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    Dietary laws, do you keep them?

    God told Peter not to call anything He has made “unclean.” At the same time showing him all kinds of animals both “clean” and “unclean” according to Jewish law. Acts 10.
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    There will be no Rapture!!!

    Revelation is a hard book to understand because it is symbolic. You have to be very careful with your interpretation, to make sure you understand its true meaning. Too many people have speculated about its meanings and arrived at some wild conclusions. Revelation 18:21-23 is talking about...
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    There will be no Rapture!!!

    Any proof of that or scripture? I know it’s “tradition” and a very elaborate man-made doctrine, but what does the Bible say?
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    Acts 2:38 must be water baptism because Peter said you are baptized for the forgiveness of sins and THEN you get the gift of the Holy Spirit. Read it carefully. Water baptism first then, God’s gift of the Spirit. .if it had been Holy Spirit baptism then they would already have the Spirit—so...
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    What Changed?

    Here are a couple of scriptures that helped me answer the question of “why am I here?” And “the purpose of life.” Isaiah 43:7 - “I have been created to glorify God.” Luke 22:27 - I am here to SERVE, not be served.” I realize there is so much more than that, but these have been a help to me.
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    can you guys post something funny please?

    True story. A grandmother was telling her granddaughter the story of how God made Adam and Eve in Genesis 2. She told how God made Adam from the dust from the ground and how He took a rib from Adam and made a woman. She paused to tell her granddaughter that she knew of a Christian in Africa...
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    4 views of Mark 16:16

    Ah, yes, but then you have a new set of questions. What “mode” of baptism is acceptable? Sprinkling, pouring, or immersion? And what is the PURPOSE of baptism? Just to join a church? Just an “outward sign of an inward grace”, or “for the remission of sins?” (Acts 2:38) Could you be...
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    Is denominationalism wrong?

    Thank you for your good attitude. Keep studying the Bible. It is God “speaking” to you.
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    Is denominationalism wrong?

    As I looked at the posts on this site, I see some young people who are asking questions about religious practices like, “ are we born in sin?”, do I have to keep the Sabbath?, and “I’m considering converting to …”. I know teens are interested in things that are more relevant to their age, but...
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    Is denominationalism wrong?

    It is a judgement call, but many teens are confused by all of the division in religion. Many of them are searching… trying to find answers…Most are not yet established in any particular sect. While older people are by this time very established in what they believe and practice. And unwilling...
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    Born in sin?

    Yes, and also Deuteronomy 4:2, 12:32 and the last thing God warns us about in Revelation 22:18-19. So, at the BEGINNING of God’s book, in the MIDDLE, and at the END of His book—he has warned us. It seems God considered this very important.
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    Born in sin?

    Have you ever read Ezekiel 18? FACTS: 1) sin is not inherited. Ezk. 18 2) children are held up by Jesus as pure and saved Matt. 19 & Luke 18. 3) children are innocent Psalms 106;38
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    Do i have to Keep the Sabbath or was it only for Israel?

    I don’t know exactly what your point is about the Sabbath. Exodus 31 is an explanation by God of the Sabbath and its meaning. “Sabbath means “rest” and it signified God resting from His work during creation. Which is why they were not to work on that day. It was the 7 th day of the week.
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    Do i have to Keep the Sabbath or was it only for Israel?

    I assume from your comments that you believe in a “faith only” doctrine which is contrary to James 2:24. There are different kinds of works in the Bible—boastful works in Eph. 2, works of the old law in Galatians 2, and works of God in John 6:28-29. You are correct that we are not saved by...
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    Do you know God’s laws on marriage and divorce?

    WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS ABOUT MARRIAGE: —Genesis 2:24 - “A man shall leave his father and mother and shall be joined to his wife and they shall become one flesh.” —Matthew 19:4-6 - “…What God has joined together, let not man separate.” —Hebrews 13:4 - “Marriage is honorable…but fornicators and...
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    Born in sin?

    No, you were not born in sin—and neither was anyone else. Read Ezekiel 18. God couldn’t be any clearer when he says a child does NOT inherit sin from their parents. Also, Jesus used little children as an example of purity and told the adults, “unless you become converted and become like a...
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    Is denominationalism wrong?

    Jesus said He would build His church in Matthew 16:18. Notice He said church—singular, not “churches” —plural. Jesus built one church. There were many congregations but 1 church. For example, you have a Baptist church, it is 1 church but with many Baptist congregations all over the place...
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    In Hell

    It’s interesting to think about the fact that NONE of those religions—except Judaism— existed when Jesus made that statement in Matthew 7. But in that same chapter, Jesus addresses people who would be considered Christians—they considered themselves “followers” professing to having done...