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  1. Mii

    China's Oppressive (Social Scores) Surveilence Cameras, And Facial Recognition

    Great thoughts @Roughsoul1991 I honestly hadn't ever really thought seriously about communism because of the persecution of the church in China and elsewhere. Do you believe it is possible for this system to be recreated in a closed community in the U.S? If Christ is indeed for communal...
  2. Mii

    China's Oppressive (Social Scores) Surveilence Cameras, And Facial Recognition

    So if I don't care to respond to something off topic you feel it's reasonable to assume erroneously without any information based off mere supposition? That doesn't seem efficient or truth seeking (My opinion).
  3. Mii

    China's Oppressive (Social Scores) Surveilence Cameras, And Facial Recognition

    You know, I really do want to just respond with what I believe. You'll find you are being incendiary for no reason at all. The way you are coming across is like an agitator and I'm not going to put anything out there to be trampled on. Even if I said everything in line with what you believe (and...
  4. Mii

    China's Oppressive (Social Scores) Surveilence Cameras, And Facial Recognition

    Absolute nonsense. Because I don't want to answer someone that is basically assuming something about me I am somehow required to answer? That's absurd. I am only required to give an answer to anyone who asks for the HOPE that I have. Not where I stand on political talking points (which is what...
  5. Mii

    Manifestations/persons difference

    I think I'm going to save that thanks
  6. Mii


    Well, I recently heard (perhaps twice) that it was expected in Israel for parents to teach their children. Sunday school wasn't ever mentioned. I do think that it is a large time investment and some parents may not be the best teachers or they may be quite lazy. It makes sense to me that...
  7. Mii

    Manifestations/persons difference

    @EternalFire this is sort of a long video and it starts off sort of slow, can you summarize? I made it about five minutes and the meat is difficult to see. At this time I don't feel that the typical response of it being "a mystery" is unreasonable. I don't use the word trinity really at all...
  8. Mii

    I heard voices that I assumed were mine and will ignore, but I don't know if that's God? Will he punish me if I assume incorrectly?

    I'm not sure about this quite frankly. If the statement had only been "you have to tell someone in your family (this)" I'd be far more inclined to believe it has value. There are sometimes sins we keep in the closet and when we are children our parents have to "catch us" at it...OR we can just...
  9. Mii

    China's Oppressive (Social Scores) Surveilence Cameras, And Facial Recognition

    Well I don't know you at all really as far as answering a slew of questions that don't have anything to do with government spying/social scoring. I presume (this being a site for believers) that we are not enemies. If you have something against me for pointing out what I saw as a leap feel free...
  10. Mii

    Very nice post in the sacrifice thread. Glad to get to know you a little bit :) I commend your...

    Very nice post in the sacrifice thread. Glad to get to know you a little bit :) I commend your effort to both not "feed the troll" (cast your pearls before swine) as well as give warning to others.
  11. Mii

    How often should I sacrifice a beast to appease God?

    This (presumably) is in response to this statement of yours here: That is on your terms. Find any good examples of salvation on your own terms...It could be you don't care for that or think it unreasonable that the creator of the universe chooses not to operate exactly within your defined...
  12. Mii

    China's Oppressive (Social Scores) Surveilence Cameras, And Facial Recognition

    That's too bad, was a great start to a thread. I encourage anyone posting on the internet to be open to little bit of critique on a conditional leap you made (as though it were unconditional) then hopefully you can learn to interact in a way with people who have varying perspectives because of...
  13. Mii

    China's Oppressive (Social Scores) Surveilence Cameras, And Facial Recognition

    Appears = potentially noticed. You interjected your own opinion and assumed that because lanolin notices class difference she necessarily is "concerned" and in such a way to lean communist. That's a leap dude. Perhaps you are still willing to explain how simply noticing something pigeonholes...
  14. Mii

    China's Oppressive (Social Scores) Surveilence Cameras, And Facial Recognition

    Noticing class differences makes someone lean communist? Care to explain? I don't see how that necessarily follows...
  15. Mii

    What translation has the exact words of God preserved for English speakers?

    Oh didn't realize that, I usually try and find the ones with nothing. I'm reading a book now that has something in the margins 2-3x/page and another where I had to flip on the back to see what that pesky * had to say. Maybe I'm just not a fan of the pacing, it's distracting because I "have" to...
  16. Mii

    What translation has the exact words of God preserved for English speakers?

    Didn't read the thread, but language is fallible. When I use the word continent you could think I'm talking about a geographical land mass or something else. Context matters, but since puns, nuances, sarcasm also exist and the mind of God cannot be "known" by our own minds in our own intellect...
  17. Mii

    Bringing science and religion together around a common understanding of the origin of life.

    I've recently come to that conclusion myself but the second part I hadn't thought of....the second part I only know to base on faith (later sight) which doesn't really speak to someone who doesn't know what that is unfortunately.
  18. Mii


    Nah, I actually scanned a few of your posts and that encouraged me to just go ahead and make the post instead of delaying. It's hard to remember that some people are on a time frame with how long they are going to be on this site. Sometimes when people are angry or just want truth on their terms...
  19. Mii

    Does the Law promise eternal life?

    Is eternal life seen in the Old Testament? Yes, I think so based off ecclesiastes (eternity in the heart of man) and the clear information that there is something "else" in that two men did not die. I'm sure the majority were probably content with progeny being readily seen "eternal life" based...