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  1. D

    Will There Be A Rapture?

    To be honest, I do sometimes feel like I'm 20 years old; my spirit does I mean. As for warning, one of the major Biblical warnings I see missing on most Christian forums today is the warning about the coming false-Messiah to Jerusalem to play The Christ.
  2. D

    Will There Be A Rapture?

    I understand what you are saying, but what I'm saying is that a lot of the 1830's pre-trib rapture scare tactics about the "great tribulation" being all out war and chaos eventually bled over into the majority of non-pre-trib rapture denominations. I much agree with about Satan and his host...
  3. D

    Will There Be A Rapture?

    I don't know how in the world you get that. I'm 69 years old. The majority of brethren in my age group that I know, and who don't care about the coming "great tribulation", are usually on the man-made pre-trib rapture doctrine. That's an idea they teach, to not worry about it, because "you're...
  4. D

    Will There Be A Rapture?

    Most of that is a Pop notion that actually comes from the Pre-trib Rapture authors, like Hal Lindsay and Tim LaHaye. Their interpretation of the "great tribulation" is a fleshy all out WWIII, destruction doctrine pumped up to try and scare their believers so much as to make it easy for them to...
  5. D

    Will There Be A Rapture?

    Well, that kind of reasoning does not work in my case, because I'm almost 70 years old. I am not showing these Scriptures in God's Word that proves Christ's coming is AFTER the tribulation to gather His Church, for my own sake. And who says it won't happen in my generation or Bob's generation in...
  6. D

    Will There Be A Rapture?

    Well, your last statement just crossed the line showing me that you do not actually represent what God's written Word says, because you just called it "foolishness". I do not care if you heed what God's Word says as written or not, that's your choice if you want to be deceived by servants of...
  7. D

    Settling the Elect and Predestination Question

    The following Scripture is Lord Jesus' prayer just before He was delivered up to be crucified. In it He points to the idea of ownership of one group of servants that originally belonged to The Father, which The Father gave to Him, these being Christ's Apostles. Then Jesus mentions a second group...
  8. D

    Settling the Elect and Predestination Question

    There's been a long-standing debate over the question of Christ's elect and the idea of Apostle Paul's predestination idea, and what Lord Jesus said about some being chosen, while others are called. In the following example, Jesus shows about His "very elect" (Greek kai elektos). Matt...
  9. D

    Will There Be A Rapture?

    By your words above, I have to think that you believe in the man-made false doctrine called 'Once Saved, Always Saved', that some beth-avens (houses of vanity) preach today against God's written Word. You show obviously that you haven't read that much of Apostle Paul's Epistles, or that you...
  10. D

    Does It Really Matter If You Believe In The Devil?

    You definitely need to study The Bible more and quit listening to the Occultists who obviously have influenced your errors of thinking. Today's secret initiate fraternities represent Satan's host. Some of them even claim that you have to be a Christian in order to join. What better way for...
  11. D

    Does It Really Matter If You Believe In The Devil?

    That method is a pagan Occult practice and no true Christian should ever be found practicing it. It is of the Occult esoterica because what that practice is actually trying to do is to communicate with the Cosmic, intentionally interrupting one's own thought process in hopes that some kind of...
  12. D

    The GAP Theory

    Yeah, I've heard all those type of claims before, nothing new for braggers that are looking for status among God's people when God did not call them. Christ's elect don't brag about how smart they are or how correct they 'feel' they are, or how long they've studied or served God.
  13. D

    Will There Be A Rapture?

    Because it means falling away to worship another in place of Christ, which is what the word Antichrist actually means per the Greek (i.e., the 'instead of Christ', or 'in place of Christ'). And those who fall away to that one in place of Christ will thus be subject to the following when Jesus...
  14. D

    Will There Be A Rapture?

    Firstly, the tense of the Matthew 24:23-26 Scripture is SINGULAR, so the KJV translators really did not properly translate Greek pseudochristos which is meant in the singular tense. Here's why it is about a singular false one... Matt 24:23-26 23 Then if any man shall say unto you, "Lo, here is...
  15. D

    The GAP Theory

    Sorry to say, but you are in error about that Genesis 1:2 "without form, and void" meaning per the Hebrew tohu va bohu (See OT:8414 and OT:922). So you have not flushed out anything involving that Scripture, so I will not tolerate your fibbing that is clearly in order to deceive the Biblically...
  16. D

    God Uses Symbolic Metaphor Also

    OK brethren in Christ, if you haven't understood God's METAPHOR He used in Isaiah 54:1 about the barren woman having more children than the married wife, the matter is very simple and is connected to the virgin symbols Lord Jesus and His Apostles used in The New Testament Books. Per 2...
  17. D

    God Uses Symbolic Metaphor Also

    Why do you contradict what Jesus said there in Luke 23 with quoting from Isaiah 54? It's clear that you have not actually read the Isaiah 54 Scripture. Ask yourself, is the following verse meant in the literal sense about the barren woman having more... children than the married wife? Isa...
  18. D

    God Uses Symbolic Metaphor Also

    You'd be surprised to know what a lot of today's Churches won't tolerate being taught them from The Bible.
  19. D

    Will There Be A Rapture?

    The Greek word harpazo ("caught up" in 1 Thess.4:17), does not have... to be present in those Matthew 24:29-31 and Mark 13:24-27 Scriptures to know Christ was speaking of the day of His future coming to gather His Church. If I'm talking to you about soldering wires with a soldering iron, what...
  20. D

    Will There Be A Rapture?

    My quote of what Lord Jesus Christ said in that Matthew 24:29-31 Scripture is definitely not... my "theology", which that word suggests it's an idea that came from me personally, or that I created it. No, Lord Jesus said what He said in that Matt.24:29-31 Scripture, so no man can simply claim...