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  1. Epiales

    Question(s) to those who believe salvation can be lost

    It's interesting that when you read the last verse in the chapter that this person was a "wicked" person. Wicked is considered 'unrighteous'. This person was not saved. Thus the reason it states that he MAY BE saved. Not that he was already saved to begin with.
  2. Epiales

    Can a Christian believe in Noahs flood not being Universal?

    Explain your understanding then? Genesis 1 different than Genesis 2? Just curious as I scroll through the thread. Thanks!
  3. Epiales

    Newbie me

    Welcome Hannah, very happy that you have found this place!
  4. Epiales

    Lord's Prayer In Hebrew

    Thought I would share my version. Hope ya'll are blessed with it!
  5. Epiales

    Hey guys

    Yeah, I don't sleep much, so I understand that. Will have the 2nd Revelation study video up later this morning. Probably within the next hour or two. Then back to recording and editing again :P Got about 11 more videos to do before I get caught up on where we are at in the chat. So time...
  6. Epiales

    Hey guys

    I"m not doing much sis... Just hanging around in the forums and in the yousing room in chat. Thinking of taking a break before the bible study starts. Been working on my Hebrew last night, so still learning. Just wanted to say hi and hope u're having a blessed day. I have have turkey and...
  7. Epiales

    What does guarding our hearts look like, pragmatically?

    I would have to say love! Love is why Christ came in the beginning! Love is why God created man! Love covers it all! With love, you are doing the commandments. By love you are sharing the Gospel. By love you are doing for others as you would do for yourself. I could talk on this for...
  8. Epiales

    What does guarding our hearts look like, pragmatically?

    Yes, and that is hard to do. I fail many times in trying to show love regardless. Thank God that He is merciful and forgiving to us when we fail Him. I am learning and growing daily, as I'm sure we all are. I just hope someday that I can walk away from anyone or anything, with pride in my...
  9. Epiales

    What does guarding our hearts look like, pragmatically?

    Yes sis, and I believe many miss out on wonderful opportunities to be a witness in Christ because they are so focused on themselves that they can't see past their noses. God is made strong in our weaknesses, and when we are weak, hurt, broken hearted, then He has a reason to show Himself strong...
  10. Epiales

    What does guarding our hearts look like, pragmatically?

    Those that are the hardest to love are the ones that need the most love. Oh how I have longed to gather you under my wings" This sound like love? Does to me! Ultimately, love hurts; ask Christ! If you don't want to be hurt, then don't love... but that goes against scripture, so I would not...
  11. Epiales

    What does guarding our hearts look like, pragmatically?

    I think with all things, it's not about us. It's not about our hearts, our minds, our thoughts, our feelings, but 100 percent about HIS heart, HIS mind, HIS thoughts, HIS feelings. When we can submit ourselves to Him, knowing that it is no longer us that live, but Him that lives in us, and let...
  12. Epiales

    Angry, can't sleep, need to vent

    Because I understand feelings. We all have them! As far as comparing, it is no difference imo. We tend to say one thing is worse than another, when ALL sin is reviled in the eyes of God. So although I understand the feelings and emotions that play a part in our flesh, I also understand that...
  13. Epiales

    Angry, can't sleep, need to vent

    I totally get this! I, myself, try and put myself in other people's shoes in most situations. This is very hard to do in circumstances like these and other horrible acts committed by others. I find that it's only by the grace of God that I was not born into a household that led me to do the...
  14. Epiales

    My Best Explanation for the Trinity. Thoughts?

    Geesh everyone! It's very simple. The belief in the trinity has nothing to do with receiving salvation. I think the thief on the cross proves this. He had no idea of the Holy Spirit or anything when He believed in Christ. I think most believe in deathbed salvation here probably, so one can...
  15. Epiales

    My Best Explanation for the Trinity. Thoughts?

    Well, one can argue semantics all day. I have explained it with my understanding, thus the actual topic title "My best explanation of the Trinity." You don't like my explanation, that's cool. I see it how I perceive and understand it, and it's not modalism, regardless of our theological...
  16. Epiales

    My Best Explanation for the Trinity. Thoughts?

    Isn't that what Gnostic's claim? Some secret knowledge that others don't know about? And not calling you a Gnostic, just wonder if you are familiar with them. Anyway, as I stated, I believe in the Trinity. Some might not like my understanding or explanation, but doesn't matter to me. I know...
  17. Epiales

    My Best Explanation for the Trinity. Thoughts?

    Well, Separate in the sense that they are no longer together! I find it preposterous that you think everyone else that doesn't think like you do is a heretical thinker or teacher. Considering, the bible is not 100 percent clear on the mystery itself. "Jesus is the word, the God, the flesh...
  18. Epiales

    My Best Explanation for the Trinity. Thoughts?

    Unknowing? naw... As I stated 3 'distinct' persons. I understand what modalism is, and I don't believe in that. This is the best way I can try and understand the awesomeness of God. Ya know? In reality, NONE of us know anything about how the trinity works in the end anyway; we can only...
  19. Epiales

    My Best Explanation for the Trinity. Thoughts?

    I would have to say that I can be three things at once myself. 1. I'm a Father 2. I'm a Brother 3. I'm a Husband Now all three of these are me... in one... Now I don't even begin to understand this, as I am just a mere man and cannot split myself into three different persons, but God can...
  20. Epiales

    Oh goody another OSAS thread!

    I think these people believe that animal sacrifices were SUPERIOR to the blood of Christ... hmmm .. Kinda silly tbh...