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  1. B

    4 views of Mark 16:16

    John 6:28-29–Faith is a WORK. 1 Thess. 1:3 the WORK of faith.” Are you earning your salvation?
  2. B

    4 views of Mark 16:16

    That’s a good attitude and a good start. I could not care less about a “theological debate.” I just want everyone to understand and obey God’s “truth.” All I am asking is for people to believe what the Bible says. That’s why I give so many scriptures. Believe what you READ in the Bible—not...
  3. B

    4 views of Mark 16:16

    Well, here is another “news flash”. In the Bible the words pastor, shepherd, bishop and elder are all names referring to the spiritual leaders of the church in Titus 1 and 1 Tim. 3. And there was never just one—but a plurality of them. ——but that’s another subject. All Peter us saying is...
  4. B

    4 views of Mark 16:16

    Yes, it IS simple! People READ 1 Peter 3:21 but they don’t believe it. They refuse Acts 2:38, Mark 16:16, and Acts 22:16. They don’t believe any thing those scriptures say—in fact they openly deny what it says. Yes, it should be simple, but sadly it’s not.
  5. B

    4 views of Mark 16:16

    Isn’t that exactly what Peter says in 1 Peter 3:21? If it SAVES US, then isn’t it a “religious means of salvation?” How can it be anything else, when you read 1 Peter3:21. If it “REMITS SINS, wouldn’t it be a “means of salvation? If it washes away sins, wouldn’t it be a “means of salvation?”...
  6. B

    4 views of Mark 16:16

    Not sure I understand this. I agree babies are unbelievers and get baptized; I believe that was view # I know babies get baptized; that is VIEW# 2 in the original post. But who are the other UNBELIEVERS who are getting baptized? And what kind of baptism are they getting? Surely not the...
  7. B

    4 views of Mark 16:16

    So, if they don’t say what I am saying, WHAT DO THEY SAY? Please, enlighten me.
  8. B

    4 views of Mark 16:16

    “Come, let us reason together, says the Lord.” Isaiah 1:18. The Lord invites you to use your MIND and use your intellect, and even your common sense and examine what he says.
  9. B

    4 views of Mark 16:16

    Point #3: That does not prove anything. Peter did not say “Repent and be baptized in any other place but that does not prove it’s not true. There is only one scripture that says confession is unto salvation Romans 10:10. It’s not said anywhere else in the Bible but that does not prove it’s...
  10. B

    4 views of Mark 16:16

    I can’t find a single verse in the Bible that says to “get baptized because you are saved” But I CAN find where it says baptism is “FOR THE REMISSION OF SINS. (Actsc2:38) and where baptism WASHES AWAY SINS. (Acts 22:16) and where it puts baptism BEFORE salvation (Mark 16:16) and I can find...
  11. B

    4 views of Mark 16:16

    The reason baptism is discussed so much is because there is so much controversy surrounding it. There is division over it. There are so many different views about it and so many different beliefs. No one differs on whether or not we should “serve the poor.” We are mostly all in agreement...
  12. B

    4 views of Mark 16:16

    —Did you know that in the book of Deuteronomy God tells His people 17 times (and counting) BE CAREFUL “to do as the Lord has commanded you.” Don’t turn to the right or the left. Be careful to observe his commandments. Etc, over and over. I haven’t finished going through the whole book. —...
  13. B

    Is denominationalism wrong?

    Where is the scripture for that? I can’t accept it just because you say so. 1 Thess. 5:21 says to “prove” all things and the only way to prove that is to show us in the Bible where God said it. Here is what I know God said: God said in Jeremiah 10:23 that it is not within man who walks to...
  14. B

    Do you know God’s laws on marriage and divorce?

    Does God want a man to support his family—yes. Does God want a man to love his wife—yes. Does God condemn dope and drunkenness—yes! But None of those are given by God in the Bible as a reason to divorce. And THAT is the topic under discussion. We’re not talking about all the sins a man...
  15. B

    Do you know God’s laws on marriage and divorce?

    I left that off because I’m not sure that is a reason. I’m just listing what the Bible says. If you can give me a verse that authorizes divorce for physical or verbal abuse., or a husband who refuses to work and take care of his family, I will be glad to include it. God does condemn a...
  16. B

    Loss of salvation???

    Where is the scripture that teaches any such thing as this?
  17. B

    Loss of salvation???

    The race he is talking about is our “life”. The reward is “heaven.” We don’t receive the reward if we quit or turn back or drop out. We must be faithful to the end of our lives to receive the crown. Revelation 3:11–“Hold fast to what you have so that no one may take your crown.” And Rev...
  18. B

    Loss of salvation???

    . Oops. My bad. The fox and the grapes