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  1. Epiales

    Question(s) to those who believe salvation can be lost

    You go on like a contentious woman that forces the man to go to the rooftop. Just let it go. You are NOT going to get an answer to questions that are not even 'real' scenarios. I wouldn't answer your questions either. For one, I don't like ANYONE demanding anything of me, and for two, I...
  2. Epiales


    Welcome to Christian Chat! Nothing wrong with having different views. This is how we learn. When one thinks they have the ONLY truth and they 'know it all', then I believe that is when we are being deceived. God is ALWAYS providing new understanding of scripture all the time. This is why we...
  3. Epiales

    Question(s) to those who believe salvation can be lost

    ""First Kings 11:3 states that Solomon “had seven hundred wives, princesses, and three hundred concubines.” Obviously, God “allowed” Solomon to have these wives, but allowance is not the same as approval. Solomon’s marital decisions were in direct violation of God’s Law, and there were...
  4. Epiales

    Question(s) to those who believe salvation can be lost

    Laws Concerning Israel's Kings Deu 17:14 When thou art come unto the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, and shalt possess it, and shalt dwell therein, and shalt say, I will set a king over me, like as all the nations that are about me; Deu 17:15 Thou shalt in any wise set him king over...
  5. Epiales

    Question(s) to those who believe salvation can be lost

    Breath in..... Breath out .... :D
  6. Epiales

    Question(s) to those who believe salvation can be lost

    No such thing as sinless perfection. It simply states that we cannot sin b/c God's seed is within us; the Spirit. The Spirit cannot sin! We can still sin, and do sin all the time; I know I'm not perfect. Thank you Yeshua for being an Advocate on my behalf and imputing your righteousness to...
  7. Epiales

    Question(s) to those who believe salvation can be lost

    Yeah, change your name, color your hair, tattoo your body with I have no parents, disown them, say you don't have parent.... Move to another country... Can't change the fact that your DNA will always match with theirs. Spiritual DNA also applies. :D
  8. Epiales

    Question(s) to those who believe salvation can be lost

    This is the perfect truth of our spiritual position in Christ Jesus! Plan and simple and easily understood. Can't take this out of context.
  9. Epiales

    Question(s) to those who believe salvation can be lost

    "If a man abide not in me,.... Christ does not say, "if ye abide not in me"; he would not suppose this of his true disciples; Judas now being removed, to whom he may have some respect in this verse; though it may be applied to anyone who has made a profession of Christ, and denies the truths of...
  10. Epiales

    Question(s) to those who believe salvation can be lost

    How can people go to Church without believing?
  11. Epiales

    Question(s) to those who believe salvation can be lost

    What is your issue with murder? :D I am with the rest of them, not sure where you are going with all this. First u're freaked out on polygamy, and now murder. You realize you do sins ALL THE TIME? Forget Murder. As yourself if you keep on sinning, are YOU burning in Hell? Sometimes we beat...
  12. Epiales

    Question(s) to those who believe salvation can be lost

    Rev 3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
  13. Epiales

    Question(s) to those who believe salvation can be lost

    I've already explained this.... "I THINK" you would of read it. :D
  14. Epiales

    Question(s) to those who believe salvation can be lost

    Right 2Co_13:5 Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates? If you sinning and you are LOVING it... LIVING it... SLEEPING with it... And call yourself a brother... which again...
  15. Epiales

    Question(s) to those who believe salvation can be lost

    Problem is that you fail to ignore what lies before your bold words. Which is what we do mostly anymore; ignore some parts and focus on the parts that line up with our theology. Let me post it to you the way it says as well: Beware, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of...
  16. Epiales

    Question(s) to those who believe salvation can be lost

    I guess if my wife looks fat in her dress and she asks me if the dress makes her look fat?... hmmmmm? Do I lie? WILLFUL SIN!!! Easy peasy :D
  17. Epiales

    Question(s) to those who believe salvation can be lost

    People fail to mention that all the previous chapters were about SHADOWS of things to come; Mainly Christ being the ultimate sacrifice. They also fail to read this verse in chapter 10: Heb 10:11 And every priest standeth daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices, which can...
  18. Epiales

    Question(s) to those who believe salvation can be lost

    If any man is CALLED a brother... Hmmm.... I can call myself a brother all day long, but does that make me one? I can act like I'm a Christian, just so I can appease my family from irritating me with their preaching. I might even go to Church on holidays to make it even look like I'm a...
  19. Epiales

    Question(s) to those who believe salvation can be lost

    Read the last verse... I think it tells us exactly if the person was saved or not. He was not, and that it why it is stated previously kick him out so that he MAY BE saved.