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  1. S

    I need help Lord, I need this situation with my daughter fixed

    Thank you and God Bless you and Yours
  2. S

    I need help Lord, I need this situation with my daughter fixed

    No maybes about it people do not think before they write or speak. Words can be very damaging, It isnt alright, Please dont respond further
  3. S

    I need help Lord, I need this situation with my daughter fixed

    If you dont want to say this, why do you? Especially since what you said doesnt make sense about my health. Please save all the empty encouragement, this has gone on far too long. Before I know it? The shock of this answered may kill me at this point. If you care to please just say a prayer for...
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    I need help Lord, I need this situation with my daughter fixed

    Thank you, God Bless you and yours as well
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    I need help Lord, I need this situation with my daughter fixed

    Father, This situation is killing me, my health is poor and each day I fall apart, Im breaking, my heart is broken, and Im losing faith and hope. Im losing the will to live. God if you love us half as much as I love my mentally ill daughter, youd restore us. Why arent you? I hurt in my soul...
  6. S

    God, I fell like Ive been raped

    Lord this horrible mental disorder that my daughter has has kept us apart for 3 months of no contact by her. I feel as Ive been raped by her disorder, she was the one pure, innocent ,decent and good thing in my life. I want that back God, there is no life here,my apt. isnt home anymore. I...
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    When God?

    Dear God, I cant take much more, Im losing my mind. When will you help us. Ive been begging for a long time. Each day more of my heart and soul are torn out of me. Please help my daughter and I,before its too late for us. Please. Amen
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    When will my daughter get help Lord?

    Dear Lord, Ive been praying for a long time, for my daughter's mental health to heal and for us to be reunited. Ive prayed believing. I used to get small prayers answered. Now I feel as though youve left me. I pray and cry and scream, I have others praying with me. When is it our turn God. Im...
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    Prayer for my Daughter

    Lord, I too do not know why prayers are going unanswered,I dont know if Ive done something very wrong and am being punished? or if there is some lesson Im being taught. I dont understand. I do ask in the name of Jesus if you decide not to help me with this, I do ask that you help my daughter...
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    Lord, Please dont forget us.

    Lord, I dont know why my prayers are unanswered,I dont know when they will be. Im a good man with a mentally ill daughter. Im in a great despair. We need help, Ive asked for forgiveness and am thankful for what I do have in life. But the one I love, my daughter ,my world isnt here or even...
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    A new prayer for my Daughter and I, and the mental illness that keeps us apart.

    Dear Lord, Im not sure what to say or how to pray for your Blessings for us anymore. I pray believing and pray all the time. Im grateful for what I have in life,yet I remain a shell of my former self. I know things happen in your time,not mine. Ive given over my child and her illness to you and...
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    When God, When?

    Lord, I know I shouldnt question your timing. I have this huge hole in my heart where my daughter used to be. Her mental Illness is keeping us apart. I may have not been the best father but I was a great daddy. Ive been praying a long time, and I know youre going to restore us together. I dont...
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    Not a Prayer request, but a Thank you God for a prayer answered.

    Lord, Thank you for a prayer answered. I appreciate it greatly. Crying tears of Joy is much better than tears of despair. Thank you for coming through for me, when I most needed it. This may sound silly but God Bless yourself if that is possible. Youve made me a much happier person today. Amen
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    Dear God its me again, I need help with my daughter

    Lord, Im almost in a constant state of prayer. I pray for others, I pray for my daughter, I pray for me last. Its been almost 3 weeks since Ive heard from my daughter. I need help here. She desperately needs help more so than I. I ask you again to bless and heal her and to restore our union. I...
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    Prayer for My Daughter's Birthday and Healing

    Father , I come to you as a loving Father myself. Today is my daughter's 17th birthday, you know she needs to be healed and for us to be reunited, Please hurry, 17 yrs ago I was the first person she opened her eyes to and she stopped crying, she changed my life and became my world. That truly...
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    Prayer for my mentally ill daughter on her Birthday

    My daughter's birthday is on Wednesday. Today after she texted me a long time, she informed me she was super uncomfortable with her birthday. She told me that she wasnt going to see me on that the greatest day of my life. I ask for prayers to God to heal her and make this problem go away. I dont...
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    My mentally daughter isnt contacting me at all, I dont know if she is ok

    Dear Lord, I come to you again with a very heavy heart. You know our situation. Currently I dont know if my daughter is OK or not. I havent had any contact from her. Her birthday is in a week. I want to be able to celebrate this blessed event with her. Its the greatest day in my life, it...
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    Prayer for my Daughter to be healed and for our relationship to be restored

    Dear Lord, Im very troubled, I havent heard from my daughter in 7 days. I have no idea what is going on with her. The last text from her was that she was sad and crying over something that triggered that in her. I asked what was wrong and havent heard from her since. I keep trying to contact...
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    Prayers Needed for mentally ill Daughter

    My friends, Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Please join me in prayer for my daughter, the last I heard from her was that she was sad and crying, then left our conversation abruptly. I have had no response since. I feel so helpless, I cant even hold her and let her know things will be ok. Please...
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    New Years Eve miracle needed

    Please Dear Lord, I have never been apart from my 16 yr. old daughter on New years Eve. She is mentally ill, and may not be with me for New Years Eve. I ask that you soften her heart and have her realize the great love I have for her and that she remembers the love she has for me. My heart is...