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  1. S

    Please Lord, help us,

    Thank you my friend,maybe it will work this time. God Bless You and yours
  2. S

    Please Lord, help us,

    God hearing my prayers isnt enough, Im breaking more each day and soon there wont be anymore to break. Someone sent this to me " Isaiah 45:7 - I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things." So is it really Satan?
  3. S

    Please Lord, help us,

    Dear God, my daughter has a mental illness, I havent seen her for 5 months. I need help, Ive been praying and begging you for help, for a very very long time. Am I being punished? Id like to know what for. Please soften my daughter's heart and cure her mind. I dont want to live like this...
  4. S

    One Prayer answered

    Thank you and God Bless.
  5. S

    One Prayer answered

    Thank you Lord, I got to hear from my daughter, on Father's Day. She said "Happy Father's Day" and that was all. I havent heard from her in 4 months,prior to. It is a start. Im extremely grateful, it rekindled hope within me, I was very excited. Hopefully this will continue. Thank you to all...
  6. S

    I need help Lord, I need this situation with my daughter fixed

    You are still remiss. I dont have my daughter, what happened 2,000 yrs ago, cant make up for my loss. A much better gift would be the healing and return of my daughter. Please do not message me anymore.
  7. S

    I need help Lord, I need this situation with my daughter fixed

    you arent explaining anything to me, you are not conveying much, you are just throwing random quotes learned by rote at me. That doesnt help in the least.
  8. S

    I need help Lord, I need this situation with my daughter fixed

    are you speaking of me? if so, do not judge me or what I want in life, you dont know me or where Ive been with it, you are ignorant of my life.
  9. S

    I need help Lord, I need this situation with my daughter fixed

    What I ask for is far less effort than moving a mountain,Im not wrestling with God, that dont worry be happy nonsense,could all be taken care of easily. Why give us worries, just to say be happy with your suffering??? Seems to me there is something like that in the Bible about which of us as...
  10. S

    I need help Lord, I need this situation with my daughter fixed

    I didnt change, things were getting better, I had faith and hope. it seems like the torment was stepped up a notch or two, how is that a loving relationship?
  11. S

    I need help Lord, I need this situation with my daughter fixed

    I hope he hurries, Im falling apart and am not in the best of health. 4 days would be a cool breeze compared to the last 4 months. Im losing faith and hope and becoming bitter, where as before I was at peace with God and had much hope and faith. I dont have years before me, Im 63, in poor...
  12. S

    I need help Lord, I need this situation with my daughter fixed

    Id like something tangible, instead of not hearing anything, I used to have any of the 3 answers,now Im getting nothing. God was the one thing that kept my sanity, I need a sign one way or another,because Im slipping mentally,my life and higher purpose are gone from me. Do you have children? Are...
  13. S

    I need help Lord, I need this situation with my daughter fixed

    My Health is failing, I need to see her and have things right between us. Ive had anxiety and panic attacks the last few days, those include some severe spasming, passing out and chest pain. i want things right with my daughter, before I die. Ive often felt God being God does not need glory,just...
  14. S

    I need help Lord, I need this situation with my daughter fixed

    Thank you Levi, as always God Bless you and yours.
  15. S

    I need help Lord, I need this situation with my daughter fixed

    I will be sending you a private message if you dont mind. Thank you for the prayer and your belief, I hope it resolves in our reunion, I miss her greatly. God Bless you and yours.
  16. S

    I need help Lord, I need this situation with my daughter fixed

    I thought it meant that God acted quickly. He doesnt, I miss my daughter and I know she suffers greatly. God has all the time in the Universe, we dont. My daughter was a great Joy to me, The greatest Joy Ive ever had. For some reason we are in torment, while her mother who is either borderline...
  17. S

    I need help Lord, I need this situation with my daughter fixed

    Thank you Bob, I wonder what the term Godspeed means these days, God Bless you.
  18. S

    I need help Lord, I need this situation with my daughter fixed

    Thank you magenta, and God Bless you,if help doesnt come soon, Im going to break. Im very close.
  19. S

    I need help Lord, I need this situation with my daughter fixed

    Thank you so much, God Bless you.