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    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    Pentecostals have always been persecuted. They expect it. But they are evangelizing the word with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and are too busy obeying Christ than to engage in senseless arguments with haters.
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    Girlfriend said that if not in a relationship she would have sex with a stranger for $10 million depending on the person. Red flag?

    Ok but I started by saying that prophesy was not the same as someone who was an analyst and made good decisions based on information. The gift of prophesy is described in 1 Cor 14 and an example given when the sinner falls down and declares that God is in you of a truth. (KJV) So my point is...
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    Girlfriend said that if not in a relationship she would have sex with a stranger for $10 million depending on the person. Red flag?

    That would be a pastor trying to help people find an area to serve that they seem to be fitted for. A study on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit will reveal that these are not distributed based on peoples personality types or natural bents. They are manifestations within the Body of Christ that...
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    Girlfriend said that if not in a relationship she would have sex with a stranger for $10 million depending on the person. Red flag?

    I know that some people do make the mistake of confusing "gifts" that people have with the conversation of "Gifts of the Holy Spirit" but it is not normally a mistake made by Bible students. The Gifts of the Holy Spirit are not conditional to peoples natural abilities. They are not imparted...
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    Transfiguration is the key

    Don't forget that dust on the top of your refrigerator! Scandalous!!! :)
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    Girlfriend said that if not in a relationship she would have sex with a stranger for $10 million depending on the person. Red flag?

    Think about what you wrote. Your third type. If it is a natural gift, it is not the gift of the Holy Spirit. The gifts of the Spirit that Paul was teaching about in 1 Cor 12-14 when he spoke about the gift of prophecy only come as a result of being born again and then receiving the baptism of...
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    Transfiguration is the key

    If you want feedback on your theories I can tell you that from my perspective there is nothing in your presentation that can be supported by the contextual meaning of the Transfiguration. It has nothing to do with the Two Witnesses of Rev 11 and I personally don't think Moses and Elijah are...
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    Girlfriend said that if not in a relationship she would have sex with a stranger for $10 million depending on the person. Red flag?

    Don't marry anyone who is not willing to die resisting temptation because they Love Jesus with all their heart soul, mind, and strength. Of course you have to be that same kind of Christian. By the way, this is the only kind of Christian anything else is not being saved. I am assuming you are...
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    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    Pentecostalism is not a denomination. It is a doctrinal belief that what happened on the day of Pentecost is available to every believer today and that speaking in tongues and gifts of the Spirit as they operated in the book of Acts is still available for the Church today. That is not...
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    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    That is not an intellectually honest comparison. Unless of course you sincerely believe pentecostals can be compared with LDS. In which case a discussion about it with you would probably be fruitless. (Pun intended. :) )
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    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    I never let bad examples of men weigh in on how I interpret scriptures. Now if you want to use this kind of approach I think that the strongest argument for you would be to look at the majority of lives of the Pentecostal church such as an Assemblies of God congregations and compare their...
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    can you guys post something funny please?

    First off I'm okay but seriously rattled after being robbed at the Mobil gas station this morning. After my hands stopped shaking I called the police. They were quick and helpful at calming me down, but my money is still gone! 🤬 They asked me if I knew who did it and I told them yes, it was...
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    KJV, NKJV or ESV for second language?

    I think that the reason that the NIV has more edits from time to time is precisely why the majority of Greek Scholars like to use it. As scholars discuss the best English translation for a particular ancient Koine Greek word that only appeared once in the New Testament for example, they might...
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    Do we stress baptism enough?

    Like in these passages.... Did they go do these things in Jesus Name? Yes. Did Jesus say that, or did they say those words? There is no mention of it. They did not have to say these words to do it in Jesus Name. They were empowered and sent by Him so that made it a fact that they did it in...
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    KJV, NKJV or ESV for second language?

    So the answer to the question "Which is the best English Translation?" Is always going to be "It depends on the verse in question." in 4 years of bible college and as I read more and more scholarly books like recent highly rated bible commentaries I keep seeing NIV used as the translation...
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    KJV, NKJV or ESV for second language?

    NIV because it focuses on being faithful to the meaning of the original language as it would have been understood by the original readers. I have not found the ESV being given the same level of respect as the NIV among all of the best Commentary writers. They are all constantly using the NIV...
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    KJV, NKJV or ESV for second language?

    Maybe the Greek was considered and the KJV was found wanting?
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    What does 'in like manner' mean in Acts 1:11

    They watched as he ascended until he was out of their sight. They kept gazing up into heaven until the angels told them this. So, is it probable that Jesus will descend from the clouds and people will watch as he descends? Is it possible that His appearing in the clouds in his glory and the...
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    Do we stress baptism enough?

    I believe that the Word of God is clear what Jesus said in this most authoritative of all the verses on the subject the initial command we call the Great Commission. This is the source reference. And he clearly said that we were to baptize them in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy...
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    Do we stress baptism enough?

    If someone says "In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and In the name of Jesus" they cover all controversies on this formula. But if someone thinks it is a formula of words spoken rather than the fact that they were sent in the authority of, and commissioned by Jesus to do such and...