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    Why is God's Name NOT in the Bible?

    The history of YHWH is steeped in Rabbinical Judaism wouldn't you say?
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    Does God forgive anything--ex: homosexuals?

    I believe that Romans 1 tells us that homosexual sin is the example used to describe the ultimate rebellion men and women are capable of when they reject the revelation of God. That means to me that it is a worse sin than others. I believe that Sodom and Gomorrah is an example that this kind...
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    Why is God's Name NOT in the Bible?

    Thanks Mem. That is a great link and it is what I have read from other authors through the years. Very well articulated. I especially agree with his summary statements under the heading "Gnosticism and the Name"
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    Christian tithing was started by the Roman Catholic Church

    Yes, I think most churches are accountable with boards and careful audits. Celebrity pastors, Mega Churches (some, not all) and TV evangelists that milk people of money for their own indulgences are not what most churches do. It is a shame that people use them to decry the state of the...
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    Christian tithing was started by the Roman Catholic Church

    I know from experience with churches and pastors that most people don't tithe. Maybe 20% or less in a congregation of 100. Of course it might be more in a congregation of 5. LOL. Tithing works. If each member does it in faith, (and they are obeying Christ in their lives) they will find...
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    Question for the mothers and wives on the chat.

    One of the best books I ever read for marriage was by Dr Ed Wheat "Love Life" It is a bit dated but I consider it a classic. It is so simple but so profound and all that is needed to have a happy marriage. All based on the Word of God but practically applied. I can't say enough about it...
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    Question for the mothers and wives on the chat.

    I feel that you are suffering in silence. She does not submit to your request, which would benefit her if she did. Instead she is being obnoxious about the open windows and the child. This unwillingness to listen to you in which doing so would be for her own good and for those around her is...
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    Why women like men lol....

    It is funny if one is not suffering from too much "listening and not intended to give advice" late nights without enough sleep. Which seems to be the times the neurosis kicks in. :oops:. The middle of the night episodes are the best. What a great time to "listen" to a "he said, she said...
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    Why women like men lol....

    Yes, I would if I could find the motivation, but I just can't. I would rather be alone than devote most of my waking hours to pleasing someone else. Which is what you sign up for. And that is why women don't like me. LOL :LOL:
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    Why women like men lol....

    That's really messed up. But I think it might actually be true. :ROFL: However, it is not at all godly nor should they do it. They are using their man as their pin cushion to poke and abuse and vent on, thinking that their man is tough and can take it, but it is a miserable life for the man...
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    Why is God's Name NOT in the Bible?

    I am talking about the right way to pronounce YHWH. That "right" way can only be determined by the rules of ancient Hebrew. Of course we know that we are actually talking about the "right" way to pronounce the image below, not YHWH. And how do we determine this? By either educating...
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    Why is God's Name NOT in the Bible?

    I would take the majority of PhDs who are expert in the ancient languages as the correct or best form of knowledge on this that a person can come to. I would not consider any other data as credible than that of "man's, (experts like PhDs in ancient languages). Who else would you listen to if...
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    What did Jesus mean?

    Good question. It deserves a new thread. I don't think many are seeing it here.
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    Christian tithing was started by the Roman Catholic Church

    I agree with most of that. Except for the word "most". There are just way too many who have been persuaded that their interpretation of the tithing principle is from appropriately applying the scriptural principle they believe is easy to see from reading the bible and they would present a...
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    Why is God's Name NOT in the Bible?

    I believe that God wants me to use the name Jesus and that it communicates faith to those I preach to, lost or saved. I think communication is the most important thing. Are you preaching to English speaking people who have at least a vague understanding about who Jesus was? Or are you...
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    Why is God's Name NOT in the Bible?

    I understand where you are coming from. I think you are just asking the question. My opinion has been given. I don't begrudge those who think that the question is important. I know that currently there are a great many people world wide who find this topic of utmost importance and spend...
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    Why is God's Name NOT in the Bible?

    Yes I would like to be able to read the manuscripts in the original language. I will be able to do so by the time I complete my educational goals. I am not trying to be hostile to your posts, I am going to point out those inaccuracies that I think lead to wrong conclusions about the way we...
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    Why is God's Name NOT in the Bible?

    Discussing it is not annoying. It is only when someone tries to teach a pronunciation to others as a matter of religious exactness that God wants us to follow that gets under my skin. They have gotten way out of their lane when they do that. 1) They need to be expert in ancient Hebrew and...
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    Why is God's Name NOT in the Bible?

    No they didn't. The Prophets wrote the Hebrew letters as in the image below. Not YHWH. So let's get this right. That is a transliteration. Technically it is a tetragrammaton consisting of the sequence of consonants Yod, Heh, Waw, and Heh, which were written in Hebrew and were So what they...