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    Here It Is! The Big, Honkin' List of Everything You are Looking for in a Spouse. :)

    One who has flaws and weaknesses just like me but, for some amazing reason, I do not look down at any previous believed flaw. The reason is so I can learn to love unconditionally. If there is anything that I will not accept, I flirt with inflating myself worth.
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    its not faith

    Seek first the kingdom!
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    Bible Question Adam and Eve The tree of knowledge?

    I agree that fruit has dual meaning. Fruit is sweet and satisfying but what is more satisfying?
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    Bible Question Adam and Eve The tree of knowledge?

    Elaborate? What are you saying?
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    Bible Question Adam and Eve The tree of knowledge?

    I have read the Fall soooooo many times because I see it as essential to understanding truth and sin. Adam as 1 person knew the truth but, when the woman was made, a part of his complete self was separated. So questioning them separately leads to half truths. Amazingly without being told what...
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    Flat Earthers

    If the world was flat, which way would be East?
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    Why do you want to get married?

    Because as life goes on, I recognize that without someone who has the ability to make me strive to grow in all aspects, I will succumb to the desire to be lazy and look for desires of the flesh to satisfy what I am missing. I believe when marriage is right, it has the ability to make both...
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    Two Marys?

    Agreed, I just read Mark again and wondered the same thing. I believe it has something to do with showing the continuation of the Trinity on Earth. God, Jesus and Holy Spirit for the trinity in heaven but on Earth, all men come from women. As men on earth, a woman can hold 3 levels of...
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    overcome sin

    Think of this is rational thinking. Can 2 people drive the same car?......Unless we agree on the exact route we must go, we will constantly be battling each others path of travel. 1 has got to yield in order for them to get to where they must go. In life, if we want to full fill our destiny...
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    lord is among us

    Anyone sensing judgement from a poster in this thread?
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    lord is among us

    Please elaborate! Your sarcasm was laid on too thick. :)
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    Resetting the mind

    Read King Solomon's quest for earthly pleasures. He pursued every earthly desire and recognized how meaningless it was. In 2019, how we are seen from others should not override how we are seen by God. People may not be able to know your deep secrets that you keep concealed but when you are a...
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    Resetting the mind

    Read King Solomon's quest for earthly pleasures. He pursued every earthly desire and recognized how meaningless it was.
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    lord is among us

    Explaining personal signs to another, to fully understand, is VERY hard to do. I think the reason for this difficulty is because, if your vision had the ability to make others believers, the holy spirit's guidance wouldn't be needed. I believe that personal signs and directions are revealed to...
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    Funny stories in the Bible

    My opinion: A young person’s aspirations of becoming a lawyer can be rooted around the money that usually goes with it but, when they see that word first hand and the dilemma of defending someone where your gut says they seem guilty must be very hard. The movie, Devil’s Advocate shows this...
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    Funny stories in the Bible

    I am with you!!!! *Truth is funnier that fiction* :)
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    Funny stories in the Bible

    Can you imagine Adam looking at a naked woman tempting a man? A man's mind can lose thought if he allows it. Also remember, the woman did say, (NIV) "We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden" We implies 2
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    Funny stories in the Bible

    How Adam knew within that the one he was looking for was right in front of him and he needed no outside proof to confirm it. He knew within, just an inner sense.....No one told him she came from man but he knew it. Why is that funny? Because I have been one to also look for outside...
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    Is the Bible Still Relevant Today?

    People are so diverse and different in the things that matter very little. However, we are all exactly the same in the area that matters the most......Country to country, love is the foundation for all.
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    Hearing God's Voice... ? Help?!?!

    Something I noticed through my years of life is: It is EASY to show love to someone who you don't know and appears in need of immediate help. (Not discounting your help) It is HARDER to show love for your immediate family. It is HARDEST to understand love from above within yourself.