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  1. Epiales

    favorite coffee, late etc.

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  2. Epiales

    New here.

    Welcome to the forums and chat. God Bless you!
  3. Epiales

    Things to Consider Before Attempting to Correct the King James Bible

    You don't go into the chat often then... It's brought up quite frequently, and MANY professing Christians say God created evil. I think we may one or two in this thread that think so as well. I don't get it either.
  4. Epiales

    Things to Consider Before Attempting to Correct the King James Bible

    Yeah, and "evil" was a very poor translation.
  5. Epiales

    Perspective On The Law/Grace

    I agree.. the original שבת has many different areas; I believe 39? It would take much preparation and devotion to do so anyway. I would be in awe of someone that kept it 100 percent precisely. Not in awe of boasting of what they do, but their dedication in serving the Lord b/c of their love...
  6. Epiales

    Things to Consider Before Attempting to Correct the King James Bible

    Calamity, disaster, woe... Sounds about right.
  7. Epiales

    Things to Consider Before Attempting to Correct the King James Bible

    That's not evil... that's justice! Do you think people generally call prison evil? No, it's a system setup to deal with evil. It's again called "justice"
  8. Epiales

    Things to Consider Before Attempting to Correct the King James Bible

    Feel free to start a thread, asking, if you so desire. More than likely there are many other threads that answer that question, or is at least debated. I don't wish to hijack someone's topic.
  9. Epiales

    Perspective On The Law/Grace

    Hey there... I have heard people come in the chat and tell people if they don't follow the Sabbath then they are in violation of God's will and will not enter into the Kingdom, as they are breaking an eternal law of God. It's sad, but it does happen more than often. We are told we are all...
  10. Epiales

    Perspective On The Law/Grace

    Amen! It boils down to a heart issue in the end. Are we following the Sabbath to please Him? To make ourselves better than others? To make us think God will love us more? If any of them, then the heart is not in the right place. You follow it b/c you 'want to' to do in a way to show your...
  11. Epiales

    Things to Consider Before Attempting to Correct the King James Bible

    Point being... Those words are not translated appropriately based on the context of the text, or in the context of whom God is.
  12. Epiales

    Things to Consider Before Attempting to Correct the King James Bible

    I sure am when the word contradicts the Word itself. Take "evil" for example. Isa 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things. Well, well well! I'm so glad we have millions of Christians walking around claiming that God is the...
  13. Epiales

    Perspective On The Law/Grace

    Nowhere does it tell us that it's an expression of love to not eat pork... I will say this though... pork isn't really good for the body anyway. There are reasons for this. I love pork and I eat it all the time. Many of the commands in the Torah are for our personal benefit, and if anyone...
  14. Epiales

    Perspective On The Law/Grace

    Aight, I'll give ya that :)
  15. Epiales

    Perspective On The Law/Grace

    U're not debating, u're being judgmental about someone who wishes to keep a Sabbath day because they choose to show the Lord they love Him. Difference b/w 'debate' and 'judgmental'...
  16. Epiales

    Perspective On The Law/Grace

    Even excluding the "LAW"... Why so against someone taking a day for Yeshua? Let's completely remove a law for anyone in the Word. What's the issue? Someone does it b/c they want to? Do you celebrate birthdays? Anniversaries? Christmas? Or ANY other day? If so, then you're evil and wrong...
  17. Epiales

    Perspective On The Law/Grace

    HAHA, the Lord works all things out :D ... I had no idea it posted it twice lol Thank you!
  18. Epiales

    Perspective On The Law/Grace

    And yet again, the thread is about someone that wants to do something out of LOVE, and not for a requirement, nor for salvation. This is not a topic of 'debate'. If I wanted the 'debate' about HAVING to or NOT HAVING to, then yup, that's debatable. I am quite sure there are plenty of...
  19. Epiales

    Perspective On The Law/Grace

    Because you are doing so out of LOVE, and not REQUIREMENT! Do you buy your father a fathers day present or get them a fathers day card because you have faith in your father? No, because you love your father. Do you buy your wife roses on your anniversary because you have 'faith' in her? It's...
  20. Epiales

    Perspective On The Law/Grace

    Because you are doing so out of LOVE, and not REQUIREMENT! Do you buy your father a fathers day present or get them a fathers day card because you have faith in your father? No, because you love your father. Do you buy your wife roses on your anniversary because you have 'faith' in her? It's...