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  1. A

    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    I am sure that you already know this but Pentecostals (and many other scholars who have commented on the text) believe that Paul was talking about in the assembly not all speak in tongues. But all did on the day of Pentecost and each event in Acts so therefore he must be talking about in the...
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    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    I am saying you will be a more effective witness if you are endued with power from on high and receive the gift of tongues. The scripture supporting this is when Jesus said wait until you are endued with power from on High and you shall be my witnesses etc... The scritpure from Jude 20 to build...
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    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    Don't you think it is an inaccurate statement to say that different churches divide the body of Christ? Most Baptists and Assembly of God, Methodists, Reformers, and Presbyterians will agree that we are all one body in Christ and all agree on the most important aspects of salvation and consider...
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    What are Your Thoughts About Financially Independent Women?

    If I take a girl on a date. I expect to pay. I am traditional. Her being financially independent would be attractive because it means she is financially responsible and that is important. Like staying out of debt. If I marry her I expect to be the sole provider. I don't expect her to...
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    What are Your Thoughts About Financially Independent Women?

    I would like one that is and wants to support me and my ministry. That would be awesome. :) But since that is not likely I would have to say I think that men should not be thinking about taking on the responsibility of a wife unless they can take care of her needs without her needing to work...
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    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    The truth is that when I got baptized with the Holy Spirit and first spoke in tongues I had never heard of Parham, Asuza, the Pentecostals, or Charismatics. I had no church influence or knew any Christians. Had never read anything or had any discussion about anything related to this. I was...
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    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    That is your opinion but not really something that can be supported as scriptural. We are 2000 years on the other side of the initial events when they did not know what was coming. We now know. There is nothing less authentic about asking for it than asking for other things we have revelation...
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    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    I have heard this accusation from those who claim to be Reformist. They say that we are claiming elitist status among Christians. That we are claiming to be "better Christians" for having this gift. They say that is how we are "coming across" anyway. I have examined myself and the...
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    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    If I were to form an 'law of first reference' rule out of Acts 2 I would soon have to abandon it as I read the other accounts that do not match my theory. I think I need to take all of the scriptures and the context of each concerning speaking in tongues and get an entire picture by the...
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    Why am I depressed even though I'm a christian?

    Imagine that if money were no object, and lack of education were not a problem, what would you like to do as a job or career? Let yourself day dream the perfect fantasy that you think you would like to do. Be a basketball star. Be a Doctor. Be a best selling Novelist. Once you come up...
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    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    You know who has sketchy origins? Those Galileans. I heard one of them used the Roman soldiers as his power to strong arm Jews out of more taxes than they owed. Another one was possibly part of the "cut throat" gang. That's what I heard. And one of them was a thief, even sold their leader...
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    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    I understand that is your testimony and I won't deny that is how you feel. However, Pentecostals such as the AG do teach from many of the same text books in their bible colleges as Reformists. We believe the same things about the authority of Scripture and how to properly exegete a text. I...
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    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    The students were looking for truth. And they found it. As can you. Just read the scriptures and let them do what they do when read in faith. They produce faith. The message they convey will create an expectation for one to say "Here Am I Lord. Use Me" and He will. And expecting that He...
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    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    I agree that scriptures should be taught focusing on ascertaining the intended message when the author wrote it and using all the rules of hermeneutics to do so. Understanding THAT message and preaching it is what will transform people and cause them to have an encounter with God. The...
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    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    As I have mentioned before. Parham asked the bible students to search the scriptures and decide on their own what was the scriptural evidence that one had been baptized in the Holy Spirit. He went away and when he came back they all had come to the same conclusion that Speaking in tongues was...
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    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    I would say that my speculation that Paul was talking about praying to himself and to God made up the majority of his "speaking in tongues more than them all," is based on the syntax of his sentence; 18I thank God that I speak in tongues more than all of you. 19But in the church I would...
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    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    On the contrary, there is no problem in the churches that I have been a part of most of my life. They all practice a very orderly demonstration of tongues with interpretation usually no more than one or two or at the most three and always there is an interpretation that is spot on. Spot on...
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    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    It was all 120 who spoke. If it were only the apostles then your theory would have to concede that it must have been a miracle of hearing as well as speaking since there were 15 languages mentioned and only 12 apostles creating a scenario whereby at least one or more apostle shifted from one...
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    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    As a follow up we should also consider that Paul was giving instructions on how to use the gift of tongues so as not to be disorderly. They considered praying out loud all at the same time in a corporate prayer meeting to be orderly. We must not interject our ideas about orderly into their...
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    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    I am glad that you have joined the discussion. I can appreciate your opinion on the topic. So far, you seem to have the right approach even if you have already decided and are not planning on changing your mind. We can still discuss it for the benefit of those who enjoy reading all sides of...