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  1. D

    The GAP Theory

    Part III The idea of the Hebrew tohu (or tohuw), translated to "without form" in the KJV Bible, is actually an idea about the earth laying in a wasted state, or in corruption or vanity, as referred to in other Bible Scripture. Isa 45:18 18 For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God...
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    What is the second coming of Christ all about?

    I have to strongly... disagree. The Ezekiel 37 example is for the future when Jesus Christ returns, and the reason is because in that latter part of that Chapter it shows the gathering by Christ and restoration of the Israel which God originally promised their fathers, which is still yet to...
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    The GAP Theory

    Part II The Gap idea comes from what we are shown in God's Word about the time before Lucifer rebelled against God, and a time of God having caused a world-wide destruction upon this earth to end Lucifer's original rebellion, and then with God having refurbished His creation after that, but not...
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    The GAP Theory

    Part I Not all brethren in Christ believe in the 'new earth creation' idea which is traditionally taught about Genesis 1, and this earth being only about 6,000 years old. Some of believers on Christ Jesus believe in an 'old earth creation', that God created this earth a long, long time ago...
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    The GAP Theory

    I think it only fair to cover the Gap idea in Genesis 1 for brethren in Christ who have never heard of it nor realized Bible Scriptures about it even exists. I once asked a pastor I met if he knew about it, and he looked me sternly in the face and said, "No man showed me that, God showed me...
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    What is the second coming of Christ all about?

    That above was the John 5:25 example that happened at Jesus' death on the cross. It is also linked with 1 Peter 3 & 4 about Jesus preaching The Gospel to the "spirits in prison", and leading those who believed out, which was first prophesied in Isaiah 42:7: John 5:25 25 Verily, verily, I say...
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    Dietary laws, do you keep them?

    I'm from the Southeastern U.S., and bacon, country ham, and sausage is what I was raised on. I recall for Sunday dinner after Church at my aunt's house, we'd have fried chicken and roast beef for dinner (lunch), but for supper around 5 P.M. we'd have a breakfast type meal, eggs and homemade...
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    What is the second coming of Christ all about?

    There's actually more detail revealed in God's Word about all that. 1. Jesus returns on the "day of the Lord", the LAST day of this present world. 2. On His descent to the Mount of Olives east of Jerusalem on earth, the dead saints are resurrected first, and then the still alive saints on...
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    Will there be a fourth temple in Jerusalem?

    That Dan.11 was already fulfilled is just a theory by some, and does not align with Jesus quoting from the Book of Daniel, nor about some false idea that Dan.11:31 AOD event is a different one than the one in Dan.12. This event in Daniel 12 is the same "abomination of desolation" event being...
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    What is the second coming of Christ all about?

    Jesus did show us in Matthew 7 why those who will say, "Lord, Lord..." and He will tell those to get away from Him, that He never knew them, because... they worked "iniquity". Matt 7:21-23 21 Not every one that saith unto Me, "Lord, Lord", shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that...
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    What is the second coming of Christ all about?

    I saw the mystery of the devil's workings in this world first, it made me go back into historical writings, as one of the things Satan's children cannot prevent, is their bragging of their having done great things by their own hand. There is a trail they leave in every generation. This drove me...
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    Will there be a fourth temple in Jerusalem?

    Something else about the future temple of Ezekiel 40 thru 47: Where do you think this "house" that Lord Jesus mentioned will be? John 14:2-3 2 In My Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place...
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    Will there be a fourth temple in Jerusalem?

    Well, there's actually more that God's Word reveals about the matter, and quite a bit of it requires that one study the Old Testament Bible histories written about Israel. How many of those in Christ today do that study? The mainstream Church I was raised in certainly didn't cover much Old...
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    Apostle Paul Taught What Jesus Taught About The Rapture

    Christ's Mention of The Asleep Saints Gathered "from one end of heaven to the other." (Matt.24:31). That aligns with what Apostle Paul taught in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-16 about Jesus bringing the asleep saints with Him when He comes. 1 Thess 4:13-16 13 But I would not have you to be ignorant...
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    Dan 9:25 7 weeks & 62 weeks

    Another doctrine of men going around about the "abomination of desolation" event for the end of this world, tries to claim that the Roman army in 70 A.D. under general Titus fulfilled it when they definitely did not. Per the Jewish historian Josephus (100 A.D.), yet again, he revealed that...
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    Dan 9:25 7 weeks & 62 weeks

    The Daniel 11 Already Past History Theory About Antiochus IV: Certain doctrines of men try... to make those Daniel 11 events by the "vile person" as already having been fulfilled back in history by Antiochus Epiphanes in 165 B.C. Per the Jewish historian Josephus, who lived around 100 A.D., he...
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    Dan 9:25 7 weeks & 62 weeks

    The Daniel 8:13 phrase, "... to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot," aligns with the Revelation 11:1-2 events in Jerusalem at the end involving the future 3rd temple to be built by the Jews, as they will be the ones that worship inside it. Rev 11:1-2 11 And there was...
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    Dan 9:25 7 weeks & 62 weeks

    The Daniel 9:25-27 events of the 70 weeks prophecy are not that difficult to interpret IF... one stays with what is written there and does not forget other Bible witnesses that cement the timing of those events. And that ends all opinion to it being a theory, or speculation, etc. Here are some...
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    And God's Word actually declares (indirectly) that there will be a 3rd Jewish stone temple built in Jerusalem for the end of this world. We are given to understand that by Jesus' quote from the Book of Daniel 11:31 about the placing of the "abomination that maketh desolate" IDOL inside that...