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  1. Clayman

    Could earth be the center of the universe?

    I'm saying for 72 hours there was no sun to orbit
  2. Clayman

    In your opinion do you believe world is about 6000 years old

    Ill word it another way, sin is a transgression of the law which is disobedience to God. There was only one law or commandment given and it was only given to Adam, God told Adam not to eat of the tree. If a monkey ate the fruit, no disobedience, if a bird ate the fruit no sin, if Eve ate the...
  3. Clayman

    In your opinion do you believe world is about 6000 years old

    To save the woman from what? There was still no curse, no death, and most importantly no sin is yet committed! What is sin? I ask because believe it or not people do not seem to grasp the simple meaning of sin. Which is disobedience to God's Word!! If God instructs you not to kill someone...
  4. Clayman

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    He was examined by the requirements of the Law and was perfect. He was examined by Satan and was faultless. He was examined by the rulers and the Governing authority and Pilate declared him as having done no wrong. He was examined by God and God declared "This is my son in whom I am well...
  5. Clayman

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    If everyone already believed in the rapture there would be less likely to be large amounts of material to refute those opposed to the idea, just the small amounts that we have that support a catching away to be with the Lord, but then again without the help of recording devices who knows what...
  6. Clayman

    Could earth be the center of the universe?

    Well, for three days the earth did not orbit the sun! In other words when I'm taking a bath and I pull the plug 3 hours later and all my rubber duckies start gravitating towards the whirlpool, it does not mean the plug was in the centre of my bath! :LOL:
  7. Clayman

    Could earth be the center of the universe?

    Could earth be the center of the universe? Absolutely!!! From my perspective and understanding of scripture the earth and universe is a temporary state created for a short period of time, say seven thousand years all up, to accomplish one thing, for the revealing of the Sons of God, in other...
  8. Clayman

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    You are the Potter I am the clay. Mould me and make me, This is what I pray! :)
  9. Clayman

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    Totally agree, and John was the son of the high priest and his mother was also a descendant of Aaron, so he was performing the high priestly role for Israel in the Jordan in declaring forth the unblemished lamb, the lamb without sin or perfect lamb.
  10. Clayman

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    Yes they have to be real so they can convey a picture, project a shadow, give us a type so we can have allegory and metaphor. Lambs are real! When John said "behold the Lamb of God" he was pointing to Jesus the unblemished lamb of God. If Jesus held a lead and was leading a pet lamb down to...
  11. Clayman

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    I see them as true, and do you think all parables are literal? Let me explain by using another parable, where you may agree with me. Matt 13:45 "Again the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he...
  12. Clayman

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    Yes Jesus had just healed a blind and deaf man, and the religious leaders who profess to follow and know God accuse Jesus of casting demons out by Beelzebub, instead of seeing the Messiah doing Messianic signs they reject Him. The irony is that Jesus can heal a dumb man, yet the Pharisee's the...
  13. Clayman

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    To be fair I think the example you are using here that shows demons that leave and then return, is simply a parable that is putting forth a profound spiritual truth. the context of Luke 11 has Jesus condemning the Pharisees and is calling them an evil and adulterous generation. When the unclean...
  14. Clayman

    The strong man bound

    I sort of go with the traditional understanding that the strong man is Satan and his house is the world for he is the ruler of it. So the goods in Jesus eyes are people as he desires all to come to Him and to have life, he will be lifted up to draw all people to himself etc. But I do appreciate...
  15. Clayman

    The strong man bound

    Not my intention, but intuitive for sure ;)
  16. Clayman

    The strong man bound

    Nah bro, I get things wrong and will see it.... eventually
  17. Clayman

    The strong man bound

    I know others relate calling Christ or even the Holy spirit casting out devils by the power of Beelzebub as the unforgivable sin, but I relate the scribes to the same thing the devils had done, they rejected God come in the flesh, rejected Jesus who humbled himself to the point of becoming a...
  18. Clayman

    The strong man bound

    Mar 3:27 No man can enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house. What good news indeed, that we sinners are considered goods and treasures in God's eye whom God wanted rescued from Satan's house(world), We...
  19. Clayman

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    I also see it as what if God removed Satan in the 2000yr period and the 1000yr period, we then can see that sin and its desire or hold on us is the same for one and all, those who love the world and the pleasures thereof reject the truth, end up exactly like Satan and follow his path to become...
  20. Clayman

    Were Nephilim (Gen 6) judged differently by God?

    This is an interesting point that I will add to my equations, Romans 8 for example points out we have an inheritance as "Sons" and become joint heirs with Christ, and we are conformed into the image of the Son, the second Man(human). Those who were called to be Sons were also predestined to be...