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  1. Epiales

    Perspective On The Law/Grace

    In many posts, in context, I have made it clear that there are those that will judge and condemn if one doesn't follow the Sabbath. I have also mentioned that they need to stop doing such things too. So, in my defense, I'm not saying everyone is attacking all people who attempt to obey the...
  2. Epiales

    Perspective On The Law/Grace

    I do believe that we have the right to follow the Sabbath if we want; without judgment. But on the flip side, we have the right not to be in bondage of it if believe Christ is our Sabbath; without judgment.
  3. Epiales

    Perspective On The Law/Grace

    Ah... no worries lol... I don't have the desire nor the time to sift through other threads on this. If it is brought up during my own thread, then I will be glad to point our error on 'both' sides; if I believe one is in error. People equally have the right to follow or not follow the Sabbath...
  4. Epiales

    Perspective On The Law/Grace

    And again, I have not seen anyone in this conversation say this. If they did, I would equally deny that claim. It's not about doing for salvation, as Christ covered that aspect once and for all.
  5. Epiales

    Perspective On The Law/Grace

    I have yet so see anyone in this thread tell anyone that it's a MUST to follow the law. This is why I have not spoken about it. Have I missed a post concerning this? Now I feel the need to go back and read everything, but I do not recollect anyone telling me, or anyone else, in this...
  6. Epiales

    Perspective On The Law/Grace

    My original post was not about those that push it or belittling others for not doing so. It was in reference to those that do it b/c that is one way they honor God the Father. But to answer your statement, of course I would speak against someone forcing it upon someone else. It goes both ways.
  7. Epiales

    Perspective On The Law/Grace

    I am speaking in general. And it seems he's not listening to me either. So it does go both ways.
  8. Epiales

    Perspective On The Law/Grace

    I hope you know when I type things, it's in general, and not specifically speaking of you. I wanted to make that clear. I have no issues with you personally; as I don't know you. It's about an anti teaching about things in general. And yet again though, is it wrong to take a day aside solely...
  9. Epiales

    Things to Consider Before Attempting to Correct the King James Bible

    Hey sis, The bottom line here is when the chapter is understood in context, that God creates adversity and calamity, or woe for those that are disobedient unto Him. This is exactly what happened. The children of Israel ended up in 70 years of Babylonian captivity. This wasn't 'evil' it was...
  10. Epiales

    Things to Consider Before Attempting to Correct the King James Bible

    Not at all! I refer back to the Hebrew and Greek definitions. As stated earlier, there are at least 800+ words in the KJV that do not mean what our English words mean today. The only way to get the definition is to go back to the Hebrew and Greek.
  11. Epiales

    Things to Consider Before Attempting to Correct the King James Bible

    You're the one blinded... I don't need to go to a university, get a degree in mans theology, sit and dissect the word for days and day. I just have to know God. God is not, does not, and will never be or do evil. Simple as that. I don't need to look at dictionaries or have others tell me...
  12. Epiales

    Things to Consider Before Attempting to Correct the King James Bible

    This was about me? haha, sorry, thought it was about you :D
  13. Epiales

    Perspective On The Law/Grace

    And your whole premise is about SIN! That's why the Lamb was slain. I don't see Sabbath keepers slaughtering lambs to cover their sins... do you? You make it sound like someone that chooses to "WORSHIP" the living God is a heretic. Are you seeing what you have given? No work so that I can...
  14. Epiales

    Things to Consider Before Attempting to Correct the King James Bible

    God does not create, nor does evil... EVER! That is not 'emotion' but FACT! And u're attacks on my character have no bearing on the conversations. Nugatory, effrontery of minuscule words don't bother me as I know who I am in Christ and what the Word says about His character... And evil is not...
  15. Epiales

    Things to Consider Before Attempting to Correct the King James Bible

    Funny... when you point one finger at someone... there's 3 others that point back atcha and could be said the same thing about your perspective. I admit I don't understand everything, nor probably never will, but I won't strut around tell everyone that they brush off 'clear teachings' and are...
  16. Epiales

    Things to Consider Before Attempting to Correct the King James Bible

    I don't use carnal dictionaries to understand what a word means. Simple as that!
  17. Epiales

    Things to Consider Before Attempting to Correct the King James Bible

    The thread is about the KJV, and so I pointed out translation errors in it. That's what I"m debating. And the evil reference is in reference to just that... I'm not discussing whether or not God created evil, but pointing out in scripture why people say God created evil; based on a poor...
  18. Epiales

    Things to Consider Before Attempting to Correct the King James Bible

    There are million of people that walk about saying God is evil, created evil, and does evil; based off of the scripture that was mistranslated. I've heard it all my life, and still hear it daily in the chats. That's the point, since we are talking about the KJV!
  19. Epiales

    Things to Consider Before Attempting to Correct the King James Bible

    The issue here is bringing into question God's right to be the potter and us the clay. God does what He wants, when He wants, how He wants, and to whom He wants. We have nothing to say about that. If we believe God is evil, then something is wrong with us imo... To say God does evil, is to...
  20. Epiales

    Perspective On The Law/Grace

    This is silly! To say this about anyone who wants to love God in any fashion is contradictory to scripture. We love God with ALL our hearts, and if one wants to love God with all their heart by keeping the Sabbath, then that is their right, and decision, and nobody should tell them they are...