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    Christian tithing was started by the Roman Catholic Church

    I believe most people who believe in tithing do so because they sincerely believe it is a biblical method to support the local assembly. I also believe that two people can disagree about whether using the scriptures about tithing is allowable in teaching a principle about how the church should...
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    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    OK. Maybe you can explain. What I am theorizing is that there might be a gradual drift going on in the traditional churches to tolerate the Charismatics among their members and that the reason for this might be because their pastors are conceding to the idea that they are continuationists in...
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    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    Who are you replying to? Hit the Reply button at the bottom of the person's post that you want to reply to so that it will include their post above yours and we can know who you are replying to.
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    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    There was a time, not so long ago, when using labels like Pentecostal helped people identify churches that they wanted to attend. For example one would look for a "Pentecostal Church" in their area if they had just recently moved there because they wanted to find a church that they knew were...
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    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    Like which ones? The Latter Rain movement. It was spoken against as soon as it came out as not having solid scriptural support. There have always been people in the pentecostal movement who considered it subjective interpretation and not worthy of a doctrinal statement and therefore it is not...
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    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    On the day of Pentecost in Acts 2, When the people gathered around and heard them speak in tongues, Peter later said "this that you see and hear".. and then... "And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the...
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    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    Pauls message that Love was the greatest gift and should be the motivation behind all operations of the gifts of the Spirit, does not negate the use of the gifts of the Spirit. Paul did not say Love, Faith, and Hope are more important than tongues therefore stop believing that tongues are for...
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    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    So Parham seems to end in a sad story. Nevertheless when he asked the bible students in the Topeka Kansas Bible College to examine the scriptures individually and determine what was the sign of believers being baptized in the Holy Spirit then he went away for several weeks or months I forget...
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    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    The Roots of the Pentecostal Movement The turn of the 20th century witnessed the beginning of what has been called “the Third Force” in Christendom, namely the Pentecostal movement and its most prominent denominational expression, the General Council of the Assemblies of God. Arising during a...
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    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    It was a play on words based on your statement "Arguing from scripture is futile" keep up bro :) You have made strong accusations and expressed frustration at not being agreed with. You have made it a debate by the premise of your argument whether you want to call it that or not. You have...
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    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    I think you are loosing this argument. :) If the root of the Pentecostal Movement has at it's root the question about "what does the scripture say is the sign or evidence that someone has experienced the Baptism of the Holy Spirit as they claim to have done so" (which if one reads ANY...
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    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    Not at all. Caring about them means I will be very sensitive to focusing on the scriptures and their proper interpretation in their original context. This will be the anchor that will keep them through out all movements of church history, past present and future.
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    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    By far the most outstanding difference between a Pentecostal church (like Assemblies of God, or a non denominational) (Pentecostal meaning any church either denominational or non denominational that teaches the baptism of the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues as it occurred in the book of...
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    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    You should not be frustrated. They don't feel the need to know these sad stories you want them to know about. I will agree that most Pentecostals/Charismatics today do not know the history of the modern Pentecostal Movement. But I don't think it matters. It is not "their history" and...
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    Spiritual gifts anyone?

    I believe that the Spirit will use a willing vessel to manifest any gift of the Spirit for the edifying of the body of Christ whenever He wills and I don't limit which gift God may want to use me for. Stay on your face before the Lord and in your heart and full of faith and say God here am I...
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    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    The Protestant Movement started by asking the question "what did the scriptures say was the way to be saved" The Pentecostal Movement continued on to the next question "what did the scriptures say was evidence of that experience called the baptism of the Holy Spirit as recorded in the book of...
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    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    The roots of the modern Pentecostal movement were very similar to the roots of the Protestant Movement. And just as there were people involved in the roots of the Protestant movement who were wrong about some of the things they wrote or taught there was plenty that was Right about the...
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    Girlfriend said that if not in a relationship she would have sex with a stranger for $10 million depending on the person. Red flag?

    I appreciate the conversation and I mostly agree. The last definition you have given is one I have heard said often in similar ways. When I hear these descriptions I usually get this sense that they are just making it up. I don't really find biblical support for it, but I know it is expressed...
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    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    I think he is targeting all of the different denominations and non denominations and charismatics in one lump attempt to paint them all with a broad brush based on bad characters and doctrinal errors found in historical accounts of various individuals or teachings that have cropped up. It is...