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  1. D

    Will There Be A Rapture?

    I have to disagree with that idea that Christianity is growing progressively today. It's actually at a stage today where many are leaving the Church, as attendance in the West is down. And per God's Word about the end of this world, we have been forewarned that the end will be a time when some...
  2. D

    Will There Be A Rapture?

    I only offer criticism to doctrines of men that go against God's written Word, which the Amill position definitely does. One of the biggest clues that the Amill position is false is the fact that if today were already Christ's Kingdom to come on earth, then why is Jesus not here de facto on...
  3. D

    Will There Be A Rapture?

    Many on man's Amill position try that ploy often, trying to link the Premill position with Darby's false Dispensationalism and a pre-trib rapture theory. The Bible position is Premill, that Jesus' future return and His Kingdom will be literally established upon this earth, and at that time...
  4. D

    The GAP Theory

    Lucifer's boast of Isaiah 14, which God is using against him, is about Lucifer's original claim that he would sit on GOD's Throne. Isa 14:12-15 12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! 13 For thou...
  5. D

    The GAP Theory

    Those things were made for this 'present' 2nd world earth age, and were not of His original perfect creation at Genesis 1:1 before Lucifer rebelled. See Isaiah 10, and Isaiah 30:30-33 where He points to Satan using "the Assyrian" title. God said the Assyrian was "the rod of Mine anger", meaning...
  6. D

    Will There Be A Rapture?

    I will try, and you have a nice day too. And please... read those Bible Scriptures I have covered in this Thread.
  7. D

    Will There Be A Rapture?

    I'm certain it is not me that needs to get back to their Bible and study it all, instead of just looking for pieces that 'seem' to support a false pre-trib rapture theory that crept into the Church in 1830's Great Britain. Matt 24:29-31 29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall...
  8. D

    Will There Be A Rapture?

    Yes, but relying on what God's Word actually says as written is how the dividing line will be between those who will be deceived vs. those who will remain faithful waiting on Jesus to come. Jesus warned us about the leaven doctrines of men in Matthew 16. That's a good analogy, because leavened...
  9. D

    Will There Be A Rapture?

    Are you not familiar with the warning Jesus gave us that originated from Isaiah 54 about falling to worship the wrong Christ, and not being found by Jesus as a symbolic "chaste virgin"? Did you even know that there is another Christ that comes first, and that he will be false, as per Lord Jesus'...
  10. D

    Will There Be A Rapture?

    Not clear at all, but your top list adds contradictions to written Bible Scripture. What you have failed to account for is that Lord Jesus and Apostle Paul and Peter revealed the only time Jesus returns is "as a thief" on the "day of the Lord" which God's Word shows is the last day of this...
  11. D

    Will There Be A Rapture?

    Yes, and one of the most important things you said was about recognizing the difference between 'milk' and the 'strong meat'. Many only want to hear 'smooth things' taught in Church, staying on the 'milk' of God's Word (Isaiah 30-8:18; Hebrews 5). And lot of Church systems today are happy to...
  12. D

    Will There Be A Rapture?

    The 1st century Church fathers were all Premillennialists, so what you say is not possible. Oh, and by the way, Dispensationalism of the 1800's began in Britain with John Darby's teaching of a false pre-trib rapture theory. Premillennialism does not automatically include Darby's pre-trib rapture...
  13. D

    The GAP Theory

    And the "stones of fire"? Exodus 25 already explains the meaning of a cherub that covereth.
  14. D

    God Uses Symbolic Metaphor Also

    God uses symbolic metaphor in teaching us His Word also. A metaphor is simply a figure of speech, a representation of one thing used to point to another thing. All languages use it. ("I'm so hungry I could eat a horse.") Also an analogy, or allegory, or parable. Why does God use those things...
  15. D

    Will There Be A Rapture?

    I actually don't know why you say the above, but I can only assume it's because of you are hearing coverage in God's Word at a level that you may not yet be used to, i.e., the "strong meat" of Hebrews 5.
  16. D

    The GAP Theory

    I'm not going to debate this person, brethren, but instead will prove his accusations are false. The Ezekiel 28:13-12-19 verses where God used the "king of Tyrus" to represent Lucifer in a time in His Garden of Eden when Lucifer served God, before he rebelled, is simple. And that Scripture...
  17. D

    Will There Be A Rapture?

    Yes, as those in Christ do not all have the same calling in His service. Some of us He called as teachers, which He has given proof of for me, though I still recognize that I don't know everything, and that there are other brethren way ahead of me in their knowledge of God's Word. For some...
  18. D

    Will There Be A Rapture?

    1 Thess 3:13 13 To the end he may stablish your hearts unblameable in holiness before God, even our Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all his saints. KJV That 1 Thess.3:13 verse does not establish a Pre-trib Rapture theory which is from men. And per Zechariah 14:4-5, Jesus...
  19. D

    Will There Be A Rapture?

    Well, there will be a "thousand years" reign by Lord Jesus and His elect first once Jesus returns in our near future (Revelation 20). God's Word in Zechariah 14 even shows that after Christ's future return, the leftovers who will have come up against Jerusalem (i.e., battle of Armageddon), will...
  20. D

    Will There Be A Rapture?

    I'm sorry brother/sister, I cannot go with that kind of attitude, as I'd be doing Christ a disservice if I agreed with it. When Christ gave us plain and simple Bible Scripture to know in what order of events to expect His future return, even how... that is to happen, He meant it, as written...