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  1. S

    prayer to help me get though the holidays without my child

    Many of you have been praying for me and my daughter that has a mental illness. Its greatly appreciated. Please continue to pray for us, and if you would say a special prayer for me to get through the holidays without too much pain that comes from our separation. I would appreciate it. In Jesus...
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    My daughter and her mental illness

    I cant even get a text from my daughter, Id like to hear anything from her. I wonder if she still loves me? Her illness seems to be winning, she doesnt deserve the pain she is in and the pain she causes, I know it isnt her fault. Im praying as hard as i can I need to have something , Im scared...
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    Why And When does my Prayer get answered? Im breaking

    My Friends, Im writing this as a question to you all and Im going to pray about it too,and would hope you join me in that prayer. My daughter has a mental illness that is keeping her and I apart,not by my choice but by hers along with her mother fueling my daughter's fires. I pray and pray...
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    Prayer needed for 3 Children of mentally ill mother Urgent!

    My friends,normally Im on here asking for prayers for my mentally ill daughter, and they are helping,today I ask you to join me In prayer for a dear friend's 3 adult children. The mother has the same illness that my daughter does,Borderline Personality Disorder. The other day the mother texted...
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    Prayer for my daughter for a Christmas Miracle

    Please join me in prayer for my mentally ill daughter to be with me for the Holidays and her Birthday. We have never been apart before. My heart is breaking. I keep getting small prayers answered but am hoping for the miracle to happen soon. I dont know how much I can take anymore. In Jesus's...
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    praying for a miracle, to be reunited with my daughter that has a mental illness

    “Dear God, thank you that you love me and my daughter, and want to keep me from depending on other things instead of you. Forgive me for when I’ve depended on my job and other people instead of you. Thank you that you haven’t forgotten me. Lord, the days ahead may be a little scary at times, but...
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    Im praying for a Miracle for my daughter and I

    Father, I come to you today with faith so small I cannot see a way. I want to believe you are able to do more than I ever imagine. I want to walk by faith and not by sight. God, please bring a miracle into my life. I know that you can do the impossible in my life and I am trusting in your...
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    My heart is breaking

    My daughter has Borderline Personality Disorder, We may not go to our annual trip to see "the Nutcracker", and she told me that she wasnt going to see me for the holidays or her birthday. Weve never been apart for them. I need God's help badly Please pray for us, Im breaking, and she is getting...
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    My daughter wants nothing to do with me because of her mental illness

    Last night my daughter and I attended a play, she informed me that she wasnt going to spend the holidays or her birthday with me. She had a meltdown over politics and I got us too big of a pizza. I know what it sounds like,but that truly happened. Her mother refuses to help the situation. Ive...
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    My Daughter has Borderline Personality Disorder

    My friends and fellow Christians, Please join me in prayer for a speedy healing of my daughter, so she may escape this dark place she is in and think clearly. In Jesus's name I ask this. Amen. Thank you.
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    Please keep praying for my daughter and I to reunite.

    My Daughter has a mental illness ,that is keeping us apart. In the name of Jesus I ask that we be reunited,she has always been my world and my heart is breaking. I miss her badly. Amen Thank you.
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    Please Pray for my Daughter and I to be reunited

    My daughter has a mental Illness that is keeping us apart, I dont know what to do anymore. I pray all day everyday, and ask for Jesus to deliver us from this problem. My daughter doesnt think I love her due to the illness. I love her with all of my heart,she is my world,always has been since...
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    Daughter has Borderline Personality Disorder

    Please may we have prayers, my daughter and I are separated and she is falling prey to her Narcisstic mother. I raised my daughter from birth until 16 by myself. She at some point decided I was no good,but that is the nature of her disorder. They turn on the person they love the most. She...