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  1. H

    Where is Jesus physically now?

    Wow awesome verse!!!! Perfect! Very wise post :) Hence why Jesus said to more blessed is the one who "DOES NOT NEED TO SEE ME" and yet still "believes". :)
  2. H

    Where is Jesus physically now?

    The commandment not to make "Graven Images" is to prevent you from thinking..."oh G-d is a statute? G-d is physical? Heavens look like clouds? Angels have wings?" Not one of us knows the "realm of heaven", but we can have "parables". This is why a book like Ezekiel is so heavy. Anyone, I just...
  3. H

    Where is Jesus physically now?

    The reason why we have eyes is not actually for "seeing is believing" it is actually meant to teach us to see beyond what we actually see. If we only stop at seeing is believing like many atheist do, then you will only be able to understand a limited, flesh like world. Jesus came in the flesh to...
  4. H

    Where is Jesus physically now?

    Let's start with the simple details: 1. Our essence is a "soul" and that is a dimension that is not measurable by the physical world 2. The body is only a tool in this world (this physical lower world, there are "other higher worlds or kingdoms") 3. The reason the body and soul are mixed in...
  5. H

    Trump has tested positive for COVID-19.

    Old Toronto in the 50's-70's was very much alive, loving, vibrate and heavily into Christianity. Now....well its heavily into liberialism and do as you please. Alberta is by far my favourite province, especially the mountains! :) They make me VERY HAPPY! :)
  6. H

    What makes you HAPPY..😊😊

    Real, eternal happiness or joy, is seeing the Hand of G-d in everything that we do, every moment of life and seeing the beauty of how everything is connected by Him. It takes much time and patience but it is a beautiful thing!
  7. H

    Tabernacles - Sukkot 2020

    I have to ask, how do you know so much about this? Are you Jewish?
  8. H

    Trump has tested positive for COVID-19.

    We Canadians are only a few stages behind USA sadly. I grew up in Toronto, it is mini New York to me. The West Coast is the best coast!
  9. H


    Lol why is this even a topic....they simply are not allowed. Everyone has a right to free will but G-d says "do not do it".
  10. H

    What makes you HAPPY..😊😊

    Haha you are really nice :)
  11. H

    Trump has tested positive for COVID-19.

    As a Kinesiologist, yes you are correct. As a Believer...G-d has no limits, He can break physical boundaries when needed but we must call upon Him. For why does G-d allow/permit such things? Because He wants us to call out to Him. Abba! We Need You! So we remember who our Creator is!
  12. H

    Trump has tested positive for COVID-19.

    Lol just read your bible, be righteous and let people be people. Lead them to the Word of G-d. Everyone will have an opinion on this. I pray it doesn't happen lol.
  13. H

    What makes you HAPPY..😊😊

    Awww that is so wonderful!!! haha yes little tidbits like that can make your day!!! I am so glad to hear!!! :)
  14. H

    What do you think of Martial Arts?

    Awww you did nothing wrong. Please no one should limit you. If we don't ask questions, we never learn :) You asked a very appropriate question and some people just are very much misled or pull towards 1 small way of thinking. A wise person understands all views, all points and knows how to put...
  15. H

    What do you think of Martial Arts? how did this get so far? Plain and simple. If you learn martial arts with intents for exercise (maintain a healthy body) and even self defense or even offense if the time for war is coming (Just like the Israeli Defense Force or American Troops protecting your land), then clearly we...
  16. H

    When are we saved ?

    Why is this so hard to understand. Even the greatest of Prophets to Paul himself were all working out their salvation with Fear and Love of G-d. Why? Because lets say your 70 years old, you did everything in the book...and all of a sudden you tell your nurse she is fat and that one comment...
  17. H

    What makes you HAPPY..😊😊

    Hahahaha our names make a good duo! Nice one! Yes I am super honest, I try very hard to focus on the very basics of life! Do you know just how many miracle go into your digestive system??? Imagine if one part stopped working? We would be toast! We get too distracted by what we do not have and...
  18. H

    What do you think of Martial Arts?

    Just be careful of lyrics. It really does get into your soul. Just look at King David and how he composed His songs. I know how catchy some songs that seem "innocent" can be, but we also take in parts of their souls in us when we accept their words. Best to stay to Biblical music and even then...