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  1. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    Yeah, talking to a CHURCH is what I go with. A church houses both believers and unbelievers. Pauls talking to those that have heard the message, and they know the message, but now these false teachers are in there making a good argument, and they are wanting to go back to the law. If they...
  2. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    No, he's speaking to a CHURCH that has saved and unsaved people in it. He's told them the Gospel and what Christ has done for them. Some are not grounded in the faith. They are being swayed from what Paul had taught them, by these false teachers. This is no different than God knowing the...
  3. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    Hard to place EVERYONE in Galatian church as believers when I read this in the very beginning: Gal 1:6 I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Gal 1:7 Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would...
  4. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    Naw, when we sin it's because we 'want' to sin. Or because we just don't think it's a bad sin to begin with. Paul makes this clear when he says that he did the things he didn't want to do. That means he KNEW he shouldn't be doing them, but did them anyway = WILLFULLY doing so. Paul wasn't...
  5. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    I completely agree! I want to be righteous and show forth works BECAUSE of grace.
  6. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    I don't misunderstand sinning wilfully. Jas 1:14 But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. People willfully sin all the time because it's their own lusts.
  7. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    Amen! The Spirit of God is within us, and it will ALWAYS lead to correction and discipline. IF you don't have any, then you might think twice about your relationship with our Father in Heaven. You cannot be saved and live like the devil. The Spirit doesn't allow for this, as He is now...
  8. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    Lord, May the words that I type in public view always be for your glory, and always written with love and truth, and by the leading of the Holy Spirit that you have placed inside my flesh; thus making me the temple that you dwell in. May those that read the words be blessed and edified, as...
  9. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    And I had to reply to this again as I read over past posts. Believed enough to get saved out of Egypt? Sure, if I were a slave and I had freedom offered, I"d be going with whomever gave me that freedom. You darn right I would. I"d be like ... "Hey man, I'm coming with you dude." I'd follow...
  10. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    Amen, we have an awesome God, and it's amazing how one can fellowship with others from all across the world. Praise God for this. I hope you have been truly edified; I know I have. God's Word will always remain true, even if some don't believe it. Just as God is there, on the throne, even if...
  11. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    LOL, I was going to reply, but I figured someone would catch that :D Tankies :)
  12. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    Well, James is talking about the fruits that are a result of our salvation. It's our works that show man that we are a new creation. Several scriptures tell us that our works are not for God, but for man, so they can see God in us. I mean, God already knows we are His, so why would He need to...
  13. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    And u're right, they worshiped things other than God. There might have been some, I would think, because some do it today, that pretended to worship God so they could look as if they were part of the crowd, but never really, in their heart, love God. But mainly they worshiped idols and didn't...
  14. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    HAHA, are you reading? Or do you just not understand? Believing in God does not mean you have put your FAITH in Him.. the devil also believes but is he saved? Has he put his trust in Jesus? Has the devil put his faith in Jesus, in whom he believes in? Really, do you read anything?
  15. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    Yeah you can. You can go to Church and believe there's a God or a supreme being and then turn away from that... thus Apostatizing. What's so hard about that? People do it all the time. Read Romans chapter 1. They KNOW there is a God, but they completely reject HIM. Thus, apostatizing...
  16. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    And let's break this down even one step further.... "an act of refusing to obey a religious faith" I guess if u're not feeding the poor, clothing the naked, visiting the widows, and all that other good works we're called to do, then you yourself are not "OBEYING" your religious faith, so that...
  17. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    Not quite! :) Believers can't abandon their loyalty to Jesus Christ. And what true Christian "refuses" to recognize their faith? Get the bible translation and not mans translation too: STRONGS NT 646: ἀποστασία ἀποστασία, ἀποστασιας, ἡ(ἀφισταμαι), a falling away, defection, 646...
  18. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    Ah... so backsliding is a whole new ball game .... :) But this isn't about backsliding, it's about APOSTASY OR UNBELIEF. Plain and simple. (y) And so you know.. I'm not agreeing with you... just sayin.
  19. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    Nope, and that's why we are told to not follow their example of unbelief in the NT. If they truly believed they wouldn't have built Golden Calf's and went to idolatry. Seriously, if they KNEW GOD was the ONE TRUE GOD and that HE were their ONLY DELIVER and SALVATION, then why did they? LOL...