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  1. S

    When Lord?, Im tired of, stones, serpents and scorpions. Especially this Millstone upon my neck.

    You know Ricky, how would you know the true source of my grief? Oh yeah blame Adam and Satan. Youd be correct, I dont want to hear anymore of that nonsense you preach. However thank you for the prayers.
  2. S

    When Lord?, Im tired of, stones, serpents and scorpions. Especially this Millstone upon my neck.

    Thank you,but I see no peace. As far as being greatly loved by my Heavenly Father, this sure doesnt feel like anything close to love, it feels more like a sharp stick in the eye. But thank you for your prayers
  3. S

    When Lord?, Im tired of, stones, serpents and scorpions. Especially this Millstone upon my neck.

    Thank you I appreciate the prayers. Im pretty sure that God and Jesus dont get together and say, "hey lets fix this problem and we can get kudos." Im falling apart badly, think about what you just told me, That I should stay strong (for a maybe) and trust that God's will be done. Isnt it...
  4. S

    Please Lord, help us,

    This has been bothering me for quite awhile, Adam may have been given dominion,but if you recall the Great flood, kind of changed that dominion. Since you like analogies, God is the Federal Government , and Adam was a state Governor, if there is a dispute,guess who wins?
  5. S

    Prayers for my sister and Salome

    My friend your sister is in my prayers, I know the feeling of having a sick child,it is terror,but remember if the temp doesnt go above 102F, everything is fine, keep her cool as possible. Of course she will be in my prayers
  6. S

    pray for me ..

    May God heal you very soon
  7. S

    For sister

    God Bless your sister and her safe return my friend.and as always God Bless you and yours.
  8. S

    asking for prayer for my dad in hospital

    God Bless your Dad and all of the family
  9. S

    When Lord?, Im tired of, stones, serpents and scorpions. Especially this Millstone upon my neck.

    Dear Lord, Luke 11:13 says : 9 And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. 10 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. 11 If a son shall ask bread of any...
  10. S

    Please Lord, help us,

  11. S

    Please Lord, help us,

    There is something very wrong with your logic
  12. S

    Please Lord, help us,

    Thank You Emily, God Bless you and yours
  13. S

    Please Lord, help us,

    I gave nothing to Satan. If God isnt in charge, why do we pray to him?
  14. S

    Please Lord, help us,

    Seems to me God can activate his plan sooner rather than later. Im losing faith and hope, and am wanting to die, is that part of the plan?
  15. S

    Please Lord, help us,

    The world doesnt phase me in the least,my daughter over 17 yrs kept me from hitting the wall. I want to hit it and leave,but I cant. God please toss me a bone or a few crumbs
  16. S

    Please Lord, help us,

    Just so you know,Ive got you beat by 2 yrs, Im 63. Youve heard of Murphy's law, Im Murphy's concubine. Something doesnt want me here either. Those daily kicks in the teeth and elsewhere are getting old. Ive thought of suicide often,but am told that will worsen my daughter's downward spiral and...
  17. S

    Please Lord, help us,

    Its been going on too long,I cant take much more
  18. S

    Please Lord, help us,

    These help how?
  19. S

    Please Lord, help us,

    Thank you but more verses arent helping, Im still waiting on the one that says if you pray believing, your prayer will be answered. Im in Limbo right now, I need help with positive encouragement and prayers not meditation on how good God is. I need something more tangible than maybes. I need...