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  1. Mii

    General Welfare Clause

    The laws that are written and how they are enforced is almost a mockery of scripture. I've sort of laid out the "oasis" concept in that one other thread where you posted about communism (I think) and I certainly think freedoms should be safeguarded and fought for, however, it appears to be a...
  2. Mii

    Whats ur opinion?

    Wow, I got cut off...that's the second time ever for me. Substance use and "what now" regarding Revelation 22:15 isn't respectful of a wide audience. The Lord has, I believe, given me a lot in this area and I am empathetic. However, a casual attitude toward substances that it's all well and good...
  3. Mii

    Whats ur opinion?

    Wow ok. That is a lot. I'll answer a couple of things for the benefit (potentially) of any other readers. Btw, I did respond in a message about the first questions about zoloft, so perhaps if anyone wants some advice I could probably PM you. Also, I think the OP is gone for a bit (or left) but...
  4. Mii

    Alphabet Game

    Welp D was last so I guess I'll start over again with E. I think we went T, U, V then S and then D but anyway........ E. (attribute) Exemplary as in the exemplary standard that the Lord has set.
  5. Mii

    Jesus was not only GOD but the GOD-MAN.

    Thanks mate. I am lacking a bit in the nuances of greek and while I plan on studying it at some point soon this is a nice taste. Judging our "loves" is something everyone could probably benefit from. English does a disservice in this, I feel.
  6. Mii

    Comment by 'Mii' in media 'VID-20200810-WA0023.mp4'

    Can you add some descriptions to the videos you are posting? It helps me to decide whether to click or not :P
  7. Mii

    Whats ur opinion?

    @PC123 Do you mind relating what substance it was that was causing those experiences? Some pharmaceutical substances are proscribed in such a way that they need to be taken until permanent changes in brain chemistry occur. That's an unfeasible gamble on my end and I am surprised at the...
  8. Mii

    Whats ur opinion?

    Okie doke, I'll try and help you out a bit Lord willing. I started having nightmares when I was was a toddler up until I was 6. I still remember the dreams and in fact I had recall of a dream that wasn't a nightmare and I finally (about 2 years ago) watched a video of me describing that...
  9. Mii

    Can a Christian be Emotionally Unavailable?

    This is the first time I've really heard this expression in YEARS.... Almost forgot about it but actually that's kind of where I am myself. I suppose it depends on the pursuant's options. Is she the one pursuing him or is there some interest? Working through stuff in a way that she can't see...
  10. Mii


    If you want to splice up a post and put your text between it you copy the stuff that wasn't what you were quoting [user something something] The thing that was said
  11. Mii

    Do you still buy music?

    It is a tad ridiculous. Some of the DMCA laws are absurd and unenforced. Some of them seem to have been unenforceable and yet are still perpetrated on Americans as "laws". regarding piracy It is difficult to view theft the same way when something exists with an inconceivably large (time is...
  12. Mii

    Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens....

    Talking Taters Traveling Tasting Twists/Turns Treats Trampolines Tachycardia (jk)
  13. Mii

    Ignored members

    Much appreciated @Subhumanoidal Slander, dissention, or intentional foul play that is intended to operate "just" inside the safe zone is unacceptable. I give a lot of room for people to "grow" usually, and am not quick to pass judgement on a person just because one post angered me. Some...
  14. Mii

    Ignored members

    Ok thanks. The first did answer my question. Let's say I post on a thread with a person who is on ignore and they see my post they basically can't quote me and me be able to see it. Not having posted rules is sort of atypical for sites I've been on. It helps to have community policing but yeah...
  15. Mii

    Should I do it.

    Idk, hair is a special thing. I'd think twice about cutting my hair to please a spouse but if we were married I'd say she'd have veto power in the event of a deadlock. If I knew a female with LONG hair, it would be really sad to have to wait years for it to grow back. I'm not sure if males hair...
  16. Mii

    My take on water baptism...

    Sore topic for me. I've been baptised twice. There seems to be some very sincere differences of opinion between believers and quite frankly I find that hard to reconcile. I've been told that I "did it wrong" with being baptised in the name of the father, the son and the Holy spirit and if that...
  17. Mii

    It is very likely that Jesus was Middle Eastern looking with light skin, curly hair, dark in color, perhaps light brown.

    Agreed, except that it can be difficult to monitor too many at once...That's why I don't start many myself ;) and sometimes, they just don't have much momentum for whatever reason.
  18. Mii

    Ignored members

    Uh, I was about to gravebump a 2 year old thread and lo and behold this very topic is at the top of suggestions. I was going to try user2user tech but I suppose this will suffice. Anyway, I am wondering if I will get a notification at this point if a person quotes me or not. It seems I am able...
  19. Mii

    China's Oppressive (Social Scores) Surveilence Cameras, And Facial Recognition

    Thanks for the reply @Roughsoul1991 I'll keep the book in mind. I wasn't advocating communism as it exists as a secular system at this juncture to be clear...Your perspective is insightful and I have had some similar thoughts that I rarely share. The reason (I think) is mostly because I am...
  20. Mii

    John 5.4: Angel stirred up the pool - is it biblical?

    Still it is to be considered that just like the man-made laws of the Pharisees it could have come about that is more to it. I do believe it is said in that passage that "anyone that went into the pool would be healed" (with additional stipulations) correct me if I'm wrong. It takes faith to...