Search results

  1. Mii

    Born into the wrong family?

    I like this but I am uncertain if I agree or not, will you elaborate a bit? Romans 8:28 is one of my favorite verses and the second part of your statement I definitely agree with but the first seems to be the same. I don't have much experience with an unsaved past...unless the moment I...
  2. Mii

    Did you really trust in Jesus for salvation?

    Bro did you even read that verse? "If you love me..." Nowhere do I see if you don't do this you will not be saved in that verse. There are other verses for those things but each should be handled with care so as to have clean motives for engaging those verses and what the spirit IS saying with...
  3. Mii

    California church defies court order and worships indoors - Thoughts?

    Here is another very recent story along the same lines. I heard about it in passing and thought it relevant regardless of whether you agree with his mostly unrelated theological views...
  4. Mii

    Conspiracy Game!

    Reading this at almost 3am brought a few laughs unexpectedly but of course Gary actually planned this as a method to consume my energy by over-stimulating my abdominal muscles in order to cause me to be inept at any physical activities I engage in the next day. A small undertaking and not a...
  5. Mii

    What do you think about genetically modified approach to killing mosquitoes?

    @Silverwings (thanks) posted this back before it went live (I assume it has) I don't care for it myself, especially with how many people are against it and the company's claims are dubious at best. I'd be open to considering it if there were more data, but there isn't. "Oh but it worked 10000%...
  6. Mii

    The Myths of Christian Dating

    Wow 11 year old thread, I am impressed. It'd be nice if we could at least read the article :P
  7. Mii

    Comment by 'Mii' in media 'Free ride'

  8. Mii

    This Corona virus pandemic could be the weapon that takes our liberties away , all in the name of saving lives?

    LOL. The two chemicals he is advocating I find it unlikely that they would produce acceptance of guidelines due to the lack of consensus...It's true that you would be more "earth conscious" and trend toward more hippy/holistic attitudes about life, but since when is all the hubbub around the...
  9. Mii

    Will we remember our earthly lives after we die?

    Is there not a scripture about the former things not coming to mind? I had a thinking session about this last night actually but I'll wait and think a bit more about it ;)
  10. Mii

    Testing out this Forum thing..

    Wow what a name. I once had an email "Cheezypotatopuff" which is close I suppose. Welcome to CC. I've been laying off taters lately, although I haven't ever seen a pasty one ;)
  11. Mii

    No TV or movies?

    Did the Lord make a video documentary though? It's in text. The Lord trains my hands for war, not a movie. Could he use a film? Not impossible that I can tell but it seems unlikely. There are also many sexual interactions in scripture, do you think that this on screen is appropriate because...
  12. Mii

    Questioning the bible is fun - Anybody wanna play?

    This is a bit bizarre. What is the purpose of asking questions if we aren't looking for feedback? I have many "deep" questions that seemingly have no answer that anyone has been able to give at least. Some of these are between me and the Lord privately and I don't think "should" be asked...
  13. Mii

    This Corona virus pandemic could be the weapon that takes our liberties away , all in the name of saving lives?

    You can at least click on their picture and if they have it set to public you can find the information. It'd be nice for sure if when you hover the mouse over it you could see gender and at least 18+ or something. I'm 29 and from Atlanta :)
  14. Mii

    General Welfare Clause

    Certainly advertising and perpetrating hyper sexuality (and the profit therein) should be exposed and denounced. Legally many, believers or not, would support constricting this or eradicating it. I have quite a bit more that I'd like to say, but perhaps it's not the appropriate time.
  15. Mii

    Did they tie a rope around the High Priest Ankle?

    This is interesting since I had that logged away and didn't ever read or really think about it. Sudden death in scripture is something that interests me and this was a part of that, but rarely (if ever) did it factor in to anything important. Almost sounds like an old wives tale somehow. The...
  16. Mii

    My wife

    Wow, you all are being pretty harsh on the OP. I do agree that when one responds with "Don't judge" there may be some unresolved personal issues but the fact that she isn't interested in church/ministry and thinks abortion is her choice and not an agreed upon choice between the couple is...
  17. Mii

    No TV or Movies?

    My family still watches things often, even after watching a documentary series about what TV/Movies are designed to do. They even agreed that I was saying similar things and maybe it has changed their outlook but I rarely bring it up anymore, I just follow what's in my heart. For some around...
  18. Mii

    No TV or Movies?

    Great insight here. There's a scripture that talks about avoiding the appearance of evil and also what fellowship does light have with darkness? It goes pretty deep for a lot of people as to "why" they do it. It could be that it feeds their flesh and they are hungry, bored, or just tired. I've...
  19. Mii

    Please recommend Bible teachers?

    There's some gold in this. Another factor for myself in explaining away disparity/disagreement in denominations or even non-denominational believers that still disagree (sometimes only minorly) is perhaps our own uniqueness causes this. Tell me that diversity does not cause not seeing eye to...
  20. Mii

    That really puts a wrench in it.....

    I use useful more than anything besides like I think. For me it means the post has utility or is of use. Or what it says "useful" but using useful in a sentence almost comes across as condescending because it would imply other things are not useful or have no utility. Closest thing to helpful...