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  1. Snackersmom

    How is the single life for you as a Christian?

    Hi KBeef, welcome to CC! For most of my 20's I wasn't content with singleness and neglected my relationship with God because of it. But I have come to realize it's not so bad, and can be a blessing in some ways. I like that I don't have to ask permission from anyone but God, and I don't have to...
  2. Snackersmom

    Hi Woodlandgardner, I love your screen-name! Welcome to CC, and I will say a prayer for your...

    Hi Woodlandgardner, I love your screen-name! Welcome to CC, and I will say a prayer for your husband as well <3
  3. Snackersmom

    Youth Mission Trips

    Hey y'all, full disclosure I'm not ordained or anything, but I do assist our youth pastor and his wife with lesson and activity planning, special events, chaperoning, and just in general try to fill in where needed in our church's youth ministry. I really love it! Anyway, I'm looking for input...
  4. Snackersmom

    I've always wanted to ask.......

    Thanks Miss Pipp! and I'm curious about your username too, is it from Lord of the Rings?
  5. Snackersmom

    Hello! :)

    Welcome to CC, Mal! 🥳 I hope you enjoy your time here 😊. I admire your resolve to go against what your family expects of you, that can take some real fortitude! 💪 I'm curious about your screen-name, I believe malachite is a green semi-precious gemstone. Are you a rock collector? 💎
  6. Snackersmom

    I've always wanted to ask.......

    lol that makes a lot of sense! Thanks for sharing :cool:
  7. Snackersmom

    Question about Experience

    Hi Zanzoken, I think Burn 1986 is correct, and I thought it worthwhile to post all of Philippians 4: 6&7 6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all...
  8. Snackersmom

    Seoulsearch Tries To Date Multiple People At Once -- Ending In Epic Failure!

    That is how I felt exactly! Except in my case, I spent my teens and 20's (and most of my 30's) thinking that casual dating was a mortal sin. :rolleyes:. But I was definitely holding out for the magic and expecting some sort of "whammy". Then when it came (the "love at first sight" instance I...
  9. Snackersmom


    I was also thinking what a lovely smile you have, Miss Fortunate! :giggle: I hope you enjoy your time here. Would you care to share anything about your life, faith, calling, etc? :)
  10. Snackersmom

    I've always wanted to ask.......

    @seoulsearch -I totally get it on the flying thing...we'll just have to send you on the Seoul-train! I hear it doesn't need tracks, so you can take it anywhere you want to go :cool:. And thanks about the observation/memory, I do have a really good social memory but I forget that it's not...
  11. Snackersmom

    Are there any natural remedies for extreme neurapathy pain that actually work??

    I am so sorry you and your husband are going through this, I will pray! I know you want a miracle and that is what I will pray for, but I thought it worth mentioning epsom salts as well. They are very inexpensive and very effective for nerve pain. Might be worth a try if his doctor isn't...
  12. Snackersmom

    I've always wanted to ask.......

    @Magenta -Thank you so much, I really appreciate what you said! Alas, I also have no wisdom but what I have been granted...but I did ask Him for whatever He would grant, and the wisdom to wield the wisdom wisely lol :LOL:. Every now and then one of your posts makes me do a double-take, like when...
  13. Snackersmom

    I've always wanted to ask.......

    Lol, this caused a lot of confusion back in the day when I first signed up here.... I'm not really a Mom. Snackers was a project in a college ceramics class. He seemed to have a lot of personality so I joked that he was my first child and worked it into my screen-name. But later I noticed that...
  14. Snackersmom

    I've always wanted to ask.......

    Ok, I'll ask the first questions..... please forgive me if any of these are too nosy, nobody is obligated to answer! @Susanna -what kind of motorcycle do you ride? @Magenta -can you share a random bit of wisdom from your life's experiences? @Lynx -what food do you most regret trying...
  15. Snackersmom

    Seoulsearch Tries To Date Multiple People At Once -- Ending In Epic Failure!

    Lol, it's just one of those threads where you can post random questions to random members. I remember we had one of those back in the day before I left for a decade and it was really fun! :giggle: I do have another one in mind that's more of a deep psychological dive into Christian culture, you...
  16. Snackersmom

    Seoulsearch Tries To Date Multiple People At Once -- Ending In Epic Failure!

    Hi Sean, I'm not the most talkative knife in the drawer, I read a lot more than I post :). Eating dinner right now and popped in to see if the thread I started is up for posting yet (It isn't!). Hope you had a good day though! :giggle:
  17. Snackersmom

    I've always wanted to ask.......

    I posted a thread just like this back in the day, and it was really fun! I loved finding out random things about people :giggle:. Seemed like it's time to bring it back because we keep derailing other threads with chit-chat and making @Lynx and @stingray72 uncomfortable with our "girl talk"...
  18. Snackersmom

    Does the Bible ever say to beat kids?

    Hi Miss Mary, it's good to see you! :giggle: Cameron already quoted Proverbs 22: 15, but I'm going to comment on it as well if that's ok: 15 Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child; The rod of correction will drive it far from him. In our modern post-agrarian society, we see that...
  19. Snackersmom

    Seoulsearch Tries To Date Multiple People At Once -- Ending In Epic Failure!

    Can't tell if just messin' or actually trying to trigger my issues lol :LOL::unsure:
  20. Snackersmom

    Mat 7:22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils?

    Hi notmyown! :giggle: I definitely believe that the adversary has power and can lend it to people to do things that look impressive (which is probably what was going on with Pharoah's magicians) (y). That is why we are told to "test the spirits". However, although I am not an expert on...