...
  15. G

    Faith/Works...How much faith? How much works?

    see, this is why others get angry with you. I never said I was o.k. with this. I never said I agreed with it. I simply stated my opinion. but, you put words in my mouth, and start building a strawman to attack. so, I will just bow out of this, it is not possible to have a rational conversation...
  16. G

    Faith/Works...How much faith? How much works?

    should have said a process, bad wording on my part. sanctification is a process.
  17. G

    Faith/Works...How much faith? How much works?

    i'm thinking he wrote that just to trigger you. ( and it worked, you are doing verse by verse commentary.)
  18. G

    Faith/Works...How much faith? How much works?

    I have read the Bible all way through, probably about 16-18 times . I care not about your commentary. what I do care about is this- we are saved by grace, it is not of ourselves, it is a gift of God. now, when we talk about sanctification , that is a totally different subject. salvation is...
  19. G

    Faith/Works...How much faith? How much works?

    you do understand that there are 259 more chapters in the N.T. right? balance?
  20. G

    Climate Change and the Mark of the Beast

    not sure if this pope is the one, but he is definitely a snake.