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  1. T

    After His Kind part 2

    As I can see, you study Genesis a lot just like I do.... Some points and things that stick out to me are: #1 After they ate, try and hear God asking the woman in a calm voice instead of like, "WHAT IS THIS THAT YOU HAVE DONE?" #2 After they explain their reason for doing so, God speaks to the...
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    Were any of the disciples married when Jesus chose them?

    I am in the process of learning the Bible more and more and wondered if anyone more knowledgeable about this can answer this? Did any become married at anytime?
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    Bible discussion, Anyone else think........?

    That everyone’s efforts to help someone else see scripture from how you understand it is, although lined with good intentions, it cannot do anything? I have seriously wondered that even if I understood the bible entirely, which I don’t and, may never be able to connect all its magic in my...
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    ❤What type of person do u like ❤

    What if you got that desired girl and an unexpected accident disfigured her physical beauty? Would you leave? This I think is a very good question for all guys who wonder if they are marrying the right girl. A quick yes is a telling sign.
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    ❤What type of person do u like ❤

    Tell me one reason why that expression seems impossible? The balance of male to female is basically 50/50.....Some stays have it slightly off from that but with that knowledge, who do you think keeps the balance? And why? Even if some guy was in a wheelchair from birth, there is also many...
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    ❤What type of person do u like ❤

    Do not try and adapt your 100% uniqueness to anyone or any perceived image of success. I know it is difficult to stay idle when it appears that changing who you are can have better results and it may but, if you want BEST results, be true to yourself and be you. No one in this world can walk...
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    Married Single Parent, When You Can't Help

    A suggestion: Set up a camera in the home, when the situation becomes overheated like it has, record that and save it to show him what he looks like from the outside looking in...In high emotional states, we validate the actions in our own minds but from the view of everyone else, the sight can...
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    A Personal Relationship with Christ: Its Basis in Scripture and Experience

    As someone who went through an 8 year opiate addiction and rehab and was released from it through submission and faith, I questioned how so many others were unable to dig deep in their faith? I am someone who likes to help people if I am able....What I learned from my experience and talking is...
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    Did mis-treatment of woman begin with Adam?

    Blame game, ha! I tried that for so many years in countless courts and the tide didn’t turn until I faced jail time.(Not involving a woman, my own faults). After I just stopped blaming and accepted my foolishness, the tide began to turn. Also notice in Genesis, God formed judgement on 3. The...
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    Did mis-treatment of woman begin with Adam?

    So you interpret the woman’s sight as spiritual sight and them both eating the fruit as earthly eyes opening? So if their earthly eyes where closed when they entered the garden, how was either supposed to know where the middle was? All good, I enjoy debate and pondering. 🤔
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    Did mis-treatment of woman begin with Adam?

    So explain how the woman decided to eat because the fruit was pleasant to the SIGHT, means?
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    Did mis-treatment of woman begin with Adam?

    Just like a child doesn’t KNOW what hot means until he actually touches a stove. He had eyes to see her, right? Clothes were made AFTER they sinned.
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    Did mis-treatment of woman begin with Adam?

    Really? An English written word, is clear in definition? The definition is clear cut, black and white and impossible to define any other way? All should see things exactly the same if that were true. Here is a challenge, Let’s everyone on the forum, go out and get a GREY shirt. Let’s...
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    Did mis-treatment of woman begin with Adam?

    I believe that when part of Adam was taken from him and made into 2 beings, the prior truth he once knew was blurry. (No excuse) But the thought of seeing a naked woman can distort a man's sense of right and wrong. God made the woman beautiful to the eye for a reason.
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    Christian’s days compared to Jewish days

    I agree totally.... What you look at is not important, what you see is. If I told you I see that blonde girl as pretty, does that make it true?.... To me it is but, if another person disagrees, to him it is not. On speaking about spiritual truths, even harder.....How could a couple in love ever...
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    Christian’s days compared to Jewish days

    You reality is your reality...No one can say what you see is wrong. A good quote is life makes sense looking backward but it must be live forwards.
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    Christian’s days compared to Jewish days

    All the major religions have 1 common belief that joins us all. We believe in a power greater than ourselves. The minor differences are just the same as people who were different clothing or different haircuts. As long as hate for others isn’t there and we can be respectful of minor...
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    Bible Question Adam and Eve The tree of knowledge?

    I read Genesis 3 again and a question comes to mind: #1 How was the man supposed to know which tree was in the midst(middle)? Yes, he probably should have asked the woman where that came from but she had the same dilemma. Middle was not defined to either. I have my own thoughts but want to...