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  1. D

    Apostle Paul Taught What Jesus Taught About The Rapture

    What Lord Jesus showed for the timing of His future return AFTER... the tribulation, is also what Apostle Paul taught about the gathering of the Church in 1 Thessalonians 4. And it is about a Post-tribulational coming by Jesus. Matt 24:29-31 29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days...
  2. D

    What did Christ mean by John 3:17?

    That's never really going to happen with commentaries and Lexicons. Those only serve as helps in Bible study. GOD Himself by The Holy Spirit in His Word is how a matter is properly understood by His servants. It takes time with prayer and study to mature in God's Word, but that is where you...
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    Question about Communion

    Definitely do not... treat it as some occultic superstitious event. The idea of communion is to 'commune', i.e., communicate, but with Whom? With our Lord Jesus Christ. It is a time to remember what He did for us by His death on the cross, for which the bread and wine are symbols for. And it is...
  4. D

    Dan 9:25 7 weeks & 62 weeks

    Daniel 9 with the 70 weeks prophecy reveals 3 Periods: 1. FIRST PERIOD: the "seven sevens" or 49 years, 454 B.C. to 405 B.C. -- begins with the commandment to go forth and restore and rebuild Jerusalem. This was 454 B.C. in the "twentieth year of Artaxerxes", who is identified with the great...