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  1. Snackersmom

    Please Don't Say "Hi" to Me -- Because I Might Fall Hopelessly, Instantly, Obsessively in Love With You!

    You know, that's a great idea, I'd maybe go for that! :D Ok maybe not :eek:
  2. Snackersmom

    The Singles Forum Hosts a Church Potluck! (Everyone From Every Area of the Forum is Welcome!)

    Well, you could adjust to it slowly by pairing it with your signature dish....voila......Bearritos! :cool: Hope I can't get banned for bad puns, if so I'm toast...........
  3. Snackersmom


    Hey Albanzas, I'm glad that you are here! I definitely agree with what Brian Parsons said about talking to your parents about your concerns. I don't know how old you are, but if you are underage and still living with them then I think it's good and Biblical to honor their wishes as much as...
  4. Snackersmom

    The Singles Forum Hosts a Church Potluck! (Everyone From Every Area of the Forum is Welcome!)

    Well, bear tastes like a cross between beef and pork.... but I think you said you don't like pork either? :unsure:
  5. Snackersmom

    The Singles Forum Hosts a Church Potluck! (Everyone From Every Area of the Forum is Welcome!)

    The closest I can compare it to is a cross between chicken and shrimp. But different parts of the turtle have different tastes, kinda like the difference between white meat and dark meat on a chicken or turkey.
  6. Snackersmom

    The Singles Forum Hosts a Church Potluck! (Everyone From Every Area of the Forum is Welcome!)

    Any idea if the taste is comparable to snapping turtle? Those suckers are tasty! Always wanted to try gator too.
  7. Snackersmom

    Please Don't Say "Hi" to Me -- Because I Might Fall Hopelessly, Instantly, Obsessively in Love With You!

    THAT^^^ is a major reason why I find the thought of dating sites so exhausting. I seem to be a magnet for that kind of thing. Or maybe it's something all ladies (and gentlemen? :unsure:) deal with?
  8. Snackersmom

    How To Even Meet Someone?

    No apologies, Sir! That post cracked me up :ROFL: Maybe the tobacco withdrawal is just helping you to be more yourself :p. Here in "singles" we're pretty accustomed to sarcasm, most of the hyper-literal peeps are stuck over in the Bible discussion forum. Keep those sardonic quips coming! :cool:
  9. Snackersmom

    A Water Level Measures Level Water! Is There Anything Which Can be Used to Detect Curved Water?

    Just curious.... does the "flat earth" theory state that the sun and planets are also flat? In that case they would have to be tipped on their sides directly facing us at all times in order to appear round 🤔
  10. Snackersmom

    Pray for my wife

    Will pray! A tablespoon or two of apple cider vinegar taken daily after the antibiotics are finished might help keep the UTI away. :coffee:
  11. Snackersmom

    Favorite Bible verse/verses.

    1 Peter 5: 7 "casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you." I have a tendency to carry a lot of stress and worries and feel like I have to figure everything out on my own. I'm embarrassed to say that it can be very easy for me to forget how much God cares and provides for His kids...
  12. Snackersmom

    How Do Christians Date Without Viewing Their Potential Prospects as Sex Objects in Their Minds?

    This is very true, and makes me very selective about who I ask for advice. Well-meaning church peole who think they know more than they do cause way more havoc than they realize. That awareness restrains me from posting 98% of what comes to mind when reading on these forums. It is also telling...
  13. Snackersmom

    Do fake hair really a bad think for Christians?.

    Hi Rapture, I think we can apply 1 Corinthians 8 to wigs as well as food that may have been offered to idols: 4 So then, about eating food sacrificed to idols: We know that “An idol is nothing at all in the world” and that “There is no God but one.” 5 For even if there are so-called gods...
  14. Snackersmom

    Not So New...

    Hi Ruth, good to have you here! I don't think it's wrong to question what you've been told, it sets you up for a firmer faith built on actual experiences with God. And sometimes we find that what we've been told isn't 100% correct, or is just traditional Christian culture and not actually in...
  15. Snackersmom

    What's in a dove?

    If your question pertains to the choice of a dove as opposed to a different kind of bird, I can answer it from the perspective of one who has raised and kept many doves. They are extremely gentle creatures who are very loyal to their homes and mates. When they fly their wings whisper softly...
  16. Snackersmom

    The Tiny, Two-Letter Word That Will Help You Find the Woman of Your Dreams

    Yay I'm on the list, right after shoes and ear hair! :p Lol just messin' with ya ;). I will await your reply. And please understand that I don't mean you any ill-will and I'm actually glad that you're here :). I don't agree with everything you say but I support your right to say it, and I do...
  17. Snackersmom

    The Tiny, Two-Letter Word That Will Help You Find the Woman of Your Dreams

    Thanks Miss Seoul, yes I have been doing some reading in other threads and I agree with your observations :cool:. The thing is, merely ignoring those who disagree with you is one thing, but deflecting by making up some unfounded criticism of your own and trying to make everything the fault of...