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    My answer to you is "Yes, of course." It's God's Word, spoken and written.
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    Navigating church culture

    1. Did you join a small group in Hillsong Church? That's where deeper fellowship takes place in my large church. By the way, with what doctrines did you disagree? 2. Why do you need to listen to people's advice with which you disagree? 3. If you study tithing in the Bible, you will see that...
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    * Trigger Warning* Biblical clarification re: suffering abuse

    I think that the Scripture, "Love your neighbor as yourself," says separation to protect yourself is acceptable. God says we must love ourselves to avoid letting the spouse destroy our emotional and physical health. That verse also gives us the need to always be praying for the abusing spouse...
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    In your opinion do you believe world is about 6000 years old

    Your studies assume that the geneologies do not skip generations in order to present the names that the writers wanted to highlight. For example, Matthew's geneology certainly does that very thing. Don't assume that the geneologies are modern writers' listings; the biblical writers don't list...
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    For God is Not the God of Dissension.

    Denominations mostly resulted from the variety of countries they originated in. It's confusing only if we think we're better than members of other denominations. In America, I see mostly positive attitudes about other denominations' doctrines and practices, even while we may disagree on less...
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    A reasonable question

    Of course, you mean Job 1 and 2. Satan was not granted "every power God had." He was granted very limited power to attack Job's family and wealth and then his health. God limited him from killing Job, even though Satan had that power. Of course, Satan was fallen because he causes the devastation...
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    Does Hell Exist?

    I wouldn't trust the encyclopedia about any statement concerning biblical truth at all because biblical definitions and statements are very different from biblical ones. Here's my understanding of the Bible's teachings about hell. 1. When unbelievers die, their souls are judged and sent sent...
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    Sexual Sin?

    Looking at your wife lustfully is not a sin, because it wouldn't be adultery.
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    The Israelis set for new Jewish temple on Al-Aqsa site

    1. Refresh my memory about the scriptural basis of believing there will be a third temple. 2. Could the "third temple" be Paul's description of the church as a temple with Jesus Christ the chief Cornerstone?
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    Many Mansions Sermon: Meant for those who are alive in Christ

    Are you saying that Jesus and Christ are two different Persons? If so, they are really two different names. "Jesus" is his personal name; "Christ" is his regal name showing his power as the King and Ruler of his people and the universe. The Gospel of John sometimes has at least two layers of...
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    What did He see?

    Obviously, before he took on human flesh, the Father made all things and humans through the second Person, who later became Jesus, with the Holy Spirit's power. The Father, he, and the Spirit as our ONE God work together to create the universe, save his people, and help them grow to be more like...
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    Christ kept the Law of Moses, so....

    First, I hope you mean after we have been saved by grace through faith in our daily lives in the power of Jesus' resurrection. Second, Jesus fulfilled the law perfectly on the cross by replacing our poor following of it with his perfect obedience. Third, he did away with the external form of...
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    There is another interpretation that you might consider. In the Thessalonians passage the word "meet" was actually used for townspeople who would go out to meet a visiting king and welcome him back to their town. Combine your passages with Revelation 21 and 22, where God makes a new universe...
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    Can Correct Doctrine be Found

    I agree with you that homosexual marriage is very unbiblical because of the list in Romans 1 and other places in Paul's writings as well as Sodom and Gomorrah. Genesis 1 and 2 also clearly show what God's will is regarding marriage. The Trinity is shown very clearly in the Gospel of John. In...
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    Knowing the Father

    No, if we know the Father, we also know Jesus and the Holy Spirit because the three are one God. In the Bible, knowing someone means to love them intimately and personally. Therefore, Christians know the 3-in-1 God personally. See
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    Noah’s ark and faith

    "The very first child they had murdered"? Oh, you don't mean Adam murdered his first child but Cain murdered--not clear! The line from Adam through Seth was a believing line (for example, Enoch), not perfect; we're all sinners, as you point out. The line from Adam through Cain was an unbelieving...
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    Noah’s ark and faith

    Where in the Bible do you find that he "prophesied about the Second Coming of Christ"? I don't find it there. And how do you know that his ascendence points to the Rapture, as you put it? Of course, Elijah ascends to heaven in a chariot. Are we going to ride chariots to heaven too? I'm not...
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    Why do I get so angry?

    The healthiest way to calm our anger down, I've found, is to express it to God in persistent, private prayers. It's called lamenting, but it's not in our western culture. God taught it to me through the laments in the Bible (Job 10; Psalms 6, 22, 37, 88, and many other Psalms; Habakkuk; and, of...
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    Is personal prophecy scriptural?

    I would always test a "personal prophecy" by the teachings of the Bible; that was Moses' test that he gave us from God in addition to whether it comes true. Even then, Satan loves to give us counterfeit signs. Staying with the Scriptures is the safest way and be skeptical of "personal prophecies."