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  1. H

    What makes you HAPPY..😊😊

    My name is Happy! HAHA!!! I am Happy all the time! How? Because I do my best to focus on the smallest basic things in life. Like my ability to type, or breathe, or sing! We are so blessed to have a wonderful Father!!! YAY!!!!
  2. H

    What do you think of Martial Arts?

    Wow that is great!!! Praise G-d for your change! short another way to phrase Paul's words are "There is no neutral action". meaning we choose to make an action holy or not and some actions simply are not holy at all. Of course we all love music, but music is a huge subject that is...
  3. H

    Trump has tested positive for COVID-19.

    There is a possibility!
  4. H

    Deuternomy 22:5, how does it apply now?

    It's simple. Today we have our clothing that we adapted too. Fine. Every generation takes upon itself new trends. As long as the clothing does not indicate that you take on an opposite gender, then you are fine. There are more laws regarding modesty however, even like Paul writes for both men...
  5. H

    Deuternomy 22:5, how does it apply now?

    How much Hebrew do you know? Are you Jewish?
  6. H

    Looking for a Christian friend to grow in faith - anyone interested? From Toronto, Canada.

    I used to go to People's Church but I stopped. I think one of many important things to accomplish is studying the bible very heavily and learning G-d's word so you have a good sword in hand. Many people believe they understand the complexities of the bible, but far from it.
  7. H

    Looking for a Christian friend to grow in faith - anyone interested? From Toronto, Canada.

    Sure feel free to contact me here or I can send my email!
  8. H

    Who else here is over 30 and a virgin?

    The problem is we engage too much into the world. We really need to limit our internet, tv and social media usage and have a strong community to continue learning G-d's word.
  9. H

    What do you think of Martial Arts?

    Hahaha nice stuff
  10. H

    What do you think of Martial Arts?

    Haha Rush hour is a great movie!
  11. H

    Who else here is over 30 and a virgin?

    Yup you are right about that!
  12. H

    Tabernacles - Sukkot 2020

    Very nice!