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  1. S

    Im losing my mind. Ive been losing faith and hope, things keep getting worse. Please dont bash me and please dont send me quotes.

    You say let go let God, another person tells me to be active in fixing this, Ive tried both Thats crap about God being more able, God can do anything he wants right?
  2. S

    Im losing my mind. Ive been losing faith and hope, things keep getting worse. Please dont bash me and please dont send me quotes.

    I dont think you rude or arrogant, Ive been praying for many years and earlier this year I dont know why but Im not feeling God with me. Im just fed up with waiting on a maybe, and this ever present millstone.
  3. S

    Im losing my mind. Ive been losing faith and hope, things keep getting worse. Please dont bash me and please dont send me quotes.

    Many documents do not support the dead sea scrolls as well, Many more shards of other scrolls were found as well, several gospels were left out of KJV, and since we do not have access to the scrolls and cant translate, who knows what theyve said. Tell me why are there 8-9 references to a unicorn...
  4. S

    Im losing my mind. Ive been losing faith and hope, things keep getting worse. Please dont bash me and please dont send me quotes.

    You said" Most people are caught up in their own suffering when they take it out on someone else even a child. " Does that mean God is suffering and takes it out on us?
  5. S

    Im losing my mind. Ive been losing faith and hope, things keep getting worse. Please dont bash me and please dont send me quotes.

    I refuse to become a mindless sheep. Jesus didnt die for our sins, he died to prove a point ,that we would be resurrected. Ive lost my daughter, while having strong faith and hope, Ive been let down trying to do all the right things in life. To the point of being disillusioned.
  6. S

    Im losing my mind. Ive been losing faith and hope, things keep getting worse. Please dont bash me and please dont send me quotes.

    I am a hollow shell, saving my daughter is the most important thing I can do for her, but I need some help from God, and that is the problem lately
  7. S

    Im losing my mind. Ive been losing faith and hope, things keep getting worse. Please dont bash me and please dont send me quotes.

    I always felt that I should do things on my own, and hopefully they were God inspired, with this everything Im attempting is backfiring. The narcissist is influencing my child, Im inadvertantly a victim in this. THe mother uses my child as a weapon, and hopefully she will turn on her mother...
  8. S

    Im losing my mind. Ive been losing faith and hope, things keep getting worse. Please dont bash me and please dont send me quotes.

    But Im not supposed to take control Im supposed to let God handle this. God's plans fail often,not for him but for those of us here. My answer to all of this is very simple and would take God less than a twinkling of an eye. If I cant implement those answers what good are they?
  9. S

    Im losing my mind. Ive been losing faith and hope, things keep getting worse. Please dont bash me and please dont send me quotes.

    This is well beyond sorrow, you know I cried when my daughter got vaccinations, I feel her pain,her suffering and I cant fix it, I would if I could. God isnt fixing it. There is no road, Im crawling on miles of broken glass and rusty razor blades all because my child isnt herself anymore. Im...
  10. S

    Im losing my mind. Ive been losing faith and hope, things keep getting worse. Please dont bash me and please dont send me quotes.

    Ya know why would God need glory? He is at the very top of all food chains, everywhere in the universe. Qouting me vers allegedly written 2,000 yrs ago and translated so many different times is silly. Mankind has progressed in that time, Id like to think God has as well.
  11. S

    Im losing my mind. Ive been losing faith and hope, things keep getting worse. Please dont bash me and please dont send me quotes.

    Thank you for the defense, those that havent been in this type of situation dont and cant understand. God Bless you and those you love.
  12. S

    Im losing my mind. Ive been losing faith and hope, things keep getting worse. Please dont bash me and please dont send me quotes.

    Thank you so very much, what makes it worse is that I raised her by myself for 16 yrs, then due to her disorder, I suddenky became the bad guy and the mother that was never there was the good parent. Thank you for understanding.and God Bless you and yours
  13. S

    Im losing my mind. Ive been losing faith and hope, things keep getting worse. Please dont bash me and please dont send me quotes.

    Ive always had a problem with the praise thing, God doesnt need a pat on the back, an atta boy, a way to go God, some of the things God does are good, some are bad, God doesnt need praise,giving him thanks is fine and I do do that. Praise isnt an expression of faith in the least, it is just...
  14. S

    Im losing my mind. Ive been losing faith and hope, things keep getting worse. Please dont bash me and please dont send me quotes.

    He did have his way and after all he is God who can stop him. All I know is as time goes by, Im losing faith and hope. No one knows what God is doing. How would you feel if someone is hurting your child, I have forgiven the ex,but she hasnt been stopped. I see nothing to repent for. Im being...
  15. S

    Im losing my mind. Ive been losing faith and hope, things keep getting worse. Please dont bash me and please dont send me quotes.

    Im sorry to hear of your problems,but they are pale compared to my daughter's. Hard to believe that someone loves me when it isnt shown. Im broken hearted yes, but Im old and my time is short. I pray for her future and fo her to be helped. That isnt much to ask at all is it?
  16. S

    Im losing my mind. Ive been losing faith and hope, things keep getting worse. Please dont bash me and please dont send me quotes.

    I have proof yes, CPS and the police are useless in this matter. I know what to do, please dont advise me with common sense.Matter of fact dont advise me or preach to me. The sad part of it is we dont know what God's way is.
  17. S

    Im losing my mind. Ive been losing faith and hope, things keep getting worse. Please dont bash me and please dont send me quotes.

    This isnt love, if its a test there are no answers forthcoming. Like I asked "why am I getting the millstone around my neck, ? I wasnt the bad .guy. All you know is what you were taught and read in the bible and what you choose to believe. Assuming you had a normal childgood, Did you jave...