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  1. Clayman

    Does It Really Matter If You Believe In The Devil?

    Well yes and no, I would say it helps to understand how humans, and the sin nature works out in peoples lives, so if one looks at Satan's slow decline from being the highest and brightest of creation to his fall, we know what to look out for, so we can guard ourselves against sin. Also we can...
  2. Clayman

    The GAP Theory

    Exactly, darkness can be the absence of light, the true light is still being revealed. Hence darkness
  3. Clayman

    The GAP Theory

    And sometimes mountains decline or go into reverse gear, maybe I was speaking rhetorically of an average I plucked out of thin air for the so called millions of years.
  4. Clayman

    The GAP Theory

    I live closer to Antarctica they also have found evidence of a savannah under the ice there as well. took them long enough Where I live and work we have found sharks teeth in the hills and a workmate pointed out to me that this land obviously rose up out of the sea, I laughed and said an inch...
  5. Clayman

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    Thanks MM I'm finding your posts fascinating, I cant place you into a category of belief (I know we shouldn't try and pigeon hole people) Its quicker to work out ones beliefs to be able to sometimes is all, so there is a lot about what you say, I don't yet understand. When you say the...
  6. Clayman

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    To answer the first question, I guess, yes! I think myself and all other believers will eventually dwell in the New Jerusalem, which at the moment is a heavenly city and it's where our heavenly hope is. Exactly like Paul's and Peter's hope is heavenly as you quoted, to me unbelief wants a...
  7. Clayman

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    I like the fact the kingdom Daniel spoke of and Abraham looked forward too was the heavenly kingdom, as opposed to the physical kingdom where Israel rules for a 1000yrs in my opinion while full of physical blessing, is also full of unbelief, obviously so if the world will again follow Satan at...
  8. Clayman

    The GAP Theory

    Thanks, I already surmised that you had the angels created before the creation account in Genesis or maybe day 1, I was more asking and am curious at what point do you have them singing about our physical creation? Just for your interest I see the spiritual creation as a mirror of our physical...
  9. Clayman

    The GAP Theory

    Could you please be more specific about the rejoicing of God's creative efforts, I mean what exactly was created by the time the angels rejoiced at, in your view?
  10. Clayman

    The GAP Theory

    I can't believe it... There is a subliminal message in your post, that says that you did not even read all my post lol
  11. Clayman

    The GAP Theory

    I agree about Romans 8, but do you also see how that lines up with my view that this creation is in bondage of corruption, and lines up with without form and void, that there was a need for light, and with the light it creates a division with the light and the dark. And even today there are...
  12. Clayman

    The GAP Theory

    I'm not sure anyone is saying that Ezekiel is not addressing Lucifer when he is addressing the king of Tyrus, but I presume people believe that Lucifer a spirit being could enter into men and that Ezekiel was addressing both the man, that is to say the human/flesh king and also the spirit being...
  13. Clayman

    The GAP Theory

    Well yes that is also what I'm saying and also think. I think that Lucifer had not rebelled yet and that in the garden of Eden when lucifer was just created, he was perfect in his ways, had wisdom and beauty. This ties in with scripture verse Gen 1:31 Then God saw everything that He made, and...
  14. Clayman

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    When Jesus was led by the spirit to be tempted by the devil, it was to show us that Jesus could not fall into temptation. Adam failed and as our representative I think we would agree we would all fail in his position. Jesus being tempted is directed by God to highlight His perfection in contrast...
  15. Clayman

    The GAP Theory

    I do enjoy hearing your thoughts, makes things interesting for sure. I guess I see a very literal creation account that is a picture and metaphor of the whole creation. The physical is a mirror of the spiritual creation. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Fullstop. That's...
  16. Clayman

    The GAP Theory

    I just presumed that Satan was enjoying himself with all the worldly wealth, he would go and indwell the kings or rulers of the earth, and make lots of money have influence and prestige masquerading as the king of Tyre, and he was very good at it, he's had a lot of years to watch men and...
  17. Clayman

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    Thanks for taking the time and effort to answer :) appreciate the honesty. I have to admit to being a little surprised at your answer, usually those who believe one can lose their salvation hold a die hard position that only when saved are they written into the book of life. Usually those who...
  18. Clayman

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    Hi, I just started reading this thread and started from this page and saw your blank post replying to MM, so I expanded and read MM's post, which was very good until I thought he has gone cuckoo and started contradicting himself lol Just wanted to point out your response is in his quote and...
  19. Clayman

    In your opinion do you believe world is about 6000 years old

    I would, but at this exact moment I'm putting on my gears and helmet to go driving on two wheels, I cant listen to anything as I need to concentrate, everyone else out there is trying to knock me off it seems at times.
  20. Clayman

    In your opinion do you believe world is about 6000 years old

    That's great for you, glad you are so blessed, care to give some insight? as I don't have time in the soon foreseeable future to listen to them at the moment. While I like types and can see Eve as a type of the church, I am aware of the possibility that types are limited to show only certain...