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  1. B

    Not everyone who says to me Lord, Lord

    I don’t think anyone can say that these people did not BELIEVE in Jesus. They are believers, but they are lost. This should show you that FAITH ALONE does not save you. If all you have to do is believe, then these people should have been saved. Anybody that can “prophesy in Christ’s name...
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    Not everyone who says to me Lord, Lord

    Jesus tells us the reason they were rejected in verse 23 and it is NOT because they didn’t “trust” in Him. It’s because they did not obey his laws or commandments. 2 John 9 says “ whoever does not abide in the doctrine of Christ DOES NOT HAVE GOD.” It takes the “WHOLE COUNCIL OF GOD” , both...
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    What to do in church meetings Protestant Tradition v. Scripture

    Did you have a person interning the unknown tongues? Because 1 Cor. 14:27-28 says if there is no interpreter the ones speaking in tongues are to keep silent. Did the church in the Bible use instruments of music in their meetings? I believe history will verify that they did not. Their singing...
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    🖐️🔥 Laying hands for healing today?

    I have already thoroughly discussed this on another post called “How the New Testament church worshiped.” But I will be happy to go over it again. The miraculous portion of the Holy Spirit was given by the apostles for a specific purpose. One reason is given in 1 Cor. 13:9. The...
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    What to do in church meetings Protestant Tradition v. Scripture

    1 Cor. 13:9-10-he says THAT which is “perfect”. Meaning a thing. If he had been talking about a person, he would have said “HE who is perfect.”. The pronoun that” is not used to designate a person but a thing. Also, in verse 9 he says their knowledge is “in part;”. also their prophesy...
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    What to do in church meetings Protestant Tradition v. Scripture

    God clearly gives us a pattern for the church in the New Testament. Acts 20:7 is PART of that pattern. It shows us in part what the early church did when it assembled and on which day it assembled. They came together on the first day of the week—not the 7th day of the week.; they assembled to...
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    Right off, in verse 12, we see how the people were saved. They BELIEVED and were BAPTIZED both men and women. We know this was water baptism because verse 16 says that they had not yet received the Holy Spirit. Then Simon BELIEVED and was BAPTIZED. Again signifying how he was saved. All...
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    Do stillborns and deceased babies go to 'hell'

    meant to say, “ Ezekiel 18 is NOT talking about crimes. MY BAD.
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    Do stillborns and deceased babies go to 'hell'

    Ezekiel 18 is talking about “crimes”. It’s talking about “SIN”. You are contradicting God.
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    Total Depravity

    Read Ezekiel 18. Sin is not inherited. We did not inherit Adam’s sin. We suffer the CONSEQUENCES of his sin—an evil world, a cursed earth, hard work, pain in childbearing; but we are not BORN SINNERS because of Adam’s sin. God says a son does NOT inherit the sin of his father. The one who...
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    Do stillborns and deceased babies go to 'hell'

    No, babies and children are innocent and sinless. Ezekiel 18 says… “The son shall not bear the guilt of the father. (20)….the soul that sins is the one that shall die, (4)…the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself.” Psalm 106:38 says “they shed innocent blood, the blood of...
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    How do you get saved?

    It really doesn’t matter whether it was or was not. Speaking in tongues was a spiritual gift that was a “sign” to unbelievers that proved God was with them. Hebrews 2:3-4 says that God “confirmed” his word with signs, wonders, miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit.” Also, Mark 16:20. This was...
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    How do you get saved?

    I certainly don’t mean to sound mad. I’m not mad at all. I am just trying to obey the command to “contend earnestly” for the faith. Jude 1:3 To baptize with tge Holy Spirit was never a command. I simply tell them what the Bible says. I show them What Jesus said to do to be saved in Mark...
  14. B

    What if you die before water baptism?

    That’s true but that doesn’t mean everyone will be saved—just because they think they are. Matt. 7 was all about religious people who had done lots of things in Jesus’s name but were lost because they did not obey Christ’s law. Saul of Tarsus was sincere and thought he was saved, but he was...
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    What if you die before water baptism?

    I was responding to a post that said confessing Christ as your personal savior saves you and you are heaven bound. That according to what I read in the scriptures will lead people to a wrong conclusion.
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    What if you die before water baptism?

    You are absolutely right that confession is necessary to salvation—but it doesn’t end there. Jesus never said confession “alone” saves us. It saves us—yes; but God also says faith saves us Acts 16:31. There is no mention of confession in that verse but I would be wrong if I taught that you...
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    What if you die before water baptism?

    Scripture (Acts 2:38) does not contradict scripture (Acts 8:12-18) nor does one scripture negate the other. The Holy Spirit given to each person being baptized for the remission of sins was the Spirit living in that person—so men times called the “in dwelling” of the Spirit. The Holy Spirit...
  18. B

    What if you die before water baptism?

    That would be great if it were true, but it is not. No where in the whole Bible was anyone saved by “confessing Christ as their personal savior”. You can’t just “make up” your own personal way to be saved. Nor was “confessing Christ as your personal savior” ever taught by Christ or any of his...