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  1. H

    Discussion on the End Times

    I thought we were taught not to focus on the end times and esoteric things...but on bettering ourselves and learning how to love our neighbour?
  2. H

    Trump has tested positive for COVID-19.

    Like I posted early above. The bible tells us that G-d ordains and puts in charge the leaders. Ex: Pharoah. Yes you are right in a secular world, there would be a call on "personal liberty being taken away". If we only focus there, we will never solve anything in heaven. The bigger question is...
  3. H

    I worry so much about my brother...

    Awwwww! I am very sorry to hear :( I absolutely have no idea how it feels but I will keep in mind a prayer for you and your family. Know this, that G-d does everything for the Good....we just do not see the full picture. He also knows that you have a strong enough soul to go through this. Ask...
  4. H

    Yoga is Dangerous to Christianity

    Good stuff! Case closed? Time for popcorn?
  5. H

    Trump has tested positive for COVID-19.

    No worries at all! Thank you. I appreciate that! :) Very nice! When we are bored and serve no deep purpose, we tend to use our creative powers for meaningless discussions and fights. Hence all the "isms", "ologies" & "groups". When we are married, in a believing community, with kids etc, that...
  6. H

    Trump has tested positive for COVID-19.

    I never said that at all. If the government says to put a mask on, put one on, it's not hard unless you have a specific reason. My point is, not to overthink and emphasize on the "act" for acts are just fruits of the heart. Our goal as Christians is to focus on the soul, we have plenty of people...
  7. H

    How did God die for our sins, if God cannot die?

    This will go in circles like a marry-go-round until you just let her be. May G-d guide her wisdom and a clear path to see the Light! Until then, May G-d have much patience :)
  8. H

    Trump has tested positive for COVID-19.

    Absolutely! Human nature...the questions is...who will return? And Thank G-d He has patience...I need it! LOL
  9. H

    Trump has tested positive for COVID-19.

    Ah okay I respect that. Yes we are, it isn't so well. G-d doesn't bring upon such problems unless it is necessary to wake us up. So it is a sign from G-d on what we need to do. One of the consequences is "isolation", therefore when we are together, we probably were not doing so well or we were...
  10. H

    How did God die for our sins, if God cannot die?

    hahaha very nice!!! I like your random deer popping its head out of the bushes. It is great to hear from you again! I will pray for your to have a complete recovery (refuah shlemah) for you! :) G-d needs you to help others! You are tough cookie. Get out, exercise a bit, study more! The greatest...
  11. H

    Trump has tested positive for COVID-19.

    Let's hope these people repent first before the L-rd judges them. Were we really so different?
  12. H

    HOME Thread for Christian Singles and Friends

    Ah thank you very much! That is nice of you! :) That is pretty cool! How is your day today?
  13. H

    Trump has tested positive for COVID-19.

    haha those anti maskers are funny! Where do you live? In Montreal I see them all the time.
  14. H

    How did God die for our sins, if God cannot die?

    Good Morning Magenta! How are you? I hope you are feeling well and creating drawings again! :)
  15. H

    Where is Jesus physically now?

    You are young and still full of curiosity. Keep reading your bible and always ask questions. Look carefully at every word and ask why this and why that and to know if the answers are true, is when all of them fit perfectly like a puzzle. That takes great wisdom to achieve and few have it. But...
  16. H

    Does a prayer book give voice to our prayers or is it only rote?

    I could show you hundreds of passages if you’d like? Anywhere from “the Torah is a tree of life”, “my ways are ways of peace/shalom”, “not to follow leads to curses, following us blessings”. John 1 literally tells us Jesus is a walking Torah (He was the Word). That has deep esoteric meanings...
  17. H

    Where is Jesus physically now?

    Ahhhh wonderful!!! Hahaha! We all need motivation from each other! It’s always nice to be “guided” and given direction in loving ways! :) Don’t lose that as you get older now! :)
  18. H

    The Final Blessing of Moses to Israel DEUT 33-34

    Wow very nice! Your DNA test, did it show if you mom is Jewish? I wish the bible would expand more in some areas like creation or the life of Jesus earlier, and sometimes it seems like there is too much detail about something at first glance seems unimportant like the chapters on Jacob raising...
  19. H

    Where is Jesus physically now?

    Hahaha wonderful! Well if you every need someone to motivate you just call on me! Haha! I hope you do well on your assignment!
  20. H

    HOME Thread for Christian Singles and Friends

    I don’t like titles too much lol. Nice photo! I don’t know how to do them someone must teach me lol! Very nice! Hope you had a good sleep yourself!