Search results

  1. Mii

    How Should Christians Vote?

    @soggykitten Sincerely, I realize that people get heated about this, and I'm not trying to incense just struck me as a large leap. Hopefully we can meet halfway on that. Posthuman has a lot of wisdom from what I've seen, voting preferences shouldn't cause dissention within the body. We...
  2. Mii

    How Should Christians Vote?

    Can you support voting biblically? Praying for your leaders sure, but voting? Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's is about isn't a requirement. Nationalism can be argued, but not completely I don't think. The second line looks a bit unchristian the way it comes across just...
  3. Mii

    How Should Christians Vote?

    I saw something of the reverse with the former president. Not the to the same degree (obviously) but still few people focused on anything but the former president or HRC. Then of course an absurd amount of coverage on the national healthcare program. The interactions of politicians as well as...
  4. Mii

    Thoughts on relaxation/instrumental music?

    Let's make it a symphony instead. Does that change anything? A string quartet or some Bach. No? Then I don't think it much matters. This is my preference and it'd be nice to see churches roll with a meditative atmosphere some times. If the purpose is glorifying the Lord (whatever your hand...
  5. Mii

    How Should Christians Vote?

    I would encourage you to research that, you seem to be on the up and up on more than a few things. Again though, so many people operate as though ONLY the national election for the presidency matters and this is gross error. Donald trump this Donald trump that (insert top 10 names) when there...
  6. Mii

    How Should Christians Vote?

    Do any of you who think the national election is of utmost importance vote in your city/county/state elections that aren't on November 3rd? You can change your town, "may" be able to change your state. Nationally? I'll leave that up to you. Ask yourself if one vote "actually"...
  7. Mii

    Working on the Sabbath Day?

    Tenured professors can still take "sabbaticals" I do believe. I found myself using this word a lot and then switched to walkabout for a while in my mind when I felt that I needed a VERY long break to sort of be alone with the Lord and find my purpose. Maybe still do quite frankly.
  8. Mii

    Working on the Sabbath Day?

    It was traditionally on the 7th day which is 8/21 sunset to 8/22 sundown. I'm a bit iffy on sunset/sundown. It seems to me that "full dark" is sundown and owing to the time change each week that makes it slightly over 24hrs otherwise it isn't quite 24hrs. The sunday thing is up for debate but...
  9. Mii


    It is an entirely different discussion to ask whether the original commission or command (be fruitful and multiply) is still in effect today. I don't have any issues with it myself, so I don't have the passion to think on it too much, although I may whenever I can even procreate.
  10. Mii


    Yeah but when a family of 9 has seven sons and one son marries a wife and he dies he is married by the next brother and so on to produce children or something along those lines. It had to do with property and inheritance I think. We don't do that anymore, although I'm not sure if this is still...
  11. Mii


    I highly doubt any child will be able to figure this out without Youtube access but blocking youtube is probably wisest. Also look up "breaking administrator permissions" and watch a video or read an article. This can also be done so depending on your child you may need to go through your ISP...
  12. Mii


    There are a few ways to do this. First search result was this video The clicking noise is...
  13. Mii


    Well since you said it I suppose I'll add to the thread now ha. I am currently only in favor of the fertility awareness method. Not 100% from what I understand but that chance and strict adherence puts it in the Lord's hands which I like. 1% chance every time (done correctly) and 6...
  14. Mii

    Hola! 😃

    is that God bless you? Vaya con Dios!
  15. Mii

    Alphabet Game

    Great is the glory of the Lord (Ps. 138:5)
  16. Mii

    Create your Christian Resume..............

    This a great starting place. Perhaps what he has done for me would be where I would start. At least for my own personal exercise. Something like the alphabet game I started in Misc. I can't really make lists because, depending on my mood, they can have a dubious motivation. Thanksgiving...
  17. Mii

    Hola! 😃

    Allo. Bienvenido!!!! Auf Wiedersehen...
  18. Mii


    Good question. I don't think I could properly answer that until I'm married honestly. Alas. ~exits thread without adding value~ ... ... :(
  19. Mii

    California church defies court order and worships indoors - Thoughts?

    It was on my mind to share, couldn't tell you why. I'll consider that confirmation that it should be shared :)
  20. Mii

    Born into the wrong family?

    I haven't ever really felt that way. I have betimes questioned the "why" though and "what ifs" but family is exceedingly difficult to analyze. There are so many variables. Some changing and some not...pinning any of these variables down and then asking a host of questions expecting answers when...