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  1. Clayman

    Who is to blame for the latest Isreal Palestine war really ?

    Absolutely facts are open to interpretation, everyone has a bias, from the environment they were raised in, to their current beliefs and world viewpoint, to their own internal problems including personal sin for we are far from perfect. Take Genesis for example, did God create the heavens and...
  2. Clayman

    Who is to blame for the latest Isreal Palestine war really ?

    But it is prophecy that the world will turn against Israel, that the Antichrist will stand in the temple, yes that means there will be a temple or the bible is wrong and untrustworthy, obviously if a temple is built it will not be by Christians but the Lord will return to destroy those gathered...
  3. Clayman

    Who is to blame for the latest Isreal Palestine war really ?

    Actually, I want real peace not a pretend peace.
  4. Clayman

    Who is to blame for the latest Isreal Palestine war really ?

    Israel's policy is not to harm civilians, whats Hamas policy against Israeli civilians again? Yet the irony is that you are!
  5. Clayman

    Who is to blame for the latest Isreal Palestine war really ?

    It seems people think People are innocent until proven guilty, except for Israel they must be guilty. If Israel's plan is to commit genocide on the populace of Gaza then they are terribly inadequate at executing their agenda. Israel have weaponry that can take out Gazans by the tens of...
  6. Clayman

    Ephesians 6:12 A biblical perspective.

    Thanks, Interesting view for sure :-) I don't see Satan as going back and forth from heaven to earth to the throne of God in the book of Job, I see the book of Job as saying Satan goes back and forth upon the earth. Job 1:7 And the LORD said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered...
  7. Clayman

    Ephesians 6:12 A biblical perspective.

    Just to clarify so you understand where I'm coming from, I believe that at the time Jesus died at the cross coincides with Satan being temporarily being cast out of the earth. John 12:31 Now is the judgment of this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out. For example with regards...
  8. Clayman

    Ephesians 6:12 A biblical perspective.

    Thanks, love it when people present there understandings. Totally agree. If I can add some more observations. The word "appeared" is the Greek word "optomai" and can mean something that is seen, for example, and "they shall see" the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven, and the word...
  9. Clayman

    Ephesians 6:12 A biblical perspective.

    Isn't communicating with people we don't know over written format funny sometimes, I presumed when the fifth angel sounded and you saw that when the star fall from heaven to earth, that the war in heaven had just happened. Then when you have raked me over the coals for my presumption, I...
  10. Clayman

    Does the devil have any goal?

    Does the devil have any goal? One of his goals will be too kill the two witnesses, and we all know how that eventually will play out. Rev 11:7 Now when they have finished their testimony, the beast that comes up from the Abyss will attack them, and overpower and kill them.
  11. Clayman

    Ephesians 6:12 A biblical perspective.

    I see in Jude and in 2 Pet three separate judgments, let me try and explain Three examples of divine judgment in 2Pet 1. The angels that sinned v4 2. The the pre-flood era v5 3. Sodom and Gomorrah v6 1. For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered...
  12. Clayman

    Ephesians 6:12 A biblical perspective.

    Sorry, didn't mean to assume that in your view you saw Satan falling at that time coinciding with the war in heaven and 1/3 of the angels falling also. I stand corrected.
  13. Clayman

    Ephesians 6:12 A biblical perspective.

    NO! Contrary to what you are saying I believe Satan is a real being ok
  14. Clayman

    Ephesians 6:12 A biblical perspective.

    There is a lot of reason's why I don't think the star fallen here is Satan, I'll give a couple, First of all I think the angels that sinned are already all bound according to 2Pet 2:4 For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but sent them to hell, putting them in chains of darkness to...
  15. Clayman

    Ephesians 6:12 A biblical perspective.

    Actually it's partly why I think Paul was partly blind, I think the scales were from a very bright light, like welder's flash where the eyes weep and form scales and shows blindness. When Paul's eyesight was healed I don't think he was completely healed, I mean the thorn in the flesh to me is...
  16. Clayman

    Ephesians 6:12 A biblical perspective.

    Yes, you have pointed that out before, read ya loud and clear Ill try and defend myself for the way I think or explain the why I think what I think a bit more I suppose. When the angels were cast out of heaven they left their habitation, or the word could also be house. Jude 6 and the...
  17. Clayman

    Ephesians 6:12 A biblical perspective.

    I Disagree with your innuendo that I don't believe Satan is real, it doesn't even make sense that you believe that. For example You may not have read my posts or misunderstood, but I've been quite clear that I think Satan literally ruled the world, and at the cross the prince of the world...
  18. Clayman

    Ephesians 6:12 A biblical perspective.

    I don't understand the reasoning, if Satan is cast out t the beginning of the millennium, it does not mean to me that all the unbelievers must be cast out and judged.
  19. Clayman

    Ephesians 6:12 A biblical perspective.

    Agreed, makes sense to me. My view is not that different from most people, it's just I have a metaphoric interpretation where they try to join the literal and metaphoric together, Yet the bible always draws my attention by what appears to be contradictions at first glance, it does the same with...