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  1. H

    Ginsberg went home

    There should but G-d will judge them. Let us hope they repent.
  2. H

    The sin of refusing sex

    :) We shall see :) Family is so vital and today that is exactly what the satan is destroying, the family home and just look at our society, more depressed than ever and it breaks my heart :( It is a hard generation...but...Jesus tells us that these are "signs of them times" when Jesus shall...
  3. H

    Where is Jesus physically now?

    You are someone who is lighting up people's lives. You should do your best to continue to reach out to women. They need a "Sarah" in their lives, especially young ones who have little elder guidance. It is the elders than provide wisdom. Have a chatroom or email available for them. Praise G-d...
  4. H

    The sin of refusing sex

    1. One of the major reasons of the flood was for this. For is life is in the man's blood and his seed (G-d speaks a lot about seed and offspring), then we cannot use the creative power to "waste". That is equal to murder. 2. Judah's sons are the easiet example to see. The first 2 sons wanted...
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    The sin of refusing sex

    Hi Lisa! Nice to meet you. You are right. G-d loves the union and body between husband and wife. The whole concept of a family leads to communities, leads to nations and is ultimately providing "life". Without life there is no purpose whatsoever. Wasting seed is a very horrible sin and for men...
  6. H

    Where is Jesus physically now?

    What are you studying exactly? School is open where you are or just online courses? I finished my degree and I am glad not to be in a systematic school anymore lol
  7. H

    What makes you HAPPY..😊😊

    Hahaha thanks! I will leave it to you to give me a reminder! Oh wow!!! I hear it rains a lot there? True? My best friend is from London.
  8. H

    Where is Jesus physically now?

    I think you should go do that assignment you have or you will just go in circles! I am glad you have been encouraged along the way here! Praise G-d! :) I really hope you will be blessed and full of strength to serve and defend G-d & Our Saviour! :)
  9. H

    Where is Jesus physically now?

    Hahaha! I like you! Very smart answer! :) Thanks for sharing your story it was wonderful! I think we should leave Rox...I don't think it is going anywhere! You should be a teacher if you are not already. I am sure many women can benefit from you.
  10. H

    Where is Jesus physically now?

    If you study and think about your point, you will see many questions and problems arise. Again...even our own essence is NOT a body. The body is a tool used in the physical world. Hence why thoughts are so powerful and we are judged even heavier on thoughts, let alone to suppress G-d Almighty...
  11. H

    The sin of refusing sex

    1. Masturbation (I will call "x" from now on) is a massive sin, one of the biggest sins and one of the final nails in the coffin to the Flood of Noah's Generation. Gen 9:6 alludes to the life of man being inside man, meaning his seed. 2. X cleary shows you what is on your "mind" which is really...
  12. H

    Where is Jesus physically now?

    Hahaha yeah there is LOL! I guess it is not you then. Yes, being challenged with questions and non believers will help sharpen your beliefs as well, even if they push you over the edge sometimes. I am very happy to hear that G-d has blessed you and has been patient with you. G-d loves those he...
  13. H

    Where is Jesus physically now?

    People get stuck on the physical...because its what the eyes can see and the "flesh" can relate too. That is a big limitation for some and hence they cannot "see" the real meaning. Best to pray for them :)
  14. H

    Where is Jesus physically now?

    Awww that is super cool of you! That is also very nice of you to hold back from commercial gain! Yofi!! (Beautiful)! How long have you been doing this? Plus I went on a sight called LoveMagenta but I am not sure if that's you LOL. You also seem well versed in the bible. Do you study a lot or did...
  15. H

    What makes you HAPPY..😊😊

    LOL!!! I guess I will have to do that...hahaha good point! Even saying the word happy makes me happy! LOL. Great!! Where is home for you?
  16. H

    Where is Jesus physically now?

    Wow!!! Do you sell them online? You could make a business out of it or at least a website to share your creations with others! :) Wow that is so cool. Just try and avoid pictures of heavenly things, just a wee bit of advice. I am impressed nevertheless! Good stuff!
  17. H

    What makes you HAPPY..😊😊

    Hahaha Encouragement!!!! :) Nice to hear from you!!! Thank you very very much!!! How is your day going?
  18. H

    Where is Jesus physically now?

    Thank you :) aha where do you get this awesome photos? They are so nice!
  19. H

    Trump has tested positive for COVID-19.

    Ah very nice! Me too (minus NFL). I don't think I will be going. Our Country could probably support the entire world...if we could bare the cold winters LOL! But I won't be in Canada much longer so someone can take my warm house