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  1. H

    Today’s church’s misunderstandings

    Hi there Lion. Could you tell me why our Perfect Loving Father, would make a trap for humanity? That's pretty evil no? Or maybe we should learn to be humble, realize we are human and realize how much wisdom there is learn before we speak?
  2. H

    Does a prayer book give voice to our prayers or is it only rote?

    Absolutely correct tzadik! Now, if you really want to get deep inside those prayers, get a Jewish book to explain the meaning and reasoning behind each word in the Siddur and why it is in that order, why that phrase etc, and you will really begin to go deep. And yes, Yeshua's prayer (The...
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    Feast Of Trumpets 2020

    The Center light on a Chanakiah is called "Ner Tamid" (the eternal light). Is the highest light that lights all the rest and is always lit first. Fire is interesting, when it shares itself to multiple, it loses absoluely nothing from it's own essence. The same of any tzadik or righteous person...
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    HOME Thread for Christian Singles and Friends

    Shana Tova! Gmar Chatima Tova! Chag Sameach too you too! Very nice too see :)
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    Does a prayer book give voice to our prayers or is it only rote?

    I only brought this up, because I thought in your previous post, you were down playing just how perfect and vital the Tanakh is by saying it is used to point to Jesus. The whole world exists on the words of the Tanakh, that is why not even a dot can be erased nor will it until heaven and earth...
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    The Final Blessing of Moses to Israel DEUT 33-34

    Are you an Orthodox Convert?
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    Today’s church’s misunderstandings

    Interesting take. There are 613 Bibilcal Commands. I am interested how you you got to erasing 612 perfect laws by a perfect G-d (Psalms 19:8-12) and kept one? Most Christians think the law only means (animal sacrifices). Actualy animal sacrifices ended in 70 AD when the 2nd Temple was destroyed...
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    Tabernacles - Sukkot 2020

    You have a fair understanding of G-d's Word that is above the norm. Very good. Yes it is true, that many passages point to Jesus no doubt, but every passage has multiple layers and multiple meanings. The very first verse Gen 1:1 can be a lifetime study on its own if you possess such a degree of...
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    Tabernacles - Sukkot 2020

    Hi Flying Dove. Wow very interesting. What do you gain from Messianic Teachings personally? What is it that drives you to learn more about Judaism?
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    Does a prayer book give voice to our prayers or is it only rote?

    You have an interesting perspective on things. Why do you read from a Siddur comprised of amazing Sages/Rabbi's like Ezra and Nechamiah and see the wisdom in a very powerful Jewish text, yet not see that there is in more profound wisdom on "life" and our "purpose" throughtout the rest of the OT...
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    Does a prayer book give voice to our prayers or is it only rote?

    Hi there soggy kitten. If you are seeking a true answer to help you understand, I can certainly share to help you understand better. Have a great night!
  12. H

    What makes you HAPPY..😊😊

    Haha yes...we are certainly a strange creature. These habits come out of a form of desire and entitlement. It is something that will take most of our lives to crush. Sometimes we get a glimpse of it when we humble ourselves. If all the pieces go right, I will be making "aliyah" or moving to...
  13. H

    Does a prayer book give voice to our prayers or is it only rote?

    How did you get your hands on a siddur? Are you Jewish yourself or just exploring?
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    What makes you HAPPY..😊😊

    Yes this northern hemisphere weather is like playing spin the bottle. But Praise G-d for all seasons :) I will have to isolate for 14 days and they are currently in lockdown, that is okay, more study time :) I love Israel so much! The world is so different there!
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    Ginsberg went home

    Hahaha nice! I like your way of thinking. Any chance you are Jewish? LOL You ask good questions. We hope that abortion will get banned and we should stop those who believe in it, in an appropriate manner.
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    Where is Jesus physically now?

    Wow that is great!!! Good attitude! Keep it up! Haha and yes you probably are one of the youngest here! LOL Go do your homework now!
  17. H

    Where is Jesus physically now?

    Oh cool. You are still in High School? Wow...I feel like a dinosaur now LOL! Very nice! I hope that will end soon and you can be on your way to serving G-d more and maybe starting your own family!
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    What makes you HAPPY..😊😊

    Hahaha nice I best see that invitation!!! Haha sounds like Canada too! I hope to be in Israel by next month! So I'll have summer all the time and the Holy Land with me!
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    Ginsberg went home

    How did this subject come up to mind btw if you don't mind me asking? Btw are you from India?
  20. H

    Ginsberg went home

    There was a death penatly for Judah's sons for simply wasting much more for killing the developed life. But I am not a judge. We should have mercy on one another.