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  1. Epiales

    Perspective On The Law/Grace

    Well regardless of those that abuse it and put people under bondage, our liberty is still part of the life Christ has given us. I will always stand for the rights of liberty to choose without condemnation and judgment when it comes to how one wishes to worship Yeshua. To me, worshiping God and...
  2. Epiales

    Perspective On The Law/Grace

    Yes, every day is for our Lord and Savior! Whether once chooses out of 'their love and heart' to follow a sabbath day, or whether or not one chooses to rest in Him daily. We have a wonderful God. Praise YESHUA!
  3. Epiales

    Perspective On The Law/Grace

    No, what I mean by that statement is that if one "choosing" to follow the Sabbath out of love is scriptural, as we are to love God and show Him reverence. If they choose to follow any law to love Him, that fine. They choose to do so in honor of God. And doesn't scripture say to love, honor...
  4. Epiales

    Why Do Christians Ignore some of Jesus' Teachings?

    When you become "sinless" in your flesh, then I'll be glad to jump off the entire state building. Oh wait.... at that time I will have wings and be able to fly, as I'll be as the angels. Seriously, all this perfect, holy, and righteous, in reality... we ARE in Christ Jesus because we are in...
  5. Epiales

    Perspective On The Law/Grace

    It has a basis for anyone that desires to show God respect and love in choosing to do so, and THAT is in scripture itself.
  6. Epiales

    Perspective On The Law/Grace

    And that's my point exactly! It's almost an automatic judgment against anyone that does.
  7. Epiales

    Perspective On The Law/Grace

    Yeah, well I deal with this mentality on a daily basis in the chat. People that everyone knows that keeps the sabbath and festivals, knowing it's not meant for favor or salvation, as they are under grace, but because they WANT to b/c the LOVE God. If we talk with someone and find out there are...
  8. Epiales

    Perspective On The Law/Grace

    You're fine! I just see so many that want to debate or belittle someone for following it when it has nothing to do with their salvation or anything else. I just find it ludicrous for people to degrade someone or tell them they are under false doctrine/teaching and not under grace, just b/c...
  9. Epiales

    Perspective On The Law/Grace

    Problem is... There should be no debate on whether it's right or wrong to follow the Sabbath day unless it is evident one follows in order to be saved or b/c they think they MUST follow it, or if someone thinks it's wrong to follow it b/c we are now under grace. It's not up for debate otherwise.
  10. Epiales

    The Rapture of the Church is after the Tribulation

    Yup yup yup, and why I just wait for it LOL! I've been all 3 at one time or another. I realized that i don't have a clue, and probably nobody else does either. Scriptures can point to all three, so I gave up trying to figure it out for now lol!
  11. Epiales

    The Rapture of the Church is after the Tribulation

    Theologians and scholars have tried to figure this out for how many years now? I just know IF and WHEN it happens. I'm going! YAY YESHUA!!! In the meantime, I will learn all I can about the Word of God and the end times.
  12. Epiales

    Perspective On The Law/Grace

    I personally don't care and don't think God does! If you wish to set aside a day solely for Him, then why is that bad? Why does it have to be Israelite or "Christianized"? I personally translate the Sabbath as a day unto the Lord, and have no idea why anyone would be against this. Sure, one...
  13. Epiales

    Perspective On The Law/Grace

    I agree, and would say the same thing to anyone that kept it and then looked down upon someone that did not keep it.
  14. Epiales

    Sin not. Don’t watch horror movies or associate with them in any way.

    I actually think it's based on the individual. Yeah you can post scriptures on protecting your mind, this and that, etc... But I think people react differently to them than others. This might fall into this category for some: 1Co 10:23 All things are lawful for me, but all things are not...
  15. Epiales

    Perspective On The Law/Grace

    Greetings all in Yeshua, I don't make many threads on here but I was in chat earlier and someone came in and basically rebuked anyone for keeping the Sabbath; saying it was the law and if you keep the Sabbath, u're no longer under grace. That our Sabbath is now in Jesus Christ, and it is now...
  16. Epiales

    (poll) Do We Choose Him or Does he choose us?

    I know what lucifer is, I just choose to call him a demon from hell. SMH, read b/w the lines much?
  17. Epiales

    (poll) Do We Choose Him or Does he choose us?

    To question why God let lucifer live, which to me is a demon from hell no matter how one wants to view it, is, imo, an implication that God did something wrong. To ask why He would put a tree there to basically 'tempt' Adam and Eve is also an implication that God did something wrong. God does...
  18. Epiales

    (poll) Do We Choose Him or Does he choose us?

    See, the difference is.... is I don't question my God! He is GOD! He can do what He wants, when He wants, and how He wants to whom He wants. To me, asking questions like that raises doubt and raises the question if someone is truly sincere in serving this God that allowed lucifer to live and...
  19. Epiales

    (poll) Do We Choose Him or Does he choose us?

    English Standard Version