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  1. D

    Will There Be A Rapture?

    Firstly, where does that word 'rapture' come from, because it's not in the Greek manuscripts of The New Testament? It comes from a Latin translation of the Greek word 'harpazo', which means 'to seize' or 'take away'. In the KJV Bible Greek harpazo is translated as "caught up", etc. (1...
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    The GAP Theory

    I have read it... carefully. You are simply bypassing Scripture that you don't want to believe. By the time of Adam and Eve, Lucifer had ALREADY REBELLED against God in coveting God's Throne, which was Lucifer's original job to guard, as a covering cherub. So you're going to try and tell me...
  3. D

    The GAP Theory

    In other words, you have never considered the time that God showed in Ezekiel 28 with Lucifer as the anointed cherub that covereth (the Mercy Seat), and was originally in God's Eden 'perfect in his ways' before he rebelled? You mean you've never thought about that? Ezek 28:13-15 13 Thou hast...
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    The GAP Theory

    Uh, well, yeah Ezekiel 28 is... talking about God's Garden of Eden. So debate is over, as your own words has confirmed it when you said above that Ezekiel 28 is speaking about Lucifer.
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    The GAP Theory

    That's how many traditionalists interpret the Genesis 1 chapter. They see Gen.1:1 as just a summary of God's creation, and the verses after that as the details. That's still not good enough though, because what about all those Bible Scriptures I covered that are clear that God once shook this...
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    The GAP Theory

    That Ezekiel 28 Scripture though was not about the time of flesh kings, like the kings of Tyre. God is only using... the "king of Tyrus" title as a 'type'... for Satan himself in the time before... Satan rebelled. There were no flesh people back when Lucifer first rebelled in coveting God's...
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    The GAP Theory

    Well, if you're trying to use Scripture like Exodus 20:11, then you really have not disproved anything, because in 6 days God did... do this present 2nd world earth age creation. Even the fossil record proves this, because many specie of plants and animals were made extinct when He destroyed His...
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    The GAP Theory

    I still strongly disagree with your claims above. The Gap idea does not claim the earth is millions or billions or trillions of years old. That is pseudo-science that claims that. The Gap idea simply claims an 'unknown amount of time' between God's original creation of Genesis 1:1, and God...
  9. D

    The GAP Theory

    (Continued...) And further, God brings up the subject of 'nations' again when describing Lucifer's claim that he will sit in God's Throne per Isaiah 14... Isa 14:12-17 12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the...
  10. D

    The GAP Theory

    The Ezekiel 31 Parable About Lucifer In the Old World I'm going to go slowly with this, through the whole Ezekiel 31 Chapter, which is heavy with metaphor similar to Ezekiel 28 where God used the title of the flesh "king of Tyrus" as a type for Lucifer before he rebelled in coveting God's...
  11. D

    The GAP Theory

    Well, I do not teach that this earth is "trillions/billions of years" old. I only said an unknown amount of time. That could have been only 14,000 years ago, I don't know. But I certainly am not... going to be claiming that the fossil record which God left us on this earth doesn't exist. Nor...
  12. D

    The GAP Theory

    Greetings tedincarolina, I have declared God's creation from the start of my coverage of those Scriptures. I have never, ever... denied God as The Creator. So I hope you are not suggesting that I have denied that. What I do deny, are men's traditions that often go counter to God's written...
  13. D

    The GAP Theory

    What I explained from Bible Scripture does not... imply what you are claiming. The Ezekiel 31 chapter, which God again symbolically uses titles like Pharaoh and the Assyrian for Lucifer before he fell, reveals more about Satan's exalted status in God's Eden before he fell, and "great nations"...
  14. D

    The GAP Theory

    That Ezekiel 28 pointer to Lucifer was... before he fell, but by the time he is in the role of "that old serpent" with tempting Eve, he had already... fell.
  15. D

    The GAP Theory

    (Continued... 18 Thou hast defiled thy sanctuaries by the multitude of thine iniquities, by the iniquity of thy traffick; therefore will I bring forth a fire from the midst of thee, it shall devour thee, and I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all them that behold thee...
  16. D

    The GAP Theory

    The Ezekiel 28 Parable About Lucifer I have never heard explanation of the following parable from God in Ezekiel 28 taught in a Christian Church. That's too bad, because the lack of covering this means many of my Christian brethren continue to believe false pagan ideas about Satan's origin and...
  17. D

    What is the Meaning of This Parable

    Judah (or Jews of the house of Judah) are described by God in Jeremiah 24 as the good basket of figs. Jer 24:1-8 24 The LORD shewed me, and, behold, two baskets of figs were set before the temple of the LORD, after that Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon had carried away captive Jeconiah the son of...
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    Dietary laws, do you keep them?

    Peter revealed that he understood the vision of the blanket of unclean animals that God had used to point to Gentiles, and to not call any man common or unclean... Acts 10:28 28 And he said unto them, 'Ye know how that it is an unlawful thing for a man that is a Jew to keep company, or come...
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    The GAP Theory

    Part IV In 2 Peter 3, Apostle Peter spoke of there being some things hard to understand in Apostle Paul's Epistles... 2 Peter 3:14-16 14 Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of Him in peace, without spot, and blameless. 15 And account that...
  20. D

    The GAP Theory

    Part III (Continued...) The point is, that sometime in the past history of this earth, God literally shook... this earth, and all the mountains and hills trembled, and moved lightly (Jeremiah 4:24). But when was that first shaking of this earth? There's nothing mentioned about God shaking the...