Search results

  1. Mii

    questian for those who want children

    See this is what I call "insert my name logic". "IF" this is a command then multiply...not carry on your line, have a child, etc. Interesting and I appreciate the thought trail. Personally I want to have as many children as possible, but adopting an orphan isn't "multiplying" per se...
  2. Mii

    The seeker sensitive movement

    There is something hidden in those things that I think the Lord hides from a "genuine" seeker. He can draw people out of stuff like that just like he can anything else. I have been decidedly turned off by the groups you have mentioned. Bethel was almost instant, and hillsong was pretty slow...
  3. Mii

    Why Don't We Hear About Single Christian Women Looking for Husbands in Other Countries?

    On some level he could be credentialed (like indian doctors) but still, that brings up more questions than I have insight to answer. Lots of hypotheticals. Unless it were a missionary which case I can see a lot of these things meaning little. That's probably quite uncommon...
  4. Mii

    I Don't Feel Like Dying Today

    Sometimes people won't tell you. I give a reason and prefer people do also myself. Feedback is definitely productive most times. The way you wrote the last line, other than "it" instead of its is perfectly alright. It's uncommon for people to say set instead of setting though and in my...
  5. Mii

    Why Don't We Hear About Single Christian Women Looking for Husbands in Other Countries?

    Let's not derail the thread? It is clear that there is a difference between hardened rebellion consistently rejecting any opportunity for grace and not dying to our pride and sin nature as the Lord has extended grace to do and dying in that vs accepting his grace and walking according to the...
  6. Mii

    Oh btw, I'm posting this here so people understand I don't really know how friending works on...

    Oh btw, I'm posting this here so people understand I don't really know how friending works on this site. I see that "someone" is now following you, but I know you aren't actually "following" me and it's something of a friend system. I don't really follow anyone, but I do appreciate many posts by...
  7. Mii

    Why Don't We Hear About Single Christian Women Looking for Husbands in Other Countries?

    Edited above from woman seeking wives to husbands lol. A bit glaring...alas.
  8. Mii

    Why Don't We Hear About Single Christian Women Looking for Husbands in Other Countries?

    Well hopefully you don't mind me posting (as a single) in the family forum thread. I just happen to be here and the thread title caught my eye. It's an interesting question. It seems uh, more dangerous somehow. I can't quite explain why, but I'll attempt. Barring rather disheartening things...
  9. Mii

    All aboard the “I’m a nobody in this world’s eyes” train

    Wow ironically I already posted on this thread...that's a first for me that I forgot. I was reading back through, oh this is so familiar...I get to a point where I'm reading a post and ready to leave a reaction and I have to undo it...RIGHT! I've been here before. but also, I am here again, a...
  10. Mii

    All aboard the “I’m a nobody in this world’s eyes” train

    Yes definitely. My list has a lot of the same things (85%) I don't really know what to say about it except at present except that for me it's mostly constantly keeping the world standard and conforming "at bay" and then on top of it other believer's "view" of what my life should look like...
  11. Mii

    questian for those who want children

    Yeah but you have to get to the "grand" level ;) From what I can tell, that looks like the dessert level. I keep wanting that, but then I'm like...oh right, gotta go through parenting first. Being sans wife, I am content with the uncle status. Maybe somewhat similar, just less "oompfh"
  12. Mii

    Small bunch of questions about the Bible and disability...

    Up front, it is not my intention to be rude here. You were already told that the levitical law had to do with priests of the line of Aaron. I appreciate @MattforJesus for putting the relevant scripture up and @Magenta for saying that early on I think it may be valuable for you to look at...
  13. Mii

    "Don't Raise a Dinah:" Thoughts?

    There is definitely something to be said about not watering things down. I ran into this recently with trying to meet someone halfway and sort of tiptoe around an untruth in order to just maybe make them amenable to the gospel by giving them a thumbs up that they are on "a journey" to truth...
  14. Mii

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    Well presumably there would be no cargo, only prisoners as the cargo and the conditions would be...err...deadly pretty much. It's odd though because when I think a large ship, I think a Spanish Galleon and according to a simple search, they only hold 150 people.
  15. Mii

    "Don't Raise a Dinah:" Thoughts?

    This could be just semantics (difference between fool and foolish) and is off-topic ha. I didn't realize in the KJV the word "raca" is in plain text, but take a look at Mt 5:22 and tell me what you think. It seems calling someone "trash" is a serious offense (what raca means to me as that is the...
  16. Mii

    Why Daniel's 70th Week does NOT support Jesuit "Left Behind" Futurism

    Excellent perspective. I always presumed it to be literal. There's more to consider with that approach but it does give a pause. I like your mentality toward fulfilled prophecy also as it mirrors mine after a fashion. This is cool because I have to consistently sift through both literal and...
  17. Mii

    Block pornography

    Umm, I'm not in any way supporting it or saying it's alright, I'm merely pointing out that there is a recovery (much like substances) that is possible with discontinued use or deliverance (depending on if it's necessary for a person). No matter what it is adultery, it can go deeper and affect...
  18. Mii

    Comment by 'Mii' in media 'speckled sussex 2.jpg'

    Didn't know there was such a thing. That is awesome!